>ask a christcock why they believe in jesus
>"the bible said it's true"
Why are they so retarded?
Ask a christcock why they believe in jesus
Hang yourself.
fuck off that's just the untermenschen who have 17 brain cells between them
No, you.
Well, to be fair, what other reasons are there? There are no academic reasons to believe in Jesus.
Why does it bother you OP
If you have so much time to spare, get along to izrayle and critique their religion
Atheism is the only religion crazy enough to claim "science" backs it up.
Did I walk into /lgbt/ again?
>Denying the existence of god
>Denying belief in the existence of god
Why is this distinction so difficult for brainlets? I wonder if there's a relation between low IQ and religious beliefs.
But I have nothing against Jews.
I'm not an atheist.
Nice, didn't know about that one. Yes, the whole book is full of contradictions.
>tfw no cute friends to cosplay with me
>He literally worships an arab
There is.
Religiosity correlates negatively with intelligence, meaning on average people who believe in god are less intelligent.
Have a meta-analysis:
true. white religious people are basically blacks iq wise.
>brother died in car crash
>parents died from cancer
>sister stillborn
God has a plan XDDDDDDDDD
>I have nothing against Jews.
Well that explains everything faggot
>tfw no cute friends to cosplay with or get my cute ass out of the house
Yeah, a plan called suffering
My condolences user
I don't know, most Jews seem to be aware their religion is fan fiction, I like that.
feels bad...
Faith is believing in something that you can't see. Some people just want to believe in an afterlife or some greater entity. If that helps them in some way then so be it
I agree. Having spirituality is not the problem for me. The problem is that Christianity is so mean spirited and arrogant most of the time:
>christianity is totally proved by history!
>if you don't believe in my religion you'll burn in hell for all eternity
>every single page of the bible is perfect
It's pathetic.
>doubting two thousand years of confirmed history
Why are people literally retarded? The American left just outright denies science and history worst than the religious people they claim to hate.
please be cute boy please be cute boy please be cute boy
Christcuck here.
Boomer Christbois will lay that evangelical shit on you. Newer generations have grown up seeing more religious or agnostic beliefs and generally just leave you alone.
Most other Christians my age are only still there because it doesn't take anything to participate and has a community built in that everyone shares. I frequently get drunk on Sunday's and make jokes at my boy Jeezy's expense with some atheist friends who aren't obnoxious militant atheists.
He'll forgive me, I'm a good boy.
>memeflag calling other people memeflags
You got me, im a cute leaf homo
I believe in Jesus because I believe in the Bible. And I believe in the Bible, because it overall else, most accurately paints the fundamental picture of self evident moral rules built into our universe. Either it REALLY is the word of God, was written by THE best minds that EVER were, or somewhere inbetween, it is regardless, since following it leads to a well and worthwhile life, and obsessing over whether disregarding it might make me a net gain through selective practice by means of disbelief, is a sum loss game being a creature of narrow mind of limited scope, as we truely all are.
>circumcised penis
Typical mutt post
It doesn't matter if the bible is true. At all.
What matters is how people following the bible affects society. Does being a christian have benefits other than being send into heaven after death? Yes. It builds a solid society with a stable family unit, good work morale, low crime, high trust, etc. etc.
It's called pragmatism. Read up on it.
>ask a gay why he likes to get fucked
>it feels good
come on dude, you ass is going to get destroyed
>Why do you believe in God?
>"Because the Bible says so"
>Why do you believe the Bible?
>"Because the Bible is the word of God"
>Why do you believe in God?
>"Because the Bible says so"
>Why do you believe the Bible?
>"Because the Bible is the word of God"
>Why do you believe in God?
>"Because the Bible says so"
>Why do you believe the Bible?
>"Because the Bible is the word of God"
>Why do you believe in God?
>"Because the Bible says so"
>Why do you believe the Bible?
>"Because the Bible is the word of God"
>Why do you believe in God?
>"Because the Bible says so"
>Why do you believe the Bible?
>"Because the Bible is the word of God"
>Why do you believe in God?
>"Because the Bible says so"
>Why do you believe the Bible?
>"Because the Bible is the word of God"
Mean-spirited people will always find a way to channel their hate onto something. Religion gives those people a reason to hate nonbelievers
>doubting two thousand years of confirmed history
>some dude resurrecting 2,000 years ago is history
I am! I live in Lisboa though.
You're basically a cultural Christian at this point, that's fine by me.
best bait
>because it overall else, most accurately paints the fundamental picture of self evident moral rules built into our universe
Like what?
Then invent something like a modern version of the mos maiorum and follow that. Following something you don't even believe is pathetic.
>getting destroyed
If you dont prepare, yeah
>Then invent something like a modern version of the mos maiorum and follow that. Following something you don't even believe is pathetic.
People are supposed to believe it. But politicians do not have to believe in it themselves.
It is like Santa. A nice story is needed for the child to have a magical childhood and get through the cold winters.
It is like marriage. 'Love' might be an illusion, too, but it is needed for people to get together and form families.
Don't underestimate the power of a good story. Something that every bussinesman will tell you. We do not buy products, we buy the story. The identity it gives us.
>we are right, we lose nothing
>we are wrong, he lose everything
>muh pascal cuck
literally no other religion has done anything like Christianity did, more like God did
check mate
Oh, but you know what they say: “Britain and Portugal are best allies.” Maybe we could ally. :|
>love is an illusion
>t. r9k
wait i mixed that up
Cry more. That website is a piece of shit. Dr. John Ioannidis and his team of celebrated meta-researchers, combed through all these awesome-sounding medical studies to assess their validity. And, surprise: Up to 90 percent are critically flawed in some way or another.
It's what happens when you ask a bunch of fresh out of college retards to come up with research for an assignment, and not any sort of actual scientific advancement. It's bad science.
>be me
>get in hunting accident, no one nearby
>bleeding out no chance of survival
>old man shows up tends my wound takes me to hospital
>no relation of any kind to guy, I was 3 miles off a dirt county road no way for him to know or find me.
>says the Virgin Mary told him where I would be and that he lived 5 hours away.
>he left before I did to start hunting
>even Catholic ever since
So explain how this occurred sodomite. I will laugh at you burning in hell for all eternity
people nowadays don't follow God in reality
every major philosopher was Christian back in the day
>Like what?
The kind of stuff you can't put on a memeble shitpost. Sufficive to say, if you've grown up in Western culture(or really any since tv took culture global and influenced pretty much all cultures, Buddhism down to secular ) as rickety as it's become, you're swimming in the most basic of moral concepts that Heathens of the past simply didn't have. The Golden Rule is one of the best examples, the concept of equality(both the King and Peasant have equal roles to play before God, but in practice and nature, they simply aren't), human rights, so forth and so forth.
Science tends to require the use of numbers. And while most of us probably have a tough time figuring out what all those numbers and letters and Greek symbols in algebra equations are supposed to mean, we're content to leave it to the experts to do all the understanding for us. Man, it would be hilariously terrifying if those experts turned out to be as clueless as the rest of us, wouldn't it?
Enter Kimmo Eriksson, a Swedish mathematician. He decided midway through his career that pure math wasn't doing it for him anymore and moved into cultural studies. It was at that point he realized his new colleagues were basically awful at math. So he conducted an experiment to find out how widespread the issue was. Eriksson picked two research papers at random and sent them out to a bunch of scientists. In half of the papers he randomly added an equation that had nothing to do with the study whatsoever, and in context was utter nonsense.
Eriksson asked the recipients to judge the quality of the research. The mathematicians and physicists were basically unimpressed, but in every other field the inclusion of the equation got the papers a higher ranking, even though it was pointless bullshit -- it just looked more impressive with the complicated math in there. More than 60 percent of the medical researchers, the people trying to save all of our lives, ranked the junk papers as better on the grounds of, "It must be right -- look at all this awesome math shit he's got in there!"
The research by Eriksson is not the only evidence that scientists treat math as some mysterious occult force. Research into ecology and evolution show that papers are 28 percent less likely to be cited for every additional equation per page. It seems that basically everyone that isn't a physicist or engineer treats math with a policy of "run away as quickly as possible."
It was a coincidence goy
>have to ho to purgatory before heaven
>fuck kids
>sin as much as you want as long as you feel bad about it in the confession booth
even if gays were the enemy, jesus said to love your enemies, so people that think they're being christian by bullying gays have no idea what being christlike actually means
>the teachings of jesus
>way way trudeau acts
Trudeau is jesus
fuck gays, fuck atheist and other religions, you cant love satan and love Jesus, you have to love one
You can love your enemy and burn them at the stake at the same time. We're burning them because we're worried their souls will go to hell if we don't cleanse them by fire while we still can.
>be me
>living away from civilization
>looking for cute girls who get lost out in the nowhere
>witness some fat neckbeard get into an accident
>seems to be bleeding out, I think he spotted me, what do
>tell him God send me to tend to his wounds
>drive him to hospital
>maybe he will convert and offer his wife and daughters to me
Just kidding, no way you'll ever have a wife, let alone children.
I'm a virgin who plays with my ass, I'm pretty sure you only "get destroyed" if you do extreme shit like fisting, or regular gangbangs
Yeah, I guess I can understand your point. But you still agree with me it's bs, that's enough for me.
>literally no other religion has done anything like Christianity did
Europeans did that, not christianity.
It would be nice, but it's complicated...
>god saves a retarded hillbilly instead of dying children
wtf, I hate god now
>The Golden Rule is one of the best examples, the concept of equality(both the King and Peasant have equal roles to play before God, but in practice and nature, they simply aren't), human rights, so forth and so forth.
But Christians were pricks for most of history. Don't get me wrong, I don't give a fuck really, everyone is bad, but were they really better than anybody else? I doubt it.
>>literally no other religion has done anything like Christianity did
>Europeans did that, not christianity.
why they didnt do shit with paganism? why they arent doing shit with atheism? you cant disprove this facts
also you get lvl up in degeneracy, later you are going to fist your ass up and it's going to get destroyed if you dont repent and accept Christ
Hmm? I’m not being completely serious, if that’s what you think.
>why they didnt do shit with paganism?
Why not? Do you hate portuguese bois? ;-;
>pagans think might is right
>Christians destroy paganism
so you are giving me the reason? thanks fag
I bet you have already found a Spanish boi... D:
Day of the Rope
Me too :c
>ask a faggot why he's gay
>"my penis said it's true"
What's the difference?
>genitals are sentient
Go away bill nye
Jesus wouldn't have spoke highly of Islam because it's everything he hated about Judaism so he's not quite as cucked as Trudeau
Loving other people isn't loving Satan, loving Satan is personally giving into selfish indulgences that ruin your life or the lives of others
Jesus was anti-violence which made the Jews want to kill him because that was their bread and butter
if a fucking faggot insults God im not fighting against that faggot but with satan himself, if he says he repents, that he will not do it anymore and accept Christ, im going to accept him as a brother
Jesus was friends with muhammad
Is this how our countries maintain an alliance now? By having our young boys fuck each other in the bum? Genuinely disgusting.
You'd have to be fucking retarded to follow a Jew religion whose followers destroyed the spiritual birthright of your people.
So stupidity selects for itself in Christians.
im not saying im going to do a killing spree but what do you think is the most atheist country? sweden?
jk i have to love everyone, fuck guys, why dont you get saved? why cant you see the truth in Jesus? trying to save your soul, it get me so mad that you guys are going to burn in hell just for your stubbornness
remember romans 10:9 if you are about to die or you want to start your journy sooner:
>If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Post proofs that this is true
38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said to him, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from you.”
39 He answered them: An evil and adulterous generation demands a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.
sry dude you have to believe, you have to look the proof by your own, they are there, i cant show you, you have to discover them
That's not proof shitbag. Please die, repent, go to heaven, come back and post it on pol
another soul bites the dust, too bad for you
wish op stuck around. was qt.