Yup. Trump doesn't believe in fairies and Eminem is Tinkerbell
This is just him being a retard, fucking sage
Only way youd come across this on youtube is if youre a nigr lover or a libcuck or 12
Let's hope it tops itself real soon
Jesus christ that bugman eye is scary as fuck. This isnt the same guy. What the fuck. I grew up listening to this nigger lover and thats not him.
Eminem is just drug fucked.
Could I be street enough to shake his hand? The way they smack it down and shake is just so cool.
Crazy Shia 2: Electric Boogaloo
Just MK-Ultra my shit up despai
How do we push him over the edge?
Or that breakfast burrito he ate was reaching endgame.
How long has Eminem been gay? I mean literally a faggot.
who fucking cares
Tomorrow hell be embarrassed to be a man and come out as Marcia Mathers
Remind him that his delusions of being Black will never be true and he will always be a wigger.
He's so insecure about wanting to be inferior.
Maybe he'll kill himself.
A good while now.
Is it the Trump Curse?
Eminem should have joined the 27 club but that faggot wasn't even famous until he was 28 and acting like a an edgy 14 year old
>clone glitch
If by glitch you mean someone that is so insecure they have undergone so much plastic surgery and can longer flash a mean war face because one side no longer has muscle control then, yes, he glitched.
It's stupid to make up bullshit when the truth is far more shameful. Eminem is an insecure woman like beta.
eminem freaking out HOLY SHIT
He's just trying to make a point
Stay out of his head!
>30 years of drugs makes you retarded
he slipped up and said he browses Grindr for dates. push the faggot meme and he'll either kill himself or his band of niggers will do it for him.
damn its like nobody heres ever had any fun
besides there no context
seriously wtf happened to him
did drugs rot his brain and body or has he been replaced by a robot with no talent?
>slipped up and said he browses Grindr for dates.
Hehe, yeah.
And maybe he'll kill himself.
what the fuck ahahaha
He's a leftie cuck. He should just kill himself.
Eminem is just loosing it be he "drew a line in the sand" and people are siding with their ideals rather than him (pretty much saying that he no longer has a grasp/voice of their reality). He was so inflated by the fact he was feared by the most terrorsome of rappers and unanimously considered the best rapper alive, that when his flex drew no fear by the people he cared about most... he died a little.
You can see it.
Kek! I've been calling him a faggot ever since he sucked John Elton's dick backstage at the grammy's.
Do we have a betting pool for when he finally kills himself?
He doesn't have room for "his art" anymore. He needs to prove himself again because he alienate his fanbase, and sadly, he can't.
probably a planned publicity stunt, or he was being prompted to say something and was having a hard time reading it
Make a thread when he kills himself. Until then I don't want to hear a fucking thing about this wigger.
Eminem does this shit all the time. He knows it's literally all he has to do to turn the internet upside down for publicity.
Trump's the new Eminem and Eminem's the new Stan lol
Is eminem just losing his shit because he's realizing that his whole slim shady persona inspired a whole generation of white 10 year old boys to mock political correctness and resent being hated for being white back in the late 90s, paving the way for a guy like Trump to resonate with the 20-35 year old white guy demographic?
There's no way the irony is lost on him unless he's completely in denial.
I'm going to have a shower, think about your image and probably have a few naked, echoey wet laughs.
No he just took too many drugs.
>Eminem does this shit all the time.
Yea, but it was judged differently...
>all he has to do to turn the internet upside down for publicity.
yea this, but it's a lie that any publicity is good publicity.
That's only when you're producing, and he's not producing. All that shit he did is just showing how much he lost it.
Next 5 years from overdose.
I can't get enough of that cuckbeard. He looks like fucking Tom Green now or something
And all his (((managers))) and (((producers))) do this.
lel that niggas's having a stroke
it blew up on twitter the other day. apparently he said he browsed Tindr and Grindr for dates in some interview. supposedly Grindr isn't just for faggots anymore, but I don't know a single straight person who uses it.
"Can I have your attention please?"
"Can I have your attention please?"
he's fucking with you user.
Eminem and his fans are like the Hoteps of wiggers
I think he legit died and the closest person they could find to replace him is an actual retard
He looks ill. Trump curse inbound!!!
he also bought Elton John a gold, Dimond encrusted cock ring for his birthday. hmmmm.
Seems like he never got into contact with the person he shat on with his music.
>and he's not producing
Eminem is always producing. When he's not doing his own shit he's trying to make other rappers on his label famous all the time. Remember how hard he was trying to shove royce da 5'9 down everyones throats for like a year?
word is he was MK Ultra'd, sometime after his initial success died down.
Em is gay kiddos
Since forever. The famously closeted Dr Dre "discovered" him.
>*retard restarting please wait*
"Dreeeeee.... wanting to be a bitch."
That line pops into my head whenever I think of him.
hes a literal wash up junkie.
He was never together how can he crack?
This fucking faggot is one month younger than me, so why the fuck is he acting like some SJW in their first year of college? I want to dig out the brass knuckles, find him, record the carnage I give to him, and upload it to LiveLeak. I've always hated this wigger, and it would be seriously fun to knock all his teeth out of his fucking head.
Everyone is always producing. I mean I take a healthy shit everyday just about...
Yea and you see how that shit worked out. I'm pretty sure Em is sold out to JiggyJew or the Devil. His newer lyrics are suspect at best, and nothing I can really vibe with.
No greats like this left, from him or Wayne.
granted all music has went to shit with the help of Royce Dur 5'9
Stop caring what celebrities whore themselves to
Let them fade away into obscurity, especially race traitors.
is this gay porn why do you have this
call he's daughter a coal burning whore.
He makes stupid ass expressions and holds them in front of cameras all the time.
He's still probably cracking though. My neighbor can get a tweet back from Trump is they said anything good enough. Eminem tries with an album and nothing lmao
yeah then it went to slaughterhouse then yelawolf and now some dude from detroit. Everytime somebody gets signed to his label Eminem comes out of the woodwork saying they are the newest best rapper and the future. At this point he probably knows rap went to shit and he's just trying to make as much money as he can
spare some change?
Spaghetti ruined that faggots career
He's been a bum boy ever since Dr Gay Dre signed him - Just like Puff Daddy, he fucks his talent for control.
that's way to intelligent for him he's drugged fucked now wouldn't be surprised if he could even make a coherent sentence
People change in 20 years.
i often consider the possibility that he was told to have a specific opinion and threats placed upon his child because hes fucking strange all of the sudden.
t. detroit resident
Fuck he's just trolling and so are you. I thought this was actually going to involve heads exploding. Damn it.
I wonder what is the least illegal way to support this. Kek.
>t. detroit resident
so you're black
make offense memes about hes daughter if you really want to get under hes skin
Seems like literally nothing in that video
He's not that smart.
Damn, Trump got him good, huh?
Legit. It seriously isn't him.
Remember when Trump endorsed him and said that Slim Shady should be president?
Him and Trump were on good terms, very good terms, the establishment couldn't have that. They couldn't have someone as influential as Eminem being redpilled and spreading his 'Illegal opinions' so they bought in a replacement.
Someone who, contrary to everything Eminem was ever about, towed the mainstream media line preached about not being offensive and literally couldn't rap. That was his only giveaway, despite being a near perfect match, they couldn't ever teach him in four months to rap as the real slim shady did. He's also using the modern rapping style of hanging up lines at the end and pausing before finishing them, its what unskilled and new rappers do to compensate for lack of ability, but not the real Eminem.
Something is very wrong and the Slim Shady we grew up with is dead.
What's this image about