The Holocaust never happe-
The Holocaust never happe-
Just because 200,000 jews died doesnt mean its a holocaust
>Germany could barely feed its own people due to intense air campaign
>Allies bombed all supply lines to prisoner camps >Thousands of prisoners starved to death
>corpses were piled up in preparation for mass burial to try and prevent rampant disease from killing thousands more.
Allied occupied camps Europe had to do the same thing when disease started spreading.
if even one jew sees someone else get killed, it's a holocaust
Right Arm!
I love teh spooky mr skeltals they put in that pic for good measure
like some bodies just totally rotted away to skeletons
looks like a pile of chinks desu
Typhus victims.
Sad thing is they actually tried to save the filthy, ungrateful cunts
Sad that so many civilians starved to death due to Britain and America ignoring the laws agreed upon in the Hague convention of 1899.
Fucking Anglos are almost as bad as Jews. At this point they're practically the same thing.
Only retards think the holocaust was a hoax
why are jews funding anything other than holocaust horror movies. that's where the real money is at.
Crisis actors
Middle ages was brutal.
When bodies are decaying and ready for disease, their burnt in piles.
Its a burden of the savages war.
What I don't get is this: you Alt-right storm weenies hate Jews. Most of you would have no problem with 6 million Jews being killed. Someone actually went out and did it, and then you deny that it happened!
>Someone actually went out and did it, and then you deny that it happened!
Those look like gypsies.
100s of dead typhus victims = proof of millions murdered? I don't think so.
That’s a shop
What I don't get is this: You filthy bastards tried to trick your G-d (demiurge) into thinking you'd satisfied the blood atonement he demanded of you for being degenerate trash by blaming the people trying to save your filthy, disease ridden asses from a lice spread plague for your deaths
Because you refused to shower
Fucking ungrateful scum
And most likely they ran out of supplies because of allied blockades.
And I say this as a Jew
it did HAPPEN and it makes me happy
6 million jews sent to hell!!!!!!!!! we can barely stand the ones that are alive today IMAGINE having 6 million more kikes alive!!
Didn't we doxx your sorry ass?
that pictures is of christian russians that were genocided by Stalin lol
Why do you assume the people in that pic were all Jewish? What do you think the Nazis did with non Jewish enemies - wine and dine them at The Ritz? The fact Jews have monopolized the Holocaust and made it illegal to question any detail of the Holocaust is the clearest sign that things aren't what they seem IMHO.
i can't remember the documentary but some jewish guy actually went all over Germany to figure out the holocaust and if it actually happened and he basically came to the conclusion that it didn't.
LOL you anonymoose internet tough guy, you couldnt doxx someone if you tried faggot. There is no “we”
Look everyone, it's Sequoia McDowell
Thought you'd killed yourself, faggot
fuck, my ID is the 56% meme
>diseased malnourished corpses in a pile
>muh gas chambers
Pick one
>literally 37.5% Nig
I know it's great, I mean they just go all out
Fuck u bitch, my grand grand father was in concentration camp here in czech republic... Survived March of death And was telling me strories when i was Small Kid. I Will never forget what he had to suffer. Im not jew btw, He was arrested for political ideas.
Question, if they really wanted to kill as many Jews as possible why didn't they just deprive them of the essentials for sustaining life (water & food)?
It literally takes no resources to deprive someone of it and as seen by the example of the Holodomor and other man-made famines,it's very effective.
they're taking a nap, the lazy fucks.
Communists never killed 100x more people than hitle-
been waiting for one of those the whole evening, thx kike
b-but muh three or four anecdotes and testimonies and one or two "discovered" documents and three of four photos of a dozen dead people during the war totally proves 24/7 industrial scale massextermination of trillions of Jews!
Anyone have an answer?
Holy shit. How could anyone still say the holocaust happened?
lmao, did he help build the Stalin statue like a good little goy?
Stupid OP.
You should know better by now. The lies have all been debunked
Was it a Halloween or why did they have those skulls on photo?
Looks like Sequoia fucked off, that's a shame
Hope he finds something else to do in Boston
Let's not forget that Jews are Khazars, basically Turks. The old Israelites are dead since Roman times. Rome gassed them all, what calls itself "Jew" now is only an abomination.
They have as much right to Jerusalem as a cockroach, none.
uncircumcised dick in pic
and pic related.
I don't understand the picture, care to explain?
That's why we might be close to the end goys. And the way America goes down the shitter makes it indeed seem they are one of the Beasts of the Apocalypse, the Beast of the Earth.
Oy vey indeed...
So a few journal entries and non sourced statements? Absolute state of liddle nazis
The Jews made the German war machine work. Why the hell would you kill a whole bunch of free labor? Germans are efficient, an supposedly offing 6 million kikes is quite the opposite. You are correct, starving is the answer to do that using no resources.
Fuck off my entire family was tickled to death and killed by masturbation machines. The babies used as footballs in arenas full of mothers cries. Some run into entire lakes of acid, others killed in the mystery machine that vaporized 20K at one. Only one family member survived the Bear and Eagle cage, but he was later raped by rape dogs and turned into nazi sausages.
>masturbation machines
oy vey, dont forget the fucking lampshades, those fucking bad goys
Not taking a stance really but wasn't most of the German army starving by the time they liberated the internment camps? Who do you starve first, your prisoners or your soldiers? It just seems like common sense that these people would be starving by default but not necessarily through complete intent of them dying or suffering. That argument makes sense but so does the counter argument. If they really wanted to exterminate the Jews you would think the best and most efficient way would be to put a bullet in every skull and enslave the poles instead to work the ironworks.
the pic alleges that the photo is from a train wreck, not a mass funeral pyre
They're perfectly placed like they just died having their head in that position? Or someone felt the need to stand it up right. What a joke
It's a mystery.
If it happened like people claim it did, there wouldn't be any bodies, just ashes, and maybe some tough-to-burn pieces of bone.
i still have a bar of soap made from holocaust'd jews. passed down from my grand-dad who gave it to my dad, a neon-nazi.
should i sell it on eBay or keep it for bigger gainz or donate it to a shoah museum
this is not a shitpoast, pls respond
getting (you)'s is my only social interaction.
seriously, if a jew opens his mouth you know all that comes out is shit. and trump just ate it
anglos have been controlled by jews since before ww1
Who placed the completely bare bones there? Did the Nazis just pile up corpses till they were skeletons?
Did the holocaust happen? Yes. Were Jews rounded up and placed in camps with deplorable conditions, causing rampant disease and death? Also yes. Was Germany out to round up all of these people just to kill them? Of course not, that makes no sense logistically. You now have an entire force of free labor. Why would you waste money exterminating free labor? Slave owners didn't just kill slaves to kill them. Slaves cost money, and losing one would decrease production and also cost them money. Why are people so daft? You don't purposefully waste money when that money would be better spent towards the war effort.
All those politicians are slaves to the Rothkike. So fuck em. They go down, We will stuff that pill down the entire world and they will swallow it.
I don't have on opinion on this, but you do realize that revisionists have seen these pictures and they acknowledge a lot of people died in the camps, right?
So then obtain the records from pic related and prove it. A familiar company keeps them secret to this day.
We Just had this thread. gtfo!
>Tyfus and TB don't exist
mate war doesn't stop epidemics.
those corspes are said realitys thqat we are all prone to illness and death.
So yes its a holohoax.
Jews can only get mad they didn't get treatment and because there was no cure until 1952 you can off your self OP.
we really are going to loose terribly if we keep being as gullible as 12 year olds
>wahh doing my own research is hard I'd rather believe my high school history book
how does the smoke line up at the top?
Interesting...Never knew Ryan Gosling was an arab.
It seems this thread ended after only one post, but it's still going on for some reason...
>not realizing that these threads are the perfect opportunity to expose holohoax in front of newfags
This meme explains why the Holocaust is a Hollow Hoax aka a HoloHoax
>The Holocaust never happe-
Disease and Allied bombing.
Why do nazis deny the hall of costs? Wouldnt you be proud of 6 gorgillian if they actually pulled that off or close to as history would suggest?