>someone commits a crime
>lets give him a criminal record
>that way he will never be able to find a legal job
Where is the logic in this?
>someone commits a crime
>lets give him a criminal record
>that way he will never be able to find a legal job
Where is the logic in this?
Why would you even want a job
>I better not get a criminal record
Nigga I know you didn't just attempt to suggest that we shouldn't punish criminals
People are expendable. I don't like it, but it's the truth as of right now.
I don't. Because I don't want to support the Canadian government from plundering us like a milking cow. But I don't have a choice because I need money if I don't want to become homeless.
>three strike rule
>family is hungry
>steal food
>get caught 3 times
>jailed for life
lmao at least you got free food now right
You are right, this person will never be of any use, and should be executed.
maybe don't commit crimes? i don't know, just throwing something out there
well, that will work if you just give death penalty on the criminals. Less paperwork too, do not need to update to every police station. Do not need to sync up with global networks. No need to have criminal records that way.
Save cost, time and effort with death penalty today! Call up your local politicians and demand for it.
Where's the logic in letting trash roam free? If we didn't have morals weighing us down, we could just use them as slaves.
I hear you. I'm expecting to be in the same situation sooner or later
To build skills and make money
Is it any surprise that people living in socialist hellholes are contemplating theft in order to put food on the table?
baka, you should move to a country with an economy
>Corporate dodge taxes
>Let's cut their tax rates!
How do people get this amazing deal?
Why force people who behave work along side people who may be a threat?
The point is to process you through the entire system. Your initial misdemeanor criminal record will prevent you from obtaining anything but garbage jobs, so of course you'll have to find alternative means of income while completing whatever retarded "programs" you were sentenced to. Once you've been charged with a felony and sentenced to prison you will be a statistic used to justify increased law enforcement and DOC funding while performing slave labor producing military clothing or office furniture. When you leave the DOC you will suddenly be eligible for all kinds of jobs your misdemeanor record prevented you from. No one wants to hire someone with a DUI conviction and some domestic violence bullshit, but a convict with a felony record for attempted murder qualifies for tax credits, some federal programs provide grants to companies hiring convicts. Factory fish processing vessels hire almost exclusively from prisons because the people are used to living in cramped shitty conditions and can usually be threatened with parole violations to keep them in line.
Well, you're talking as if every crime should be punishable by death, which is pretty fucking autistic even for Sup Forums.
Because that's totally how it works Leaf.
Show me one example of someone going to jail for life for stealing food.
how would you stop this from happening? anybody can go to a court hearing and listen. reporters do this all the time. if it isn't a public record then it would just be a matter of a private investigation which people would be certain to look up, and to a certain extent, do now with social media.
That's a little different than having everything accessible in lexusnexus for the rest of your entire life. In California a DWAI will show on a simple background check for 12 years. Everything comes with a life sentence now, unless you're a democrat or law enforcement.
sure, lets say some dude is working a small time legal job, and then he gets fired and during the week that it takes to find a new job he runs out of food and the food banks are dry for some reason so he has to steal food from the store and gets caught, he goes to jail for a week where he gets to eat for free, and then he comes out and can't find a job anywhere because he has a criminal record now. So he goes to steal food again and goes to jail again so he thinks, well if i get caught stealing food again i will be jailed for life because of the three strikes rule, so i might as well become a big mobster, so he joins the local mafia and his first mission is to kill some asshole and he gets caught, BAM, jailed for life. See?
The problem is that half of what I would make gets taken by a leftist government and is channeled into making my life miserable
>delusion intensifies
>commits a crime
Don't do that mate
Criminals must be punished. It creates jobs for prison guards. It also helps to have lots of jails and to make sure all bad people are punished by the authorities! Who cares about those bad people. More jails, more prisoners. Make sure they can never leave! We need laws and order and enforcement.
can't wait for trump to be jailed
Same. I quit my last job after seeing the taxes they took from me.
Started trading crypto, making serious money. it's untaxable.
Still collecting NEETbux
Hate my country desu
We should punish criminals but there should be no record. After you do your time you're free and can move about in society like everyone else who is free.
wageslaves are not free at all, wageslaves with families are in a worse condition than prisoners
in jail at least you get free food
The business owner has the right to know whether a potential employee is a thief or has been violent in the past.
Don't commit crimes like a normal person.
>steal food
I didn't know niggers ate Nikes and bikes.
to keep them from committing more crime after their release?
>Can't find job
>can't make $
>sells drugs
this isn't hard
>>someone commits a crime
>>lets give him a criminal record
>>that way he will never be able to find a legal job
If you were running a business, wouldn't you want to know what kind of person you might hire? Your worker has to be trusted to be responsible with your property, money, employees and customers.
That's fucking stupid. Do you want to hire somebody who killed someone and just finished his sentence, without knowing anything about it?
It must've been awesome when that stuff wasn't tracked. My grandpa's brother would probably be in jail for life for all the times he had been arrested. He would literally get a job, collect his pay at the end of the week, then get drunk and fight everyone in the bar until the police dog piled him and through him in jail for a while.
He'd get out in a few weeks or months, pick up another job (sometimes just go back to where he was working) and do it all over again.
Once he got too old for that, took a union job at Northrup, retired with a fat pension.
What if the "criminal" was actually falsely accused, like one of those guys who fucked a roastie and got jailed because she cried about rape after
>get robbed by some criminal
>get robbed a second time by the state who needs to raise tax revenue to pay $30k per yer to house each prisoner.
>have criminal record.
>get a job on the pipeline anyway, making 3 times as much money as OP
Sorry, where is the problem?
>send your kid to school
>New teacher is a pedo
OP logic - dont discriminate you Bigot!!!!!
Cant wait to leave this shithole tomorrow
t. criminal trash
It’s so employers know you’re a piece of shit and can hire someone else.
Employ criminals in your family small business cuck!
This “stealing food” example is so retarded and never actually happens though. Retarded criminals use it to justify their own actions. If you can’t afford food, there are food banks all over the fucking place and charities you can go to. You can get welfare/food stamps EASILY. There’s no excuse for being a criminal.
>someone commits a crime
don't commit crimes.... you nigger
The prison industry makes money by perpetuating the cycle of crime. That's the only logic behind it. Really sucks to be a 19 year old kid caught dealing a little weed and having his life ruined forever. Suuuuure is the land of the free.
don't be a nigger user....
be a man
have family
>illegal work that can make a decent amount of money in the long term is harmful to society
So, got into a barfight once and convicted of assault. What am I in for when I look for my next job? I know on applications they ask "Have you ever been convicted of a felony?", but what's it like if I quit my current job and attempt to get a better one? Seriously, what's it like to be an H.R. doing this?
barfight wasn't felony
I agree they should get killed
>someone violates the law
>let's record his untrustworthiness and lack of respect for the rules so employers don't end up screwed over by him
Makes sense to me.
Dont be a criminal. The best alternative is making criminals slaves.
the more important question is:
what the fuck do you expect them to do if finding a job becomes impossible and is the punishment / lack of employment worth the increased burden on public social systems like welfare and the judiciary
I fucked a teenager when I was 21, drunk as shit the both of us. Told me he was going to be 18 in a week.
Now 24
Denied every apartment application
Can't get a second job to help advance myself in life
Can't begin a new life with my fiancé in our own place
I guess this is what I deserve for being a degenerate when I was younger, but I was misguided and unstable. Now I go to church, work, don't drink, and workout, but it will never be enough.
Also in the legal world you can get something expunged, which is where your record is wiped clean
I think he just means that after they serve their time they need to be able to get rehabilitated into society and find an honest job and lifestyle. Having a record that follows them and prevents them from getting an honest job just promotes them getting back into crime out of desperation and increases recidivism
Not every crime is worth a death penalty or life imprisonment, but with the record basically every sentence might as well be a life imprisonment if they can't get a job.
Hiring someone with a criminal record is a choice that a business owner has to make. Depends on the person to me. Did you know NASA has prisoners(maximum security lifers) that weld parts for them? They pay them 6 figures too. They support their wife and kids with it.
>someone chops off a head in syria
>let's give him full refugee benefits
>that way he will never have to worry for a job
it's called punishment you cuck