>over 150 years since the Emancipation Proclamation
>racism still plays a major role in American society
How do we end the scourge of racism once and for all?
>over 150 years since the Emancipation Proclamation
>racism still plays a major role in American society
How do we end the scourge of racism once and for all?
By removing minorities.
Eliminate all non-whites and we won’t have to worry about racism anymore.
Is That Elle fanning?
lbj's great society created current welfare state in US and facilitated and fostered generations of fatherless blafrican children. if you havent done so already be sure to thank a democrat or repeal lbj era legislation
Ethnically separating will end racism and is the only way
>racism started with Lyndon B. Johnson
race war now
the only correct answer
Yes. It appears she will pay the toll soon
Racism doesn't exist. People hate niggers because they're niggers not because they're black. They live up to their own stereotype.
thats not wat that says
It's honestly the only way. Send the niggers back to afric. No whites there to blame for having a shitty life.
Segregation. That way, blacks no longer have to be oppressed by whites, and whites no longer have to annoyed by blacks
>Black people still around
>why do people still hate black people?
Yeah it's true, what a fucking waste of perfect genes
Wasn't her genes related to small british island? That made her so unique
>Have a friend from Sweden
>She moves to New York
>Has absolutely no exposure to cultural enrichment
>Gets pickpocketed first day
>Rides the MTA for a few months
>Lives in Brookyln
>Becomes a closet racist very quickly
>Gets drunk and tells me that she fucking hates niggers
Honestly, the least racist people are the people with the least experience with other races.
So... remove minorities.
Solve Racism?
Kill the other races
How many cis white males are there in Mexico and Liberia to keep the brotha down?
Try moving to those futuristic, white-free utopias.
People know from birth that blacks are different, and it’s not just skin color.
By first grade, people know blacks are different because they’re loud, obnoxious, they stink to high heaven, and they’re stupid.
As people grow older watching the evening news night after night, year after year, decade after decade, the first 15 minutes every single night is devoted to blacks murdering, robbing, raping & pillaging.
The emancipation proclamation doesn’t have shit to do with racism. Niggers are their own worst enemy.
Stop giving minorities free food and money so that they will have to choose between graduating high school (then getting a job) and homelessness/starvation. It would change their whole "culture".
What do you mean, "racism? I thought race was just a social construct and there was only one race, the Human race; no medical or behavioral differences whatsoever.
We were doing just fine, then Obama came in a fucked it all up.
I don't think racism is a problem that needs to be solved. It's a thought crime isn't it? You really can't just tell people to think this or that, they're going to think what they're going to think.
When black folks shape the fuck up
By mixing! Lets make all americunts mestizos and mulattoes
Most of what you call "racism" -- a concept which did not exist before the 1930's -- is caused by government-forced racial integration in schools, housing, and workplaces.
Ok but where do the whites go then?
I guess your civilization is not able to reach this achievement without resorting to violence.
Ship back the niggers.
elect barack obama
Bless you're heart, you're too Jewish to read English.
Racism ain't a problem anymore. The problem is niggerism and crackerism.
We quit putting any value on race. No affirmative action, no insert here pride, and remove it from every form except ID. Color blind is how this gets resolved and no bringing up the past unless someone is actually trying to bring back slavery.
Non-whites are never able to compete ever again.
Send them all back to africa. There's enough uninhabited cultivatable land in niggerland to give each nigger about forty acres.
I say give each nigger a gun, seeds, and a tractor, and let the niggers build their own shithole utopia. Watch as the niggerland niggers bitch about muh imperialism when our nigs want shit from other nigs.
also i like this elle... alot