What is the end game of globalists trying to flood white nations with Muslims?
What is the end game of globalists trying to flood white nations with Muslims?
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Rise of anti-islam and acceptance for Greater Israel.
to have muzzies voting for muzzies, christians voting for christians, etc, while nobody questions the deep state
flood urban and rural areas with Muslims, let them scare and destroy the middle and lower class. Globalists gain more power and control.
Sometimes I suspect there is no endgame. Mass immigration papers over some deep structural problems in the economy and provides a legion of warm bodies who can vote to keep the treasonous assholes who imported them in power. That's about the extent of the long term thinking being done.
globalism is a trend. the same jews who now loan you money so you can buy boats from them to bring in muzzies will later be happy to loan you money so you can buy their zyklon b to gas them, as soon as the political trend changes
One world government.
Child trafficking
Destabilization then reunification under a different government that will keep america weak and unable to be a super power. They need us to fight ourselves so we give up control of our lives to them to protect and care for us. They need you to choose safe slavery over dangerous freedom.
> In general, it is believed that the mashiach will come in a time when he is most needed (because the world is so sinful), or in a time when he is most deserved (because the world is so good).
Jews are pushing for degeneracy while at the same time trying to flood the world with Muslims to cause absolute chaos so their Messiah can arise. It's way easier for them to use their money to destroy the world than to try and make it good.
Cheaper workforce and debt free propulations to feed a constant growth system.
That's all, there is no conspiracies.
Well actualy there was but muslims are stupid and got caught.
it's political, dummie. third world workers in the third world are cheaper than third world workers in europe.
Divide and conquer
"it's the immigrants fault shit is falling apart not us taking all your money"
>flood Western world with non-whites
>brainwash public, especially non-whites, into thinking whites are evil
>brainwash public, especially non-whites, into associating whites with conservatism
>establish permanent liberal-voting majority in Western world
>move onto one-world communist government
Destabilize Europe as Europeans and Muslims fight each other. Makes it much easier to start a new global war, which will lead to mass population decrease and a new global government.
That's not to say this is the only, or even main cause of these future events, but it plays a significant role.
Spread danger and threat to all countries so all are uneasy. Muslims cause violence everywhere they go. They have many kids. The violence is what they want to spread
Leading to acceptance of surveillance, tracking chips, privacy infringements, increased government powers over the individual
I have wondered also if it's to get everyone exposed to their enemies therefore disgusted and hateful towards them so no western powers object to Israel implementing a final solution to its neighbors. In my case it has worked
Labor base outside of the far East that can be controlled by domestic laws
I just saw this today for the first time.
summary: Muslims are trying to get their own country in Australia. A micro-nation not much larger than a major city.
The thing that got me, is many of the Muslims are fighting to prevent it, like the Imam you see speaking at the beginning of the video.
This shit is much more complex than it seems.
They just wanted Jerusalem, this are just indirect consequences, they saw coming as they themselves caused it, and monetized on it.
As it's their perennial costume.
None of them should even be in Australia. Who cares what their contrasting opinions are?
Are you that stupid?
The same reason they're trying to turn white men into limp-wristed numales.
>Muslims cause violence everywhere they go.
You really took the Jew pill, huh?
Reminder that Bibi started the war on terror in the 70s/80, the Likud party was terrorist in its origins, A Clean Break came out before PINAC, The CIA and Israeli organisations funded the Mujahideen in Afghanistan I, and the Saudi and Israelis aid IS. Islamic terror is a Mossadic construct.
Yes all semites are trash.
The agenda he speaks about is pushed by covert agents, just like how the commies in Russia were Jews, not Russkies.
Endgame? Maybe something like pic related.
>What is the end game of globalists trying to flood white nations with Muslims?
Keep votes rolling in. That's literally all there is to it - they're demagogues elected based on demagoguery. The popular demagoguery right now is "brown peoplez is wondeful!"
To provoke another Crusade for Greater Israel. Muslim attacks all over Europe was the cause for the first Crusades in the chosen shithole.
I do not know the endgame, but I know the ultimate outcome: These are the last days of Islam.
At least Muslims will be able to go down as history as going out with a "bang!" instead of a whimper.
There is no future where a wave of holocaust-level events do not sweep through continental Europe, and a parallel (but less intense) movement sweep through the rest of the world. The Europeans, once in their typical "cleansing" mode will do what they always do: "fix the root problem" and that means taking over most of Africa and the Middle East again.
France has already taken control of most of West Africa over the last 15 years (destroying Libya in the process -- hilarious how some people think America had anything to do with that). Paris is playing a smart, long game.
Out here in Asia the noose is tightening in most places for Islam. China banned the Koran a few months ago. Koreans are getting super angsty about their presence. Japan is refusing to accept them (and most of us want to ban Islam outright, but it isn't the time yet). Etc. Malaysia, Indonesia, and Philippine Muslims are getting increasingly hardline -- but I do not know if that zit will ever be properly popped. Maybe not. But if Saudi disappears it is a solid bet the Ummah in SE Asia will be broken, and Islam will recede back into the weird world of shamanism, ancestor worship, Buddhism and animism that are native to the region (more like Thailand).
But why would the elites do this? Either they want to force the Islam issue early to wipe it out, or they actually think squashing one of the only decent collections of cultures in the world is a good thing. No idea.
The interim is going to be a living nightmare for many. I'm hopeful for the much more fun rebuild phase in a few decades.
Anyway... the real question is: "What will Europe v6.0 look like?"
Time for your initiation. Are you prepared to receive the true light of...
Good post. You'll always be our honorary
Control. Divide and conquer. Police state. Repeal of the enlightenment. Oligarchy. Cultural eradication.
You know, the usual stuff.
>Ignoring key information.
> The thing that got me, is many of the Muslims are fighting to prevent it, like the Imam you see speaking at the beginning of the video.
He knows that doing this would bring the hammer down and would be a failure. This is the same basic argument between ISIS and AQ.
AQ wants to play the long game, let the hijrah into Europe gestate a bit, and in 20 years or so push for political control -- and then use an Islamized Europe as a base from which to launch a campaign to take "back" the Middle East for the Caliphate.
ISIS believes that there is never a better time than now to set up a Caliphate, and that they should establish one in the Middle East and extensions anywhere else viable, and go for it all right away -- and that Europe will collapse in on itself. They also believe in a direct interpretation of the Dabiq prophecy (weird, "final battle; glorious end" sort of stuff) which is why they held it for so long despite its insane strategic cost at the time (and named their magazine that until they lost Dabiq, incidentally).
The Muslims do not disagree about the end state, they disagree about the path to get there. "Moderate" Muslims believe that the world is far too dangerous to Islam right now, that the world could easily take the "kid gloves" off and no-shit atrocity every Muslims out there if they were to really go for it. And they are right. How many Muslim-made weapons manufacturing plants are there? How much Muslim-led high-tech weapons research? There is only one place that does anything at all, and it is pretty mundane, high-failure stuff: Iran. There is no way that a Muslim force will take Sweden as long as it depends exclusively on Caucasian-made Swedish weapons with which to arm itself, for example.
Moderates are only moderates because they believe that the operational context is NOT one that allows for the overt conquest mode of Islam to come to the fore yet. They are biding their time and excited as fuck about the immigration madness.