There are numerous threads on Sup Forums each and every day, but most of them are the same shit day in day out. Is Sup Forums just one giant echo chamber? Can I even find any truth here?
Is Sup Forums just an echo chamber?
Lurk more faggot. Sup Forums has been brigaded since the election
It's repetitive as hell
Kike threads all the time
Meds begging for approval all the time
What can we do about women threads non stop
Yeah, it's brain damaging and boring
>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse
NO! Fuck off!
you know, you're only talking to bots
There is a lot of truth on pol but it's saturated with shit. This board is a lot better when you starting thinking for yourself and what you believe is right or wrong.
Yes. They come here to convince themselves that Hitler was real. Talk about delusional!
It's comprised of males under 25 , lonely people with nothing going on in life , history buffs with no education, foreign nationals wanting to destroy America and who think manipulation through Sup Forums actually works , so yeah basically its nothing but hot air.
i have no fucking clue what an echo chamber is, ama
Of course it is. I've been watching the Trout and Tea destruction on youtube and here over the last few days, and you can see the opinions shift in real time as most the people on here sheep after someone who gets a lot of (you)s.
Post more Anne Frank
>Is Sup Forums just an echo chamber?
Yes. It's the containment board for racist, sexist shitheads, so what the fuck did you expect?
Here? Nah, this place is the gutter, only useful for rants.
You can find more truth in the poop in your toilet.
If you enjoy a McTruth light with Zero calories, you might be satisfied like 95% here, but it's just dogshit
the only echo chamber here is the one we put kikes in
cuckpol could never argue or handle a slight piece of truth, why do you think we left
I return for sentimental reasons and the lulz now and then but thats it. This place is blue-pill hell
Honestly newfriend wait until there is an actual happening, thats when the real magic happens here. We are due for a BIG one soon i promise.
Ahhh yu cum balogna?
Yu cum the balogna here?
Yu put the cum the fit balogna?
95% its a shithole full of faggot kike mods who move important threads like UN inasion to bant but keep literal nigger porn and bbc up
Everyone who posts nigger porn should just be perma'd desu
this. I'm 34 and only come here when some bs happens (like melbourne) to read some unpopular opinions amongst the utter dogshit replies blaiming the spics, poointheloos, sand niggs, niggs, jews and women... you'll find a post with rational thought NOT in the sjw hivemind that requires another person of rational thought to counter. Those discussions are worth treading this cesspit.
your post disproves it
no, Sup Forums is the 1st Amendment in action