What is Sup Forums opinion of che Guevara?
What is your opinion of che guevara
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t. gay retard
Death to communist scum.
>think the soviets pay too much attention to economy
>leech of soviet union because Cuban economy is shit
>watch Cuba crash and burn because of the Soviet crash
He may have been slightly retarded
Idiot naive tool. Another Communist used up by his "comrads" and tossed aside.
he 100% ruined the economy of cuban plus fidel would have just killed him off at some point
>fantasy of a nuclear war with the states
>soviets were nope.jpg
yeah he knew what he was doing when he dipped Cuba
Okay I get it, but tell me what should I be focusing on?
Extremely stylish, sophisticated, cultured, aesthetic, and sexy man.
Too bad he was a Communist.
An incredibly handsome heart throb
i like his metal gear lifestyle
really unfortunate that he chose to be a filthy marxist
Retarded and Gay
> """""""""""""C O M M U N I S T Freedom Fighter""""""""""""" H
e can eat a cock
The Metal Gear Solid games are pretty redpilled. I can't figure out why Kojima is such a fanboy of a commie faggot like Che Guevara.
pretty sure che at some point got inspired by fascism,but made the decision of going with marxism instead
Shit for brains that needed a helicopter ride
He was dreamy
>>watch Cuba crash and burn because of the Soviet crash
You are definitely severely retarded because Cuba is thriving
he smelled like shit
This should about sum it up.
i dont know, possibly he like his aesthetics
Dumb spoiled rich kid from Argentina
He was a total douCHE
Crazy SOB that if given the chance, would’ve nuked the U.S. and start a nuclear holocaust just for the hell of it.
he's cool
A millennial of his era
piece of fucking shit
>this is what fright-wingers believe
Scary huh? It's almost like no one has a sense of sarcasm.
What I do intend, protected in this little story of revolutionary and rebel commander, is that today's students at the University of Las Villas understand that the study is not the property of anyone, and that the House of Studies where you do your homework it is not anyone's property, it belongs to the whole town of Cuba, and the people will give it to them or the people will take it, and I would like to, because I started this whole cycle in vagaries of my career as a university student, as a member of the middle class, as a doctor that I had the same horizons, the same aspirations of youth that you will have, and because I have changed in the course of the struggle, and because I have convinced myself of the imperative need of the Revolution and of the immense justice of the cause of the people, That is why I would like you, today owners of the University, to give it to the people. I do not say it as a threat so that tomorrow they will not take it, no; I say it simply because it would be one more example of the many beautiful examples that are being given in Cuba, that the owners of the Central University of Las Villas, the students, will give to the people through their Revolutionary Government. And to the professors, my colleagues, I have to say something similar: you have to paint yourself in black, mulatto, worker and peasant; You have to go down to the town, you have to vibrate with the people, that is, the needs of all of Cuba. When this is achieved no one will have lost, we will all have won and Cuba will be able to continue its march towards the future with a more vigorous step and will not need to include in its cloister this doctor, commander, Bank president and today professor of pedagogy who dismiss everyone.
>What is Sup Forums opinion of che Guevara?
You dumb nigger. It's not that. It's what's the FACTS!!!
ebin meme XDDDDD
I'm not sure if that's actually him. He probably signed and ordered executions but didn't perform them himself.
No, he is known to personally kill political opponents, gays and undesirables.
He fucked your mom, didn't he?
Planet of the Apes was a fine picture
Very unfortunate that you chose to be a cocksucker
retarded faggot
hero to the stupid
Fearless radical socialist hero. Helped fight for and build the only surviving, and arguably existing example, of a revolutionary Marxist-Lenninist state.
He executed former Batista political pigs and criminal scum.
pure faggotry
Commie shit stain.
There is a very good reason the peasants in Bolivia ratted him out. They heard about the horrors he unleashed and wanted no part in it. Foco is also just a ripoff of mao. Che was a hack that managed to make it big because he knew how to manipulate idiots into believing he was a force for good. In reality he was a smelly idiot that was too high on the smell of his own shit.
El che was not ma marxist you shithead. He hated fags, dykes and negros. Castro got him killed because he was a pure anarchist closer to be a fash. I don't really know why commies like to use his face to promote communism, I guess all commies are as retarded as a person that uses a nazi flag. Also all of you promoting chopper rides, rest assured Pinochet would have seen you all like self- entitled pussies waiting on the line for a ride. You also dont know shit about Pinochet. Stop referring to latin american figures without knowing shit.
Complete piece of shit idiots worship
Brought re education death camps to cuba not castro
knocked up a bunch of women and left them in the dust
“A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate.”
“If the nuclear missiles had remained, we would have used them against the very heart of America, including New York City…We will march the path of victory even if it costs millions of atomic victims…We must keep our hatred alive and fan it to paroxysm.”
“We will bring the war to the imperialist enemies’ very home, to his places of work and recreation. We must never give him a minute of peace or tranquility. This is a total war to the death.”
The jackass brutal. Murdering innocent men and women and children for years. There are multiple accounts of this. He was going around the world just murdering everyone who didn't agree
He didn't believe in what you would call communism. He believed in Stalin modeled Communism. Total authority, total power was to be held by a single monolithic government and all sentiment against or not agreeing with was brutally ended. We are talking torture rape enslavement, murder.
So when a See a retarded anti authority fucking hippy wearing his shirt, It makes me laugh, because Che would have taken that hippy and murdered him in public square. It shows you how fucking stupid people are.
He kept a diary with all the shit he did and it's very telling and waits and justifies everything he does, actual Bolivian farmers respect an act of strength as it's the way the cartels keep them from talking.
Guevara problems were logistic, in the congo and in bolivia, to much wishful thinking and the best SS hunter you could find.
right on brothers. Anyone who actually reads of the horrors Che committed gets it. Ignore all the bullshit movies, they are fucking movies
Che was a complete and utter cunt. He was a fucking horrible piece of shit. Dude was basically osama bin laden without money.
Fuck that dude. Anytime you see a goddamn liberal or a hippy wearing a che shirt explain to them what the fuck che actually stood for.
everyone turned on the asshole as soon as they figured out his bullshit. I'm telling you man he was a fucking psychopathic sociopath and a known compulsive liar monster. He wasn't a good dude.l
He also rejected a life of caring for people and became the murderous bastard we all know
Che was a traitor to his country and human race
most people don't get Che in his own words wanted to nuke the united states.
Like he literally said, I want to nuke the united states and kill everyone,
There's no good dudes in war.
He wanted to drop nuclear bombs on the united states and kill everyone. I mean everyone. And they weren't at war.
Racist murderer with stupid ideas about government.
Pussilanimous sub-human
He did carry out executions, however he would request his victims to turn around, as he could shoot them otherwise. He had trouble pulling the trigger looking at a defenseless face.
And you are a "white" Argennigger. Argentinos son maricones
Vermin, and I've seen better beards on middle school kids.
He's a true son of this world. A fearless warrior who shook the greedy capitalist and was about to tear them down. A man I look up to and inspire to be like him.
POS burn in hell
Filthy Communist
Chill down Paco i dindu nuffin
Total piece of murdering shot. Like all commies given the chance.
commie fuck
Racist piece of shit who systematically murdered all dissidents, including indigenous people.
Fuck Che.
They were always at war with america, from day one, and he dropped nothing and peacefully returned the nukes, you guys overreacted.
Johnny Damon
well he hated niggers so thats something
he did more at his age than most posters have done in their entire life
>alt cuck claims to be activist by posting pics of anime girls with maga hats
>will never have the skills to overthrow a goverment or atleast risk his life fighting because fighting will requiere more efort than roleplaying on a taiwanese imageboard
A filthy communist but he killed/ had gays killed and hated blacks. So pretty based in some aspects.
fake photo from yugoslavia
No he travelled to congo to help them fight whitey. ... how is that hate?
he considered them inferior to white europeans
All he said us that they were too disorganized to fight effectively...... you just want all historical figures to be a skintard like yourself. Citation or btfo.
Being racist doesn't mean you have to go full blown stormfag. El che despised niggers and helped them in congo for political reasons, he was not your average ameriKKKan delusional negro murderer wannabe.
aren't there quotes of him saying they were subhuman pretty directly? pretty sure ive seen them posted here quite a bit
Murderer and torturer who died like the bitch he was.
"The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing, have seen their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese."
"The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations."
An absorber of ideas that never stopped to think about them. I'm glad he's dead. He was a piece of shit.
fugging gommiw :DDDDDDD
but doesnt everyone on pol strive to be a example like che was. to cause revolutions and wars
same, I have seen those and it's a known fact. I think its on the transcription of his diaries. Commies don't like to admit it because of muh egalitarian marxism. Seriously I don't know why he is even compared to be a commie, maybe because he hanged with Castro for a while? who knows