I have an idea

...for all you pro lifers out there...


Is that the joke? They have bouncers at the door specifically for this purpose.

No, because we’re not retarded like those women who don’t use protection when they can’t afford/care for a baby.

Also this happened to me, imagine some wide-eyed insane woman following you around begging to steal your baby, asking to be in your life, because you went in the wrong door and the christfags rented the office right next to the abortion office. Like Dadaario crazy eyes. She's in Virginia if you ever see her please punch her in the ovaries.

Women who get abortions are usually women who shouldn't be allowed to have children in the first place. Pro lifers are virtue signaling faggots.

did a black just tell me to claim responsibility for a child?

The truth is if a person did this they would be a target for fraud. A pregnant woman can string a couple along for months and change her mind last minute and the couple will be out thousands of dollars with a broken heart and no recourse.

It happens everyday in this country and it prevents people from trying to adopt.

The laws do need to change to protect people trying to adopt. But alas, single women again have the legal advantage.

>A pregnant woman can string a couple along for months and change her mind last minute and the couple will be out thousands of dollars with a broken heart and no recourse.


He does know there is a huge huge huge waiting list to adopt newborns.....

And it costs like 20 grand

Why we just don't punch pro- aborters in the guts?

Another woman ruining families and causing mass immigration and all the problems that come with it.

Man prolifers are fucking stupid.

They either want to ban abortion or take care of the mistake themselves. That's the most dysgenic mindset ever. Christ cucks are the worst.

How about I tell them to take some fucking responsibility and not to spread their legs if they aren't willing to take care of the baby that will inevitably come from having sex?


>if I don't want an innocent person to die, that means I'm morally obligated to take care of him

Yeah, no

>Yeah I murdered this guy but I got a lot of money for it, if you think I shouldn't have killed him you're free to pay me what I miss out on

To be completely fair, the people that claim to be doing it for religious reasons should probably be trying to be the best possible people they can be, right?

This, what ever happened to kicking a whore in the stomach a few times?

I have an idea for all you sluts out there... close your legs.

I have an idea perhaps Michael Kimbell should kill himself

how about take care of your own baby, whore