>first year almost over
>no major accomplishments
>most unpopular tax reform in history
>no wall
>approval rating in the toilet
>Congress approval in the toilet
>Democrats projected to win 2018
Is it over?
First year almost over
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off Hillary. Sad.
>Democrats projected to win 2018
You fucking retard the election is in 2020
Midterms. If Democrats win then, any legislation Trump wants to get through is over effectively ending his presidency.
>no major accomplishments
>most unpopular tax reform in history
He is an idiot but we have off year elections where we elect congressmen and senators.
It's the Democrats year to lose. They many more seats in the senate to defend than the republicans do.
>most unpopular tax reform in history
Give me the approval rating of Congress
This thread again?
You know the people can see through Trump's thing veiled sellout to the rich right? What little tax cuts we get expire. Can't say the same about the rich. They shouldn't even fucking be getting tax cuts because their profits and wealth are at an all time high. They're just hoarding the money instead of reinvesting it. Tax cuts aren't going to change that.
You plebbitfags can't even muster more than 8 posts on an obvious slide/bait thread. Completely pathetic.
Actually Regans tax reform had an even lower approval rating. So learn to educate yourself you fucking living in your parents house at 30 cock sucking mother fucker.
>no major accomplishments
>Defeated ISIS
What's a MOAB?
Obama would still be drawing red lines for the Syrians to cross.
Soros Shareblue shills and their $18Billion slush fund are fucking ruining this site. sage
you're living in an alternate reality
>businesses and rich folk making more money now than they ever have before in history while doing nothing but trying to jew us out of every single possible cent they can to add it to their hoards
>no, see, when we let them make even MORE money while not contributing to the government's operation they'll surely reinvest and spend it THIS time
all trump's done is continue obama's military strategy of 'bombing the fucking shit out of everything they can get away with'
a single photo op drop of a bigass bomb does not change that, just like how claiming trump's responsible for riding the same growth trends of the stock market from obama's time in office means he's a genius
>shit is terrible omg
For you Ahmed.
>no major accomplishments
>go to catalog
>find /ptg/
>literally the first item in the perennial OP after "whitehouse.gov" is this:
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
Take your bait and blow it out your ass.
>approval rating
>who are (((they))) asking?
>still using polls as if they accurately reflect the general consensus of the population
Kill yourself
>Is it over?
No, don't forget Mueller. The real fun is going to come when Congress removes Trump from office (do you really think Kushner won't roll over on him???) and he refuses to go, and Fox tells all its nutter followers it's a coup, and you guys either chimp out and get squashed or just skip the violence and accept your castration.
just going to leave this here
It's pretty sad though, all this "populism" and the only thing that happens is more Reaganomic horseshit
>muh hugbox!!!
fuck off
Don't blame polls for shitty media narratives. Nate Silver said explicitly that Trump was a "normal polling error" away from winning. Nate Silver also got kicked off the NYT for following the data and not the narrative.
>>most unpopular tax reform in history
Mid terms you retard. The house and maybe the senate will be blue at this rate, sadly.
Those reformed failed. Regan increased taxes 10 times after his reform.
executive action
> major tax reform
> VA reform
> isis defeated
> ends NAFTA
> gets out of ridiculous Paris climate act
> frees up hundreds of millions of dollars in corporations that are now paying employees more
> saved businesses from moving overseas
> completes billion dollar deals while visiting other countries
> convinced China and Russia to impose sanctions on NoKo
> standing up to worthless UN bullshit
Yeah ur right he’s done nothing...OP ur a fuckin moron kys
Did you remember to take your meds?
but he campaigned on reagon tax cuts you retarded meme flag
No, trump has used special ops.
He said all options were on the table. He didn’t continue the bombing shit from Obama. He used bombs, true, but you sound like an uneducated scrub
Fuck off, Trump's approval rating has increased nearly 200% if the pre-election projections were anything to go by.
I love trump the market is on fucking fire, thank you based trump,
Syrian war is bubbling down
TPP killed
Some beaners kicked out
Taxes slightly lower
Less Muslims traveling to the US
Mild reform. Unless Hitler runs I'm voting for Trump again
Honestly I voted for him because of immigration and the wall. WHERE'S MY WALL? REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Fags are afraid of how fast we are moving forward again in the Book of Revelation. Get ready to burn, the fire will cleanse the faithful.
Then whats the fucking point of being a president then?
All the work was done by Assad and Russia, USA just tried to start the shit up because they dont like Assad, you had no influence in Syria which was the place with most and major territories held by ISIS.
>hey you know what will make rich people super likely to invest their money in start up businesses?
>probably higher taxes that crush most small businesses... yeah that'll show walmart
He did a bunch of stuff for jews
>>Democrats projected to win 2018
Based on what?
Why vote for a party that has no platform other than they hate trump?
You need to kill yourself.
I'll know I'll trust user to tell me the truth, rather than a verified and credible source. Hillary 3168 anyone?
> Fed Judges!
> Economy will now grow to 6% creating new tax revenue and blowing out all the naysayers
> Personal tax cuts expire because the DEMS refused to vote (60) to keep them, thinking they fucked the republicans.
> GOP/Trump now get to run on making them permanent, while dems run on raising your taxes!
> Infrastructure bill will be another fuck for the dems, they will either vote against and fuck themselves, or vote for and help Trump win
> Any attempt by Dems to use DACA funding to shut down gov will backfire
> Any deal for DACA has to include a WALL or end chain migration
> After DACA signed, those people will be hated by all other illegal aliens as Madonnas, who got special treatment
> DACA people will hide and shut their mouths as they start to get beat up by other illegals.
> Inspector General Report is due in Jan which will detail DOJ/FBI corruption under Obama with detailed indictments
> Christopher Steel will completelly back away form the dossier, as every single person who touched it, or benefited from will have to testify before senate
> Uranium One scandle, Russia DID export material through smuggling under another company's license
> Obama forced informant who witnessed Russians bribe Hillary team to sign a gag order, that was lifted, he has bank records, recordings and eye witnesses testimony.
It all comes down next year
He's handed censorship/throttling powers to ISPs, given a huge tax cut to the ultra-rich, sabotaged affordable healthcare, and unilaterally awarded Jerusalem to Israel. All seems to be going according to plan.
You didn't actually believe the populist bullshit, did you goy?
>Democrats projected to win 2018
>Democrats projected to win Presidency 2016
Why do people even bother with (((polls)))?
>Republicans control the presidency
>Republicans control the house
>Republicans control the senate
>More Republican governors than Democrat governors
>Republicans control most state legislatures
Yeah it's over
No, he campaigned on repealing NAFTA, replace Obamacare with something GREAT that would cover everyone, building a wall, and tax cuts--for the working class, not himself, which is almost the opposite of what he's done. His overall message was POPULISM, which is definitely not what he's delivering.
The Rust Belt gave him the presidency, and I doubt they're liking what they're seeing. Basically all the Dems have to do is nominate someone white not named Clinton.
Except Dems are already winning.
stop watching the news, cuck.
Why do mods do nothing about these threads being posted endlessly? Sup Forums is completely unreadable these days.
Get a clue: NN was written by Google to protect their crimes around data privacy. They framed the ISPs and left out all user data stored in databases by websites, NN was not anyting of the sort.
2015 before NN all the things you worry about were already illegal run by FTC, Obama defanged them and handed control to FCC which DID NOTHING!!!!!
FTC had hundreds of cases against FB, Google and ATT already, and when Obama passed NN they all went away.
Wake up:
Tax cut is across the board, 80% of all tax revenue is payed by Corp and the rich, 20% is payed by people who make less than $100k a year.
So of course a tax cut across the board, 80% of the rich WHO PAY MORE see a cut.
29.6 down to 27% is the top bracket change
35 down to 21% for corporations, making us equal to all the rest of the world.
Double the standard deduction
Double the child credit.
7 companies came out and gave bonuses, raises and billions in investment in USA
WTF is your problem, YOU ARE UN-AMERICAN!
>The Rust Belt gave him the presidency, and I doubt they're liking what they're seeing.
They should be absolutely outraged, but they're so fucking stupid (as evidenced by continuing to live in the rust belt) that they'll continue to back someone who says one thing and does completely the opposite
For all the fun we have on Sup Forums, if Hillary had won in '16 and was in the same political and governing position as Trump then the story would be of how big a failure she is. And OP didn't even mention the Mueller's counter-espionage investigation.
Throughout the entire western world in democracies there are two things that have historically led to changes in governments, scandal (or corruption) and the state of the economy. The economy seems to be better than we thought it was (or some of us were willing to admit for partisan reasons) less than a year ago. Also, through his governing style and the decisions he and his staff makes, Trump is shaping up to be "Mr. Scandal." it's not bullshit to say that Trump is fucking his party over. The Dems should have no shot at the House because of the post-2010 gerrymander or at the Senate due to the unfavorable map and yet they do.
Grow up and see how much you save.
in 7 years
>35 down to 21% for corporations, making us equal to all the rest of the world.
Traditionally US companies haven't actually paid anything more in taxes; the US has had a high nominal rate, but a million loopholes that bring the effective rate in line with everyone else (aside from the US being alone in trying to tax foreign income, which makes no sense). My guess is this will result in corps pay much less tax than is globally competitive, since they'll be applying all the same tricks to a lower rate.
>posting this same thread over and over and over and over
haha reddit pretender
It’s only just begun, you faggy liberal fuckbag.
When the ecomomy grows to 6% and creates new revenue NOT adding to deficit liek ObamaCare did, then the dems will not be vote d in, you will all see how much they lied.
I hope your activism isn't funded by hostile regimes, OP. Because if it is you're getting the rope.
Instead of Obama right?
>"We will close Guantanamo bay!" (first term promise
>"Chemical weapons is a red line that must not be crossed!"(Before said line was crossed and US did nothing)
I'd look into the logic behind the NN/ISP thing, dumbass. You don't seriously think that any company that depends on people for its revenue would simply start unilaterally alienating a noticeable portion of its customers?
>huge tax cut to the ultra-rich
yeah, i know now californians new yorkers and the like will actually start having to pay the massive income/property taxes in their home states instead of just writing them into oblivion. And it looks like you'll be staying there too, because southern states sure as hell don't want you fucking crackheads around.
>sabotaged affordable health care
hhoolllyy shit dude, you have got to be kidding me. You realize if it was affordable that people would naturally flock to Obamacare right? That he wouldn't have had to force people to buy it, right?
>handing jeroozalum to izzreal
I honestly don't give a shit. Fuck the middle east
But yeah Hillary will rise again my fellow coalburners!
They are to afraid to address that simple fact. Using the Alabama election that the GOP effectively withdrew from as a barometer plays right into the actual GOP's plans.
>News flash GOP broke another fund raising record for November while the dems raised the least amount ever for them. KEK!
But whitey ain't righty, remember?
I'll bet libs in NY and CA are feeling pretty damn stupid right now.
t. tax reform
You Cannot Be Too Cynical About the Republican Tax Bill
[Thomas B. Edsall]
Thomas B. Edsall DEC. 21, 2017
Two days before Congress gave final approval, a group of 13 tax law experts released the most incisive critique of the tax bill to date, a 30-page document called “The Games They Will Play: An Update on the Conference Committee Tax Bill.”
The primary authors of the report — Ari Glogower, David Kamin, Rebecca Kysar, and Darien Shanske — describe the legislation as “a substantial blow to the basic integrity of the income tax” that will “advantage the well-advised in ways that are both deliberate and inadvertent.”
Continue reading the main story
The authors cite a wide range of specific flaws, but their main argument is that the measure is gravely deficient at its core:
The most serious structural problems with the bill are unavoidable outcomes of Congress’s choice to preference certain taxpayers and activities while disfavoring others — and for no discernible policy rationale. These haphazard lines are fundamentally unfair and inefficient, and invite tax planning by sophisticated taxpayers to get within the preferred categories.
>Unpopular tax reform
For everyone inside California and New York, maybe. Who fucking cares, most households are literally doubling their tax return but communists are angry because it doesn't "hurt DA BIG BAD CORPORATIONS" enough
Those are foreign policy promises that affect nobody in the US.
Trump's broken promises all go to the core of what the government does.
>Going on generals
Generals are cancer
>Liberals cry about Trumps policies
>Liberals cry about Trump not enacting policies
Which do you want?
> Being this delusional
All he did was take power over the final moments of ISIS. Same way Obama did with the capture of Osama. I never gave him full credit because it was the policies laid down by the previous administration that ultimately led to his capture. It took 10 years of searching. Here it took 4-5 years to finish them off for good. Trump is full of shit.
Why do some people honestly believe that Mueller's investigation will turn up anything? It's so honestly pathetic to anyone that isn't blindly faithful to the democratic party.
He commuted this guy, what more do you want?
Such a commie dipshit. Literally nothing you said is true in any way whatsoever. It must hurt to lose this bad.
>the US has had a high nominal rate, but a million loopholes that bring the effective rate in line with everyone else
Leftists always say this but the only 'loophole' I've seen major corporations exploit is moving overseas. And it's not as if those other countries don't have loopholes too.I'm sure some of those companies were paying an effective tax rate that's the same as what they'll be paying now but it's much better to have companies keep all of their money and assets here taxed at 21% instead of wasting a lot of resources on lawyers to shuffle money and assets around offshore that won't get taxed or invested in here.
>Wall prototypes being built in CA
> TPP repealed, uncucking our trade deals:
> Gives states option to defund (((planned parenthood))):
> Travel ban passed, keeping mudslimes from terror hotspots out
> More Dem senators have their seats contested than GOP senators, pic related
>MFW Trump fulfilled like all of his campaign promises
Don't get blackpilled by this shill, guys. Our meme president is kicking ass.
You really think everyone who's anti-Trump is Sup Forumss caricature of a "liberal"?
As much as he was a clear and present danger in national security terms (being so erratic and unconsidered), I figured he'd at least give the US a populist re-adjustment after decades of neo-liberal expert-led orthodoxy. Instead he's delivered up even more extreme neo-liberal policies that are even more favourable to the elites.
*saves your country and your entire future*
Then why do you bother to reply to it?
I keep seeing people say the investigation is a nothing burger, but you guys sure love talking about it as much as the left does.
Lets not pretend republicans are unicorns, they too do have corrupt people
Republicans are in a really bad place at the moment they are a minority party and i do not see 2018 reflecting well with a very polarized and charged democrat base
Republicans need to work hard on energizing their voters or they are going to be facing significant problems if they fail to keep their current majority in the house and senate
>no one ever gamed the tax system before the change
These sound like people who won't ever support anything that doesn't fully "solve" all problems and issues in the tax code, unless it comes from their friends/boss/favored-elites in which case it's a totally awesome idea and a huge step toward their ideal solution, even if it goes completely backwards from what they wanted 5 minutes ago.
i.e. they don't want anything done unless it's done by them.
These faggots are making this board glow in the dark tonight. Makes you wonder why? hmmmm
>Leftists always say this but the only 'loophole' I've seen major corporations exploit is moving overseas.
It's how rich people stay rich.
Only a dimwit liberal can't understand why high taxes force companies to flee.
Just like hollywood and toyota leaving cali
fuck liberals and their high taxes they need to give it to niggers and beaners
>most unpopular tax reform in history
give it a few months after its implemented
make this thread again, see how it goes
>I keep seeing people say the investigation is a nothing burger, but you guys sure love talking about it as much as the left does.
Because it's amazing how easily distracted some sections of the populations can get. It's so obvious that the special council will only help to tie up any loose ends where corruption is held.
I'm not sure why you're switching gears talking about midterms when it has nothing to do with the conversation.
>I keep seeing people say the investigation is a nothing burger, but you guys sure love talking about it as much as the left does.
It's funny to watch these idiots continue to try and try and try to bang rocks together to make sparks. There has never been a temper tantrum on planet Earth like the one being thrown for the last year on the left. And you expect independents to vote for these pissrags? Their idea of being 'energized' is wetting their pants and whining on CNN.
You have to SERIOUSLY suck a politics to make a TAX CUT wildly unpopular, yet someone Trump finds a way.
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱ-לֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, שֶׁעָשָׂה נִסִּים לַאֲבוֹתֵֽינוּ בַּיָּמִים הָהֵם בַּזְּמַן הַזֶּה.
>a TAX CUT wildly unpopular
With who?
Niggers on the dole?
This cut benefits everyone
Hyperbolic rhetoric dem strategory
It's all lies because that's all the democrats have.
NN repeal
Tax bill
This is what democrats will run on in 2018 and 2020?
>The Republican tax-cut bill has grown more unpopular in the two months it has taken to usher it through Congress, and few people believe it will provide relief for middle-class families, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll has found.
>The poll also found that the GOP has lost its advantage on issues it has recently dominated. Americans now express more confidence in Democrats than Republicans to handle taxes, the economy and President Donald Trump’s signature goal of changing how Washington works.
>Defeated ISIS
Are Americans unironically this retarded? Even after it was exposed that the US negotiated with ISIS to let them evacuate from the city and claim victory?
You fucks are dumber than I thought.
Let's see how many times Trump is forced to increase taxes and how many times you "boys" will defend him.
>Still pretty much 0 action on the wall
Do you fat cunts actually think he will put the wall up at this point?
He's already done more good than Obama. Killing vs creating ISIS being a major difference
> acting angry and african
?, can you stop lying , and help to solve why african females put abortion in the human female g-spots and male foreskins , africa is overdue for a very long time to end these problems ,!
Nothing of substance lib fag
Try harder and clean your moms basement
I feel sorry for you guys still hanging on to this. Honestly, no troll, I really do. There's help out there my man. I suggest, as a fellow human being, that you and those of your ilk get it. Godspeed son. Godspeed.