North Korea

>art, architecture, and military parades all very A E S T H E T I C (pic related)
>99.9% ethnostate
>strong sense of national/ethnic pride instilled since childbirth
>ruthless uniformity and training of military, weakness not tolerated
>gender roles as trad as they come; men are chad breadwinners that would die for their country and family, women are essential homemakers that bring up strong children to work towards group goals
>totalitarian state necessitates economic and military progress as it avoids radically different ideologies leading to a loss of national identity or damaging strategies such as the welfare state
>western degeneracy (feminism, racemixing, nog lives matter, fags) completely averted through state-controlled media
>self-sustainable (despite (((sanctions))) from the UN)
>last but not least, not a single kike banker, politician, or satan worshipper in sight

Why do we hate them again?

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I love East Asian military parades. North Korea is a shithole, though.

To be fair the reason DPRK is trying to get nukes is because they know if they don't the US will pull some color revolution shit

>gender roles as trad as they come; men are chad breadwinners that would die for their country and family, women are essential homemaker

So having a mandatory service period of 10 years doesnt have an impact on this? Oh youre just retarded. Thanks daniel.

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Because they damage the family unit in other ways, as put it.

Also because they're communist instead of national socialist, i.e. not for the people but for the ethnic-oligarchy only.

We hate them because theyre a bunch of commie fuckers whos people are starving



Is all they can afford, that's why we don't want to be them. Nothing but sympathy for the poor fucks though.

They did nothing wrong, but they're an obstacle to American ambitions. Now the media is brainwashing the retards and the sheep into thinking war is necessary.

Anyone who is not retarded knows the North Korean nuclear program is defensive.

Ok Sup Forums all its time to bust the North Korean conspiracy's
>hurr durr no Jewish controlled banks
This is owned by kikes and was sold in 2011 to a kike shell corporation in 2011 called the "Nice Group" in China The founder, Nigel Cowie(a Brit kike), still lives in North Korea and was found to finance their weapons program.
>hurr durr no Jewish controlled economy

>hurr durr rare earth minerals
((They)) get them from China who buys them from North Korea for next to nothing. China is Israels third largest trading partner. Its impossible to trace the origins of minerals thus the the reason why most wedding rings have blood diamonds

True but they're still oppressing the fuck out of their people. If only they'd swap to natsoc, I'd be supporting them 100%.

because they are chinks, why are brits so retarded

what are you doing to prepare for the collapse? are you gonna have children?

>communism is good you goys.


technically North Korea is National Socialist

China, and Vietnam & Laos were Revolutionary Communist until some time after Kissinger smoothed things over and then they transitioned into Authoritarian Oligarchies

the USSR was 'Communist' to the very end though, the only country that remained Communist through and through and still exists today is Cuba and it was ruled by a strongman for a longer period of time then the absolute hell on earth that was the USSR

I should've ened with "...aside from the fact they're in desperate need of a mass helicopter excursion".
My original points remain

Care to explain how Nork is NatSoc?

some of you guys are alright, dont go to the ariana grande concert tomorrow

north korea is not natsoc you dumb fuck
>The Juche idea is based on the philosophical principle that man is the master of everything and decides everything. It is the man-centred world outlook and also a political philosophy to materialize the independence of the popular masses, namely, a philosophy which elucidates the theoretical basis of politics that leads the development of society along the right path.

>It is not the State that orders us; but it is we who order the State! - A. Hitler

no u

>thinking that proves it is national socialism
top kek

it's a nationalist state, it's a socialist state, it's ruled by a military dictator

it's a national socialist military dictatorship, I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious

the outside of Pyongyang

lurk moar and try again, faggot

Yeah you're just being intentionally dense/shill.
Kill yourself.

>404 argument not found

>True but that lung cancer is still killing the fuck out of people. If only they'd swap to EBOLA, I'd be supporting them 100%.

> why do we hate them

we hate them because we are ruled by kikes

>implying they're even remotely comparable
lol the sheer arrogance of this newfag /leftypol/

North Korea is like looking at our politics using a time machine. It's fascinating to have a living display of a redundant economy and government. Just imagine if you could teleport a country from the past to today. 50 years ago they would have been a true force to be reckoned with. They are all scum and they should all be annihilated but it's more fun to just watch.

I've been here for years. Not all of Sup Forums is larpers and stormfags, user.

>says this yet unironically believes Hitler and Stalin were at all comparable
maybe you're just retarded then

>burger education

>*slurpslurpslurp* I liek tyranny *slurpslurpslurp* I love sucking dictator cock *slurpslurpslurp*

tyranny: "cruel and oppressive government or rule"

oppressive in the sense that it stopped and prevented incessant usury and degeneracy, sure, but cruel? not in the slightest...

feel free to give some examples of actual tyranny, any time.