Sup Forums RICED
dear world: i rescind his apology
sincerely, an american
We should put him in internment camps
Does someone have the webm of him jiggling balls on Howard Stern?
>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse
Maybe you could grab him by the dick you boy-molesting fruit
didnt he sexually assault women
Isn't this the guy that really knows how to try to rape young dudes
Back to the camps with you
swallowing cum makes you crazy. this is why gays and whores are insane. it has to be true.
gays being the most crazy because the semen is absorbed directly into the bloodstream via the anus and im assuming they do this the most often out of any group.
>Dear World: We apologize
What did he mean by this?
Dear World: Get Bent.
No he's a faggot so he sexually assaults men
Stealth as fuck. Sorry,I don't have the webbum, but I have this.
That's actually better. It's blurred. I just don't think a Takei post should go without pics of him fondling balls.
post the webm faggots
>none of us have been gay enough to save it
Yes, let an elderly homosexual who jacked off some guys on The Howard Stern Show be your guide.
I can't wait until this degenerate poopdick dies.
Dear world: we hate faggots as much as most of you.
I want to throw acid in George's faggot face
I'm burning all my movies with him fucker
>looks for a movie he stars in
Guess I got nothing to burn.
This faggot sjw still has a twitter?
i thought he stopped when all those accusations came up
fucking hypocrit
I still like Star Trek 1-6, sorry anons.
Now why would you ask for that man.
and fuck you for indulging that nigger.
It's called discrediting someone by their degenerate actions.
No but there's this one
Dear Takei:
you fag
Now that's pretty much perfect for any Takei thread. His opinion - discarded
Cry moar, puta
All I want for Christmas is for Takei to get aggressive cancer of the colon. I've been good all year and I deserve a headline about Takei's rotten asshole dropping out of his pant leg as he walks the red carpet.
That's ok. William Shatner stole all his screentime.
we elected the wrong guy...
While that sounds great and all, it'll garner him way too much sympathy. He needs to be shamed and disgraced before that happens.
Your words paint a picture
dude thats fucking hank hill
Yep. Family Guy showed his methods. Drug, then rape.
Multiple personality disorder.
didn't this faggot rape a boy?
Like when he gave himself consent to rape a minor.
Guess if you are anti Trump fag you can get away with a #metoo scandal
Is there a more American ID than this? I think not.
just tweet him the howard stern post it delegitimatizes any point hes trying to make, normies hate that shit
He's realized that if he shills for Kikes hard enough he may be able to salvage his career.
This faggot needs to go
All I want for Christmas is Singer, Geffen, Takei, Schneider and Spielberg rounded up and charged with multiple cases of sexual assault.
Takei should stick to what he does best... molesting children.
George Takei is a sexual predator.
Nice to see that we are basically at the end
>rapists who can't let go of the cloak of faux moralism
Look, a guy who was on a TV show 50 years ago has revived his career by being the token fag on the Howard Stern show. How are you responding to the assault allegations? Was Brad part of those assaults?
George "Blond Boy Butler Banging" Takei strikes again.
Asian American here. Takei is whiter and gayer than Elton John, we don't recognize him
>tfw they don't know what to do about him and probably will spend 60 years on the defensive because of Trumpism and a God damned frog
t. faggot chink child molester
I think a good place to start would be demanding Al Franken leave office immediately
He prefers the FDR administration to the Trump administration
Can we have a 2018 celebrity death pool on Sup Forums
I'll pray to kek every night for this faggot to get gone
I thought this fucking faggot raped a bunch of people or something?
Stupid gay rapist nip thinks anyone real Americans care about us shitting on the UN, kek.
This is coming from a gook that jacks people off live on Howard Stern.
I'm quite enjoying all of the muslim anger about this.
This is coming from a gook that jacks men off live on air.
That is exactly the irony. Banza Hirohito.
>dear world
>im a gay pedo rapist
ftfy, slimy sphincter sulu
Buyer: Alois Schicklgruber
Location: Argentina
rare name
I unironically wish his world would come collapsing down around him like the 9/11 tower that was never hit and was taken out through controlled demolition.
>yfw you wish you were on my level of dropping redpills in slide threads