Thoughts on the mess that is Trump's animatronic double at Disney's hall of presidents?
Thoughts on the mess that is Trump's animatronic double at Disney's hall of presidents?
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I like it. It helps enshrine how butt-frustrated some people got over it.
Looks like shit
They all look retarded up close, but are designed to be seen from afar.
They used Hillary's skin to make the Trump Robot.
Can it be used for sex?
Who is this asshole?
disney is run by der juden and trump is in their pocket so fitting.
Jared Taylor?
Boycotting Disney because of their TREMENDOUS DISRESPECT of my GOD EMPEROR.
The hu-White House
IT'S a big fuck-you reminder to all the people, Disney included, who thought hilldawg would win
die in a fire
Guys, does that model seem like they started with a Hillary face and couldnt be bothered starting again?
Yeah, they made a Hillary and then when Trump won they decided to use it anyway.
Ugly would be an understatement for this piece of work
What the shit.
It was made for Hillary and remodeled for Trump
Richard Dawkins
His tie should be red.
I tried to get on this ride for the last two days and it was always closed due to "animatronic problems."
Hillary was supposed to win.
It's a safety net in case the real donald gets killed, this will become self aware and fill in.
They DEFINITELY were already building it during the
>Hillary 95% chance of winning
meme and were caught off guard when Trump BTFO the msm. They then simply did some cosmetic changes to the already built Hillary doll and put a comb over on it.
Your God Emperor?
You're a fucking leaf!
Hillary face with Trump's hair, like they had to change it up once the election was decided.
The narrative he gives for it and the movement is great though.
it would have been an amazing gesture to have the president bot of the first woman president in the hall of presidents like the same day.
I am so relieved though that it wasn't hillary. Positively disgusting!
Locked loaded and going down the roaded
ill be at disney park tomarrow by 2pm
it will start to look better over time
it even looks like a tiny woman in a big man suit.
They did dubyu as a younger man than he was in office. They only thoguht they'd get away with this is if they aged and totally fucked up the face. Trump is a very handsome man today and even just a few years ago looked very young. I hope they redo it.
How do Obongo, the Bushes and Clinton look as point of comparison?
Disney will get what's coming. Trump is taking names.
What a mess.
This can be used to triggers the leftards, no?
To be fair, it's hard to make that orange fuck look good
Jeb is a mess
They were expecting an Evan McMullin victory and had to modify his face to look like Trump.
>that orange fuck
back to /leftypol/ faggot
this but unironically
Disney is shit, its parks are filled with decades old technology that is no longer impressive except to the extremely poor or the very young.
it hurts my feelings! !
im now sad!
is this the secret alt right deep webs?
Bingo, hold your cards folks, we have a winner!
almost looks like they had take the hildog animatronic they prepared for madame president and convert it to trump at the last minute when she lost ... lol
i was on the trump train from day one... and i have remind myself often that i thought they were gonna fix it and he wouldnt make it
It looks smarter than Trump. So it's got that going for it. Which is nice.
Jeb is a