Is this ever going to be answered for?
Is this ever going to be answered for?
democrats defend this because they love the government, consider it as being incapable of doing any wrong, and want to grow it, giving it more authority over your family and your people. and of course, they want your guns too. also it was mostly white people in that building and they hate white people
What's with all the Waco threads today?
how bout poor vickie weaver OP? she was sniped by US marshalls while holding her baby after her son was murdered by them in the woods because of their illegal raid they were conducting.
this is a more clear cut and obvious case of police brutality than anything we've seen against black people, who are usually attacking police when they're murdered, yet still we're told that police brutality is "not a white problem" wtf?
i dunno but im happy to see them. waco was an important thing, still relevant today. any threads about waco or ruby ridge or any of that stuff that happened in the 90s are always welcome in my view. these are issues that are still unresolved. these are cautionary tales we still need to heed today. we should never fool ourselves into thinking government is our friend IMO. if it was it wouldn't still be putting fluoride in the water even after big MSM outlets like CNN had to admit that its having a negative health effect on us
Tim McV made them answer. He took it upon himself to bear the sins of the government he once fought for.
not in this realm at least
reminder that professional virtue signaling POS Chuck Shumer defended the government and the murder of these innocent people when it happened
and he claims today to be an advocate against police brutality huh? this is why nobody believes democrats when they push this bullshit. they only say whatever makes them popular
Wasn’t it the same trigger happy agent who started the WACO violence? Makes me wonder why the gubsmadint didn’t start asking “is this guy really our guy?”
one of the guys who had a part in waco was the one who sniped vickie weaver, yes. asian dude. out there murderin' whites like a cowboy
A heavily redacted gov document about it will be released several decades from now. There will be more Wacos until then. My own compound will have rebar enforced walls and all steel doors with steel frames. When they come to my compound, they’ll have to earn it
The Bundy acquittal. Bundy threads and Waco threads flock together.
they used MK-ULTRA to make him think he was jesus, so that the christians would want to see him die.
>they used MK-ULTRA to make him think he was jesus, so that the christians would want to see him die.
It's basically a demoralization tactic... they try to convince you that they have time travel, that they used it to "Steal the soul of god", and that YOU are god made human, trapped on earth, and that they have already won, and stole heaven.
IT's some fraternity level prank bullshit, carried out with billions of dollars of top secret technology.
Most people can't handle shit like that, and they just lose their fucking minds.
Watch this video.
it's part of that psyop.
Hillary Clinton ordered her buddy Janet Reno to do it.
It already has.
forgot link.
They made this video to attempt to "Cement" this psyop in MY mind, (Yes, this video was made for me specifically)
the part with the jet engine is a refrence to donnie darko.
Rotshchild likes to use red haired people as his preferred psyop characters...
"Red Hairing" = Red Herring
The psyop is distributed subliminally through much of hollywood productions.
Imagine how much energy that bomb released
IT's part of their wetware CPU plan... they can read minds, and introduce thoughts into your mind, so they find all of the smart kids (GAIT students) MK-ULTRA the fuck out of them, and steal ideas from their heads, taking credit for the discoveries in order to have their agents infiltrate intelligence agencies, and take all the money.
Good luck saving up all that money to build a fortress while flipping burgers McCuck
as you can see, they have infiltrated several US intelligence agencies with their "Art Students"
It already was answered.
You wont ever get justice out of the government.
>Good luck saving up all that money to build a fortress while flipping burgers McCuck
They also gangstalk the fuck out of us, to keep us poor.
So that we can't shield ourselves from their mind reading or mind control.
and they controll all communications so that no one can find us.
when can we expect a reckoning?
Specifically for you? You know this how?
fuck manson
fuck jones
fuck whoever the waco faggot is
all fucking faggots
Jedi in ID. Just noticed.
Anyway, I don't doubt mk ultra but mind reading? Examples or proofs?
>Specifically for you? You know this how?
Watch that persuit video again:
>Jedi in ID. Just noticed.
yeah, that was pure luck.
Are you that brit who does those threads that are biographies of various peoples lives? Such as McVeigh, Ted Kaszinski, and Hitler? if so i love your threads, but i havent seen any recently
>Anyway, I don't doubt mk ultra but mind reading? Examples or proofs?
ever heard of voice to skull?
The CIA was working on an artifical telepathy system "To covertly communicate with agents in the field"
It basically read your brainwaves at a distance, and used voice to skull to put voices in your head.
They read your mind by sending a beam at your brain, and watching how the fluorite crystals reflect the beam.
Your government actually judges the thoughts that you have...
but what they don't know, is that other governments are beaming "Bad" thoughts into your mind, specifically to trick your government into killing you, or whatever.
Already done.
keep the info coming
this. It's a shame the majority of Sup Forums users are too young to have witnessed Ruby Ridge, Waco, and OKC bombing.
These are crucially important, and the government has been trying it's hardest to sweep it all under the rug with distractions.
IT's basically how other governments make sure that only morons, and their own crisis actors are allowed in US intelligence agencies...
They rig the mind reading system in their favor, and make it tourture all of the smart people for thoughts that aren't even their own.
It already has been.
No but I am interested in that sort of thing, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.
Meanwhile, only those individuals who are basically utter slaves to the mind control grid are allowed in intelligence agencies... and they are mind controlled to do the bidding of these other nations.
This is how the CIA went rouge... they were filled with radio controlled morons, and "Art Students" who stole good ideas from all of the GAIT students, who are kept in limited hangouts. (Think truman show)
I have linked this before and it got (((shoa'd))). Interview with former CIA black ops agent who was offered to partake in bombing of Murah Bldg. He explains everything.
We are being shawshank redemptioned.
Kept in secret prisons made of social engineering, for the purpose of making rothschild more powerful.
>Kept in secret prisons
for crimes that never occured.
[psyop]im gay[/psyop]
American Tax dollars at work.
We need to starve the beast.
i think sometimes someone makes a thread on a topic and that inspires other people who's desire to learn wasn't sated by the original thread to make their own threads
in your opinion, what really happened in Waco, Tx.? I live in a border state of Texas and when I heard the story as a kid it shocked me, same as the chainsaw massacre but it was a halloween story
how do these artifacts work? (the mind reader/thought inducer)
are they big? or they can be carried around in a briefcase or something? where did you get this info?
ok, let me get this straight. US intelligence agencies are filled up with morons who are easily controlled by these machines, but at the same time they have smart guys but lower in the pyramid? All this while the same easily controlled morons can be double agents controlled by foreign intelligence agencies? (MOSSAD and/or FSB?)
>for crimes that never ocured
such as?
Sting thread. I've been on Sup Forums all day because I'm a loser and there hasn't been even (1) one waco thread today. Also, the first poster is inciting multiple times.
Just saying... Use your brains, not emotions when posting. They modus operandi is to emotionally incite you.
I wouldn't have a problem with this type of LEO behavior, but this board never has people that are driven to kill people. Lots of shit talk about niggers and jews, but this sting-bait trap is inciting shit that isn't even about the culture here.
If you want to know some more of the tactics that they use, look up "Zersetzung"
And then imagine that it's all done by mind control, and automation.
most of the gangstalkers don't even know what they are doing, they are just mind controlled in secret to fuck with us.
It was answered for
Oklahoma City bombing
mike pence uses this mind control tourture shit to attack all trump supporters on Sup Forums.
>If you want to know some more of the tactics that they use, look up "Zersetzung"
>most of the gangstalkers don't even know what they are doing, they are just mind controlled in secret to fuck with us.
you are some what right about this, is not like they directly control their mind, but is a social engineering, your nigger gangster "culture" is very similar to our stupid narco "culture", they both are basically all about money, women and drugs, all these degeneracy praised in songs such as corridos and rap/hip hop. Because of where I am from, I have to deal a lot with these narcos and they all have the same mindset, speak with the same words, use the same kind of clothes and garnets, is like a hive mind, and I see these same characteristics in nigger societies, these are works of a social engineered MK Ultra program
>how do these artifacts work? (the mind reader/thought inducer)
>are they big? or they can be carried around in a briefcase or something? where did you get this info?
Microwave phased arrays, some on the ground bouncing off the ionosphere to target large areas...
Some are on sattelites for more specific targetting, and some cell phone towers are also part of this system.
>ok, let me get this straight. US intelligence agencies are filled up with morons who are easily controlled by these machines, but at the same time they have smart guys but lower in the pyramid?
The Americans in these intelligence agencies are mostly just morons that the mind control selected for their malleability. the others aren't even american, they are "Art Students"
>All this while the same easily controlled morons can be double agents controlled by foreign intelligence agencies?
The mind control is extremely tricky, it's carried out by automation, from a self learning AI with quantum computers.
They think it's an "Oracle" system that predicts the future... it's not... it just mind controlls everyone into conforming to what it "Predicted"
IT's super fast.
>for crimes that never ocured
>such as?
The exact crime that you are "Accused" of, changes depending on who they select to attack you....
They are psychoanalyzed, and whatever pushes their buttons the hardest, is what they are told you did.
I feel tortured
this is what should happen to all far right people.
yeah, there are differnt levels of the mind control.
You have normal propaganda and classical conditioning through the media to influance as many as possible, and then you have specifically targetted shit for more "Troublesome" or powerful individuals.
Most people don't need the voice to skull shit to keep them in line, the television programming and social proof does that.
But some people need more, "Persuasive" tools.
And for those that are REALLY difficult to mind control, they just make a containment grid out of mind controlled morons to sabotage their lives. (Again, truman show)
Yeah, they post shit on Sup Forums from behind their proxies, and then blame us for it.
Quick rundown?
>Heretical pederast cult torched to the ground
lol who cares.
>a containment grid out of mind controlled morons
Some of them are told it's a prank, some are told it's for national security, some aren't even told anything, they are just manipulated into doing it...
And sometimes, they have actual AGENTS who know what is going on, do some gangstalking in a supervisory position.
Tasps are real, they can use the mind control shit to make you aroused or give you orgasms, and they use this for classical conditioning... makeing people be "Attracted" to certain things.
The opposite is also true... an Anti-Tasp, that cancels out feelings of arousal, also for purposes of classical conditioning.
If you have ever heard of "Object Attraction" where people become sexually attracted to abstract statues or landmarks... this was a test of the system.
and don't even get me started about my little pony, that shit is evil as fuck.
To be honest my only real issue with them is when they don't know shit about a situation and just shitpost with the proxies and feel important anyway.
>believing that story
This better be a shitpost or I'll personally nuke you right now
This is spoopy shit. Have you eber followed strangers around? Lots of people seem to be filler, they act like npc's...
Came to post this.
>two retards holding flags
for what purpose?
>and don't even get me started about my little pony, that shit is evil as fuck.
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Please elaborate, you have provoked my curiosity.
>they are "Art Students"
what do you exactly mean by art students? Just to be clear.
>They think it's an "Oracle" system that predicts the future... it's not... it just mind controlls everyone into conforming to what it "Predicted"
I've heard about that machine before, also about another one that mines data of us from all over the internet called ECHELON(?)
>and don't even get me started about my little pony, that shit is evil as fuck.
tell me more about it or give me a direction of where to start to dig about it if you feel like you dont want to explain
So they feel important anyway, duh.
Young user here. From the last thead I learned a lot. I literally spent 3 hours researching waco and ruby ridge
>Have you eber followed strangers around? Lots of people seem to be filler, they act like npc's...
No, I don't follow them, they follow me, and I pretend not to notice.
They ARE NPC's... they are controlled by this system.
They want more dumb people in the world, because dumb people are easier to mind control, and thus having more dumb people makes the mind control more efficient.
it increases their control.
luckily, there are.... "Exploits" that can be used to protect yourself.
Also, electromagnetic shielding, and INTENSE zen meditation are useful for combatting this shit.
>Whoa, whoa, whoa
>Please elaborate, you have provoked my curiosity.
Take a fucking guess.
Late post best post
Check out the Paranormies podcast on youtube, they have a waco / ruby ridge episode, it's where I learned all about it
This is when the police state was really getting started
Not all that much. It was large, but the damage came from good placement. It went off between two load-bearing supports, resulting in the dramatic collapse in all the photos. It didn't actually blast out a huge divot like that.
what did you found out?
>No, I don't follow them, they follow me, and I pretend not to notice.
I used to live in the US and many people in there felt like NPC's, really weird to be honest, back here in Mexico this sort of things are different, in my opinion the mind inducer technology is widely and heavily used in here, but not the NPC's converter technology
So tinfoil hats are gud? Serious question
I will hide it under my toque
What do you think is causing the "Disturbing Brony" Phenomenon?
General stuff, unfortunately used NYT as a source
Pretty depressing to read
>So tinfoil hats are gud? Serious question
No, tin foil and aluminum foil are shit.
What you need is foil or mesh (less than 1mm gap size) made of either copper or steel... backed by magnets.
OR, a full on faraday cage with a gap size of less than 1mm.
There was no conspiracy get rekt
Epa, we all have friends there.
This clearly a viral/social media marketing effort for paramounts 6 part miniseries Waco
SAGE these threads
Also, you better start meditating, otherwise that subliminal mind control shit is going to trick you whenever you are out in the open.
You don't actually believe this, do you?
Nobody is going to stop you from running off to live innawoods unless you start stockpiling weapons or bombs.
Good old Teddy K. was left 100% alone in his crazy shack until he started blowing shit up.
>What do you think is causing the "Disturbing Brony" Phenomenon?
I dont really know what is causing it but Im genuinely curious. Please explain, this sort of information is not talked in my country
maybe you should dig in conspiracy forums for an alternative narrative of the story
Im catholic and prayers are my way to meditate, does it counts?
>in your opinion, what really happened in Waco, Tx.? I live in a border state of Texas and when I heard the story as a kid it shocked me, same as the chainsaw massacre but it was a halloween story
the US government killed 76 people who were standing up to them and tried to cover it up.
at that time, in our country, it wasn't like it is now. a lot of people still viewed the government as illegitimate. and the way the government was expanding throughout the 90s was very unpopular with much of the citizenry, who saw the writing on the wall and correctly forecasted that this nation would become the miserable, slavery ridden shithole that it is now if the government were allowed to continue growing. for this reason there were large militia movements. citizens who were literally training for and being part of private citizen armies that existed for the sole purpose of fighting back against the government when they overreached. bill cooper was part of this movement (no surprise he was shot by US marshalls) and Alex Jones began his career as part of this movement.
when you talk about Waco and Ruby Ridge and OKC bombing, you've got to understand that all of that revolved around this movement. even though the exact particulars of it all have never come to light, the reason they were so important in our culture at the time was because they revolved around this burgeoning civil war movement that was growing and growing and growing. they tried to strongarm that movement to death with events like Waco and Ruby Ridge, thinking they'd scare people, when that didn't work? well, the OKC bombing happened and many believe it was a false flag. even though im not one to cry about false flags normally, i have to say its at least a strong possibility that the government had SOMETHING to do with that in some way, because that was the event that was essentially the beginning of the end for the militia movement that had been a thorn in the side of the government for so long.
I will meditate and maybe build a copper or steel mesh hat
Today is not the time since I'm also studying for finals
I don't know why though but reading about armed standoffs makes me sad :(
cultists got what they deserved
let me put it to you this way...
When your gf/wife is around you, they use the Anti-tasp on her.
When she is around "Someone else" they use the Tasp on her.
She comes to associate the pleasure with being as far away from you as possible, and she leaves... taking half your shit, and spending the money back into the economy on frivolous bullshit because keynesian economics.
It's the federal reserve banking system.
Women are easier to mind control, because EMOTIONS are easier to implant in peoples heads, and women respond to emotions more easily than men.
So they mind control the women, to control the men.
They are using this as a germline warfare procedure, to dumb down the population, by making sure that only DUMB goy are breeding (As much as possible)
This is why they are bringing in the inbred refugees, and telling women to have all of the sex with them..
IT is why they are fetishizing cuckoldry...
It's germline warfare... a breeding war, carried out by top secret technology.
What about this other guy talking about mkultra stuff?