Why do poor whites clearly vote agaisnt their own economic interests?
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Keeping niggers and the like out of the white house was in their economical interest,
What you think Obamacare was for whites?
>le white people are dumb and if only they voted democrat then we could all become star trek with open borders and free communist money everywhere doy
How much do you save, OP?
Deferral of gratification means they're voting three steps ahead, it seems like it's against their interest if they have less welfare but a state of workers paying taxes has more combined benefits than a state of welfare dependents. Eventually, socialists always run out of other people's money.
Sean Hannity tells them that their taxes going is good so long as some CEO’s can buy another pool
Take from the poor and give to the rich will only serve the poor in forcing them to become rich. Make it or die.
Nah. Blacks are just better at controlling crime. Get rid of them and whites will replace them.
Wierd how they never portray the smart, handsome, and intelligent whites like this gentleman.
If the poor are not net tax payers then they are not getting anything taken from them, they are only parasites. Spoilers: most poor are not net tax payers. Even if they pay taxes they still take out more from the system than they pay in.
>conservatards are this dumb
Weird how homogeneous white countries have the lowest crime rates.
>Letting people keep more of their money is a bad thing
>Not forcing people to buy shitty overpriced insurance is a bad thing
>this thread again
Remember to sage.
No one thinks they're going to become rich because of it. People just want to opportunity to make a decent living. If you tax the shit out of the people who pay your wage, they aren't going to sit around and take it. They will jump ship and go somewhere with less corporate taxes.
Parasites do provide entertainment and are a great source of ridicule for the rich. Also helps teach lessons to their children. The poor will just need to adapt or die. Fuck entitlements.
A rich thief is better than a poor honest man.
abortion must be a more important issue.
Nah, they just redefine what is considered a crime. Same with homogeneous black countries. Look at the aquittal of Brailsford as a basis.
Sage... Go fuck thine self OP. Poor folks don't pay taxes. Poor folks do however get large refunds with EIC and child tax credits. So if it's not too much trouble, please kys.
Exactly. The rich must be served by the poor at all costs. It makes me sick to think they breathe the same air as the rich. Perhaps one day we can ship all the poor to another planet and have robots replace them.
Because white people believe in taking care of and providing for ourselves. We don’t need someone else to do it for us, we’re not fucking lazy
Poor whites?
Faggot, my paycheck is going up by $150 a month starting in February thanks to these tax cuts.
MAGA you leftist shill pieces of shit. Thanks to Trump I'm going to be pocketing almost $400 more per month.
Fuck you commies. Fuck all of you Shareblue Soros shills.
I have a mortgage, shills, and work for a living. Most of us in the silent fucking majority do.
Exactly. This is fucking awesome for you. Plus fuck the national debt. Just cut all government entitlements for the poor such as social security, child support payments and anything that's not producing income.
Since when do leftists care about the national debt?
Besides, I have the spreadsheets. America has a spending problem, not a revenue problem. If you want the link to the spreadsheets, let me know. Otherwise, fuck off commie. sage.
>votes in their own interest
>votes for the "greater good" or to benefit people that are explicitly not them
Oh I see. I wasn't being ironic. You thinking I was however is a problem.
I'm projected to make another 6% bc of this. That's 7k. I plan on buying a new truck and building a 30x40 shop. Thanks Trump.
Because the poor people benefits the least.
The middle class are the ones who truly benefits. Classic trickle down economy.
The rich are already rich, those tax cuts are nothing compare to what they are already making. So it trickles down.
But the middle class are a bunch of selfish pricks. Why? Because they fear, they work hard because of fear, they fear to become the lower class, the poorest of them all.
The trickle down stops at middle class. That is just how it goes.
And you thought Rosie offering a few millions was bad.
See those LARGE mandatory spending slices? You need to cut there so the rich can be less taxes still.
Exactly this.
$18 Billion from Soros is buying a lot of fucking shitposting. sage.
Yep. Leftist retards are running amok on Sup Forums.
is that hulk hogan on the left?
That's his daughter Lily-Jo you idiot.
A tax reduction for everyone is good. Whether the rich get more or less doesnt fucking matter.
The real problem is that when the debt increases, sooner or later the middle class will pay the bill. And thats what sucks because just like Trump said, the rich ones have mobility and can just fuck off. The middle class does not.
The deal is this: "we get a large cut and you get a small cut. But then you need to make up for it in the future while we dont." They are essentially taking a loan directly from taxpayers but only the small guy gets to pay interest..
>being this obtuse
You tax people based on a percentage of their income, not a fixed amount. 2% to a billionaire is obviously a lot more than 2% to a wage slave i.e. billionaires will obviously save more money in raw dollars than the middle class. It isn't some sinister plot you self-victimizing mongoloid, it's math.
No idea wtf your talking about. I did the math. 7 grand more a year. Biggest raise ive seen in 6 yrs. MAGA
Only if we don't cut spending. A lack of Federal Tax Revenue IS NOT THE FUCKING PROBLEM
No, sorry, I was agreeing with you, saying that this thread and the shills in it are an example of leftists running amok on Sup Forums.
just fucking kill yourself, pathetic
people who think redpills are cool are man children
Yes it is you dumb fucking faggot
THIS! Almost 50% of the population does not pay taxes.
And this tax bill fucking DOUBLES the standard deduction. This helps poor people DIRECTLY.
Are people really this fucking retarded?
Ofc. But what will he cut? It sure as well wont be the defense budget. Social security? Education?
Thats tricky because it starts to meddle with some middle class expenses. If he doesnt abuse cuts then its pretty much what I said.
Ronald Reagen was assassinated by a ladyboy in thailand
The reason the are no successful black nations is a culture of incompetence, endemic corruption, dignified ineptitude, and, chief among all, destructive selfishness and greed plus the farcical democracies ruled by men who exclusively cater to their interests and those of their clipped circles.
So where is America heading?
>implying they were paying those taxes in the first place
$4Trillion in revenue, faggot. Not a revenue problem.
Unless you want a 65% tax rate like Norway.
I just got a tax cut. Would Hillary have given me that? Honest question.
The punch never connected.
No but she might have balanced the budget.
>*sure as hell
>my shit english...
By principal alone I am always for tax cuts, the only thing is I expect the government to make cuts as well BUT THEY NEVER FUCKING WILL no matter what happens to our economy. I wait for the day that our economy tanks because of poor planning and kicking the can down the road for 20 plus years. The average American that doesn't follow is going to be pissed.
I got ya, sorry mate. That money means a lot to me and my family. I've been putting a new truck off and building my shop bc of the economic outlook. I finally feel like the boot is being lifted off my neck. 800 hrs of OT ive worked this year. I'm fed up with the taxes they take. Our ancestors flipped out over tea. Fucking tea
Holy shit you are an idiot if you think any American political party wants to balance the budget lol
Why do wealthy whites have so much empathy for shitskins that want nothing more than to rape their daughters and seize their assets?
Not a chance in hell fuckstick. She promised to continue Obama's policies. Remember he doubled our debt from $10T to $20T? Leftists are spenders - the Neo-Con/Neo-Lib establishment is, too.
Only hope for a balanced budget in Hillary's time would be a Republican Congress, but she'd never fucking sign it. God, lying leftist shills just vomit verbal diarrhea so easily. Unthinking shit.
Jesus Christ libs are fucking stupid.
Any party that gains its support from poor people by definition will need more of them. Therefore only an idiot would think it's in their best economic interest to vote democrat.
the OP shill is
It is human to empathize. It is inhuman to take without shame. I guess maybe that is part of the problem.
Seems he's modestly increased it.
>Be Amerifat
>Save $2000 a year
Fucking lol, the state of the US.
That's an extra 40 burgers a year you get though I guess.
you're missing a whole bunch of king nigger years faggot!
If you want to become a millionaire surround/align/hang out with millionaires. It's true to an extent.
>be democrat
>let a bunch of shit skins into the country
WTF why won't whites vote in their own interests?
We're all a temporary disadvantaged rich person in the body of poor person. We got too caught up in the trans phase, trannies, transfat, and now transwealth.
>a burger costs $50 in Bongland
holy shit. no wonder you people eat garbage.
How do failed threads make their way back into the circulation?
Bongs don't maths
2009 to 2011...
Do your parents know you're posting on this site? When you get to around Grade 10 and you're ready to learn, read some Cicero and Montesquieu and Locke.
I used to live in NYC. Amazing that so many people live in fear in their own city. Want to fly out of JFK? Hope you enjoy riding the subway through the nigger ghetto for 20 minutes. Walk down to the corner store at midnight? Better keep your wits about you. Play basketball at the nearby park? Don't bring your wallet or your cell phone. Niggers might try to rob you.
This doesn't seem right. What could Ronnie have possible spent all the dang on money on? I thought we were only a trillion deep during his presidency? This chart seems fabricated FAKE NEWS
Yep. Saw that. My bad.
Obamacare and other welfare. Welfare costs more every year than the entire iraq war and rebuilding that shithole to date. Niggers need to be removed.
That extra $150/month is going to help me pay my mortgage and other bills, faggot. Plus I'm getting a 3% raise starting Jan 1st thanks to Trump and MAGA. So I'm going to be making an extra $400/month altogether next year.
Fuck you, leftists, go crawl to a gulag and die enslaved the way you dream of.
>mass hebraic kvetching already about german jobs moving to the us
yup sounds like unemployed whites looking for jobs are voting against their interests
The best President the US had was Calvin Coolidge. What he did would be impossible by today's standards (decreased middle class tax and government spending while making the high class pay a little more). GOP and dems would never allow this today.
Based Calvin. The only fag to add surplus to burger land.
>Extra money in my paycheck
>Liberals argue I don't deserve it
Thanks for 2018!
Big bad Don
Fucking boomer tier but my dad will love it. Thanks user!
Cause we have racism and guns and that's all we need you sunovabitch. Also I'm proud to be hard working blue collar alcoholic piece of shit it ain't my fault I can't git a job it's Walter Mondale's fault the Govt. send the factory to China before I was old enough to get a repetitive stress injury working 12 hours a day in a factory for $28000 dollars a year.
>Obama is in white house
>The cheapest health insurance I can now buy is $700/mo when I used to get better coverage for $200(family)
>Trump in White house
>I get a modest but still real tax cut
>Liberals tell me voting Republican is against my best interest.
Bull. Shit. The only people who are losing are fucktards who didn't bother to get a decent job or can't manage their money.
White people loosening the chains on their own economic civilization is in our interest. Money allocated to the government is wrong and inefficient.
as an economist i never understood this meme.
Hey, OP, you fucking retard, quick question for you:
Most liberals aren't on welfare, but they're always jostling for government to increase welfare and benefits. Why do they vote against their interests?
Do you think it could be because people vote based on a variety of criteria, including what is best for the country rather than what is best for them personally?
You are exactly the kind of scum that Ben Franklin described when he said that -
loosely speaking - democracy ends when the electorate realizes they can vote themselves money from the public purse.
As if that wasn't bad enough, the same type of scum will turn around and criticize richer people for favoring tax cuts that align with their economic interests.
Quoted for fucking truth, but still sage cause shill thread.
Those of us who were in our 20s when Obama came along remember Health Insurance for $50/mo.
Whether a CEO get's another pool or not is no concern of mine and any who insist on making it their concern are parasites of the highest order.
It’s funny because black people thought they were going to be rich when Obama was elected.
Cause they don’t want gibs me dats
You're right they should vote for Democrats who will import millions of immigrants to drive down wages while exporting factories to Communist China, then poor whites won't have to pay any taxes because they won't have jobs.