>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump flies through a flock of birds on Marine1 12/21/17
>Pres Trump visiting the wounded @Walter Reed 12/21/17
>Pres Trump wishes Merry Christmas to everybody 12/21/17
>Pres Trump departs WH en route to Walter Reed Hosp 12/21/17
>VP Pence in Afghanistan 12/21/17
>VP Pence makes surprise trip to Afghanistan 12/21/17
>AG Sessions @Flight 103 memorial 12/21/17
>UN Amb Haley BTFO of UN 12/21/17
>KAC on F&F 12/21/17
>VA Sec Shulkin end of year message 12/21/17
>HUD Sec end of year message 12/21/17
>House Spkr Ryan hosts GOP Enrollment Ceremony on Tax Bill 12/21/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather, Dep Asst Sec Lenderking on Yemen) 12/21/17
>StateDep Press Brief Pres Envoy McGurk update on defeating isis 12/21/17
>WH Video: POTUS Stmt @Tax Reform passage 12/21/17
>Pres Trump/VP Pence/GOP Tax Bill Passage Celebration 12/20/17
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What political thing do you want for Christmas, user?
Drump in JAIL
I want Santa to make you stop posting this
Muller being arrested by the FBI for conspiracy.
OK how do I blow up my iPad? Can't block the cakebait.
Top dems in prison.
get an actual computer retard
iPad posting is phoneposting. You should have known better.
Congratulations, your iPad is about to get bricked in lieu of you paying a ransom in bitcoin.
I want Trump to preempt primetime national TV tomorrow for the tax bill signing so the kikes can't hide it from the general public, and for him to say "Merry Christmas" and "we are making America great again" during the statement. The salt will literally ruin Christmas for every leftist in the country.
I want you to stop posting this
Are you guys excited for 2018? DACA legislation soon.
all banksters with their helpers dead from assisted suicide :-\
Go back to /T3ig/
Oh boy I am in deep fucking shit Sup Forums. GF found out I donated to Trump campaign. She is throwing a hissy fit, calling me a pig and shit. She managed to calm down.
She is 30
I am 27
She has been pretty clingy lately, and keeps bitching to me about the need to settle down and her biological clock. I'm not her first but I do like her alot, got promoted a few months ago and my boss is training me to be his successor. I wanna focus on that. The other caveat is that i'm shit with girls, could not get a gf for the life of me in college and H.S. Only when I hit 26 was i getting good results.
What do I do? Also fuck /adv/ they give shit advice every time.
Mass Suicides of LGBT
Maybe I'm just a suburban retard, but isn't this already in effect? If the child is an American, they can stay but the parent gets deported.
Use an app that uses the API rather than scraping the website. I'd recommend Clover but that's only for superior tablet systems. :^)
America's enemies, crucified. All of them, foreign, and domestic.
Send the Dreamers back.
kill the bank
sup schizo marijuana abusing leafbro
how much salt will flow if Mueller exonerates Trump?
So rude, coal for you
Yes very much
Don't give me the 47 dimensional beer darts meme. Why in the FUCK is he reneging on this? DACA was a bullshit executive order by Obama. This was not voted fucking in by majority.
Liberals will hate him regardless and his supporters, myself included, feel this is a betrayal and makes him look like everything he campaigned against. A fucking puppet disinterested in the will of the people bending the knee to the powers that be. I'm fucking pissed.
Happiness to all of /ptg/
Santa is on our side, don't even hang your stockings this year lest you'd like bottles of bleach to drink
Who else gonna be Comfy as fuck this Christmas?
I want Communism to be seen as worse than Nazism. Because it is.
Fire Muller
I'm still wanting that qt redpilled bf/gf
Can I have you?
Hey! I actually dont smoke, i dont even drink coffee.
If you met me irl you would assume im a normie
Dump the vapid cunt and pick up a younger woman.
>spending bill has been passed
What's in it? Can Trump sign the tax cuts now then since the government won't be shutdown?
Jesus christ. That's better than a GTA run.
Fuck all this anti-DACA shit. There's a difference between illegally immigrating to the US and having been illegally brought to and raised in the US. You all really want to deport people who have lived here most of their lives and don't even remember what it's like to live in another country, because their spic parents dragged them along when they were 4?
RGB ded
They'll never, ever accept it. Not a chance. They'd definitely "take to the streets"
Those poor trash cans...
Did.. did we make a mistake?
This and Panama.
>You all really want to deport people who have lived here most of their lives and don't even remember what it's like to live in another country, because their spic parents dragged them along when they were 4?
Why are people still replying to the spammed text for a week now?
Fuck Israel.
Fuck your kosher puppet.
Fuck you sleeping cunts.
delet this!!
he had a lot of heart :^)
Fuck off leaf furfag.
Trump could fuck up a wet dream
Kennedy retiring and then RGB dying the next day.
For your tree, user. Merry Christmas.
Please, Stop namefagging for no reason.
Thank you.
How about months?
>Vanity Fair pretends it's a blue collar rag
The fucking audacity of these rats.
post em for your city here
Dont mind me, just setting the mood
And he's going to have a really sore ass.
Wondering what Based Bannon would do after turning Alabama blue?
Please stop deflecting from the fact your President is a kosher puppet of Israel.
Thanks a lot, boo!
That Gantz writer is so butthurt, guess he can't take the hint that whenever he has a great concept he goes and ruin it.
>Have aliens come to Earth only be murdered for sport by an AI
>Oh and here are some fucking vampires!
Such a shit series after that.
Nothing will take the place of the middle class getting some extra cash from these tax cuts.
No amount of kike shilling will change that. Their grip on the narrative is loosening and they’re freaking the fuck out.
B-But he's Moarpheus! Get it?! MOARpheus!!
>Sources familiar with Bannon's thinking in 2020
Tucker: Let's answer this one question.
Guest: I think the bigger question is this...
Tucker: O.K.
Yesterday's ratings,
I almost feel bad for Jeff Zucker at this point.
That skinwalker in the trees
Israel is responsible for European Genocide.
>Two Pees in a Pod
divide and conquer shill
The liberal Jewish diaspora *is* Israel.
Whoa that's some of the best ratings for Tucker and Hannity I've seen in a while. I wonder what caused it.
fucking muslims.
What a retarded faggot. I bet he smells like stale booze and cheese.
stop hitting on people. go to bed.
>believing this bullshit
My GOD! They're all getting fisted by FNC
Man, Mueller almost has an angle on Trump then if what Jarett said was true
We're coming down to it here
No it was the US department of state under Obama.
white hispanic actually
have some heart
Israel = Globalism.
Wake up.
Their own words are not "conspiracy theories."
ipads are perfect the way they are, perhaps you just need to find an app to do what you want? Don't jailbreak it. Just buy a PC if things are really bad, you could program on a Raspberry Pi too.
It's probably bullshit, but I believe it. Bannon is a fucking moron. You can tell when he speaks he thinks he's like Trump, but he's not even close.
We voted for Trump because you fucking degenerate hypocrites wouldn't stop lying about things he said, but never did. I enjoy knowing EVERY DAY that you idiots are at the breaking point of actual mental breakdowns and you end up doing something stupid that gets you put in prison or killed. Have a wonderful day (nice memeflag, faggot).
>almost all are Democrats
really makes one ponder....
>Israel sends migrants from Israel to Sweden
>But Israel isn't involved!!!!
Do you even know what Amalek is nigger? European Genocide is commanded in Scripture.
Trump First President To Protect Electric Grid From EMP, Cyberattack, Solar Flare
>Nation’s first Congressional EMP Commission
>The threat of an EMP attack, either naturally from a solar flare or delivered in the type of atmospheric nuclear explosion promised by North Korea and Iran, became a much greater concern due to North Korea’s successful recent missile launches.
>“The inclusion of EMP in the new National Security Strategy comes just in time. Mr. President, thank you for your leadership!”