i hope so, we already have a problem with cash money as it is
I bought in at $3k. Going to see where this goes.
Losing a little over 6% is not "wiped out", Op.
Just chill.
So what? Literally why should i give a fuck if i dont own any? No goverments collapsing, no buying power of small countries killed and no debt crisis. Nobody cares. Come again if its the Dollar, or Oil.
Yes goy stop panicking. Dont sell your coins i still have a few thousand coins to offload!
i love bitcoin crashes
Your no-coin tears are delicious :^)
I got in at 3k, faggot you think I'm sad that it's at 14k?
ROFL!! I got in at $2500. I pity the normies that paid at 19k. My peepee is diamonds.
Bitcunts can get fucked for all i care, im going to keep living as a person who contributes to society and gets handsomely paid for it, instead of throwing my parents life savings on pretend money that i cant withdraw except on steam games.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to get up in the morning, wage slave.
Good, i hope it crashes to 0 so this meme currency gets forgotten.
It only exists for the sake of investing.
Steam doesn't take BTC anymore
someone please stop me
You going to buy the dip?
salt marines
Somebody's gotta buy at the top
> (OP)
>So what? Literally why should i give a fuck if i dont own any? No goverments collapsing, no buying power of small countries killed and no debt crisis. Nobody cares. Come again if its the Dollar, or Oil.
Glad I cashed out when it was around 19k
Yes, keep using mr shecklesteins """"money"""" and working hard at your boss' company that only exists because of keynesian stimulus.
no survivors!
Bitcoins in themself are actually pretty fucking neat. Its not about you "making" money. Its more the concept of having something to exchange with others that is NOT controlled by any government. They cannot shut it down, they cant freeze your assets. That should strike panick in every leader of the world, because it might devalue your own currency enough to kill you country, since every Dollar/Euro/whatever is an IOU to the government that promises to keep the infrastructure running.
This. Bitcoin has no value, it isn’t backed by any military, and it has no intrinsic value. It’s literally the beanie babies of 2017.
Your tears taste so good, did you know that? MMMMMMM yes very pungent. Has that desert wasteland flavor like Fosters.
How's that rothschild monopoly money working out for you, bud?
>wage slave
Top bantz lad, i guess earning three times as much as doctors here is being a slave. See the difference is that i will always get paid as long as i have fingers to work, you will cash out once and say buh bye shitcoins
Lol a black budget just got it's funds!
Pics or it didn't happen
So how low do you think it's going to go? I'm going to buy as soon as I think it hits the floor.
>i guess earning three times as much as doctors
How much do you make?
>t. Med student
This isn't unheard of, relax, not the end of the world
Let's see a pay stub, faggot. How much does a doctor even make in your 3rd world ass-end of the EU?
cryptos are gold standard 2: currency manipulator boogaloo
>intrinsic value
It's hilarious to hear no coiners spew this in every thread
I bought in at 23!! NOoooOOOoOO!!!
BTC is a meme desu
I can see the potential in that, but im not paranoid about my assets, not when the government is contracting me, plus, baiting a couple of tards is always good fun
I bought more on the dip and its already rebounding
said tulip coin would pop,off by 5 days but close enough
>post yfw btc crashes
Pretty good thanks, its real and i can buy almost anything with it. Also im not scared it might become worthless a week from now or gets lost in the ether of an unstable digital platform.
Anyone who owns bitcoin is solely doing it to sell for real money later on. Look at the thousand other trash coins for what its really worth outside of speculation.
I'm basing my judgment on past percentage drops, and day by day trends. I'll probably be more inclined tomorrow, but I'm getting in looooooow.
>being this much of a colossal retard
I actually use btc to buy certain ' equipment' from certain websites. It's great for money laundering too.
I smell a fractured ass, you should go pay 2000$ to get that checked out, jew-dick
So much for "TO THE MOON" eh?
Drink bleach you retards.
Thoughts and prayers to those who lost today. Anyone here feeling down and need a friend? If anyone needs to talk I am a counselor and will listen
dont worry. i will grow more. I'm not a machine dude.
Is it easy to make money on the crypto market? Poorfag who needs money to survuve through uni here
It depends on the month and the contract im working on, but lets just say the average doc makes 5-7k as far as i know, (those who have connections make alot more) my advice get yourself connected in your school, and make sure you make powerful friends. It will pay off
I'm only up 1400%, whatever should I do. My life is over now.
I think around 11k.
>That should strike panick in every leader of the world
Nah. Too market manipulable.
>muh dick
So you're a worthless NEET talking big on the internet. Cool.
Keep holdling your paper shitcoins dude. Peasants like you deserve to get reamed by (((central bankers)))
Delicious, delcious nocoin tears. I can't be the only one feasting on your vindictive little shits' misery.
cool time to buy and ride the coaster up again.
Bit coin will die and the stock market will take off
Tell us what's it's backed by that has any real word value. It's literally propped up by hype and is so volatile its only use is for flipping
Make way, Patrician coin coming through.
>No wasting watts on worthless hashes
>Contributing to projects is efficient with a sub 500 dollar graphics card
>22 million limited supply
>Quantum resistant blockchain in the works
>Proof of Stake and Proof of Work means you earn coins by letting them sit in your wallet effectively strengthening the chain
>You're helping your future self in more ways than one
>Price has risen more than bitcoin percentage wise recently
>Still hovering around 60 cents a piece, perfect chance for plebs to grab a couple with mom's allowance money
>stock market will take off
>it hasn't been going crazy already
We are still in the early stages of a mega bull market
>he thinks "backed" means anything
we kind of been saying this for awhile now.
>thinking i care about your opinion enough to show you my earnings
Shouldn't you be on a sargon of akkad comment section on youtube? I can taste your envy from here
Protip: get a real job and stop taking memecoins so seriously, they wont set you up for life.
sub 1k is my target
Tell us why your paper cuckbucks are worth anything.
Shouldn't it be regarded as a commodity, and traded with that in mind? Doesn't matter why people want it, they do, and that can be capitalized.
/biz/ seems to feel confident about $11k. There's no science behind it, though. If it drops below $10 I'll probably buy a whole coin.
"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."
Fucking newfag. "Pics or it didn't happen" is one of the oldest rules of Sup Forums.
Its growing less than obama did at this point
Lots of lead and steel and TNT that says the backer isn't going anywhere.
I couldn't stop laughing earlier as I witnessed the price drop in real time, I'm sure my neighbours could hear it loudly, while having no idea as to what caused it.
How much did Obama grow? I thought he stayed the same size through the entire time he was in Office.
>r-record highs don't matter
you only lose if you sell
Me miserable? You're the one who invested all your neetbux in digital monopoly money, and you're going to lose all of it before year's end.
I'm laughing my tits off.
ya.. right
Corrections happen.
>lose all of it before year's end.
Yeah it's going somewhere alright.
BTC is dumb. I was smart and put my money in CheeseCoin.
It raise 27% in obamas first year and 24% in trumps first year
They do matter, obams where rising ftom a low and trump is hitting all record highs but the increases are notable. With the tax cut we will really see groath
long time coming. I would've sold mine afte they went 200%+
I can still buy dinner with it. Can I do that with your internet coins
the people who bought thousands of these for pennies each a few years ago must be shaking about now
Oh, the stock market. Sorry, I didn't pick up on what you were saying. How was GDP growth in Obama's first year vs. Trump's?
>The absolute state of (you)
I'm full of criminal kangarooala tears, thanks Bruce. Off to count my e-sheckles :^)
what gives btc its value?
Sure, it's lost power, but you'll always have somewhere to spend it.
Til nuclear Armageddon, anyway.
How much less are the dollars you put into Social Security worth by the time you get them out?
As far as I can tell, shitheads shilling on
>because Btc isn't accepted anywhere
Lol, im not gonna post my monthly earnings to prove the point that bitcoins are a fad. Either take the advice or not, I don't care, if you have money to spend on it, go for it, just dont spend your mothers 30 years of hard work on this stupid shit, these threads make dumb people want to do that because muh millions. You can do so much more with the already existing market
You can use it here, or on a file locker., and next year Amazon. There are actually quite a few places you can use it.
>24 episodes of an excuse to have some loli money demon on screen
What a weird show...
Gdp and unemployment was much worse under obama. I was just talking stock market. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer under obama
Can anyone give me a quick rubdown on XRP? Seems to be rising...