Thanks Abe
Everything is going well in Japan now
You need immigrants, specially blacks and Chinese.
Japanese birth rate is in a trend of increasing
Japanese crime rates have now fallen to some of the lowest in the world.
Abe works well. I support him.
Remember when he was prime minister for a short while? Japan had like a dozen prime ministers in the 2000s and abe went in, left, and came back fucking strong as hell.
Abenomics! yatta! Konbawa!
What do you think of China?
thats a fucking beautiful imagine lad. the empire will rise again
Based Abe found a way with anime propaganda!
Japan is using Sup Forums to reprogram american youth to be fascist, and sell anime.
>tfw I almost want to be a royalist
you won't get me Japan!
nothing is going well you roppongi bushniggers, get your shit together or you'll end up like europe faggots
*teleports behind you*
psh, hey kid....
*casts fan of rage*
heh, cya
happy for you guys
Nikkei stock price
Japanese stock is sensitive with American and Chinese market, but it's a good trend with long term
Bad user, bad.
Suicide number is decreasing. It's 2/3 of the 10 years ago.
Go to liberal arts school because state school tuition
Go to gym
all my right wing friends are there
all the frail ass pussies idk
are libs
serious persecution of the weak
we own the gym
try to take it back by talking to staff
we have all the gym staff in our back pocket
whales and fags sent packing
we own the gym
Record 97% of university graduates land jobs
>because state school tuition
found the commie.
Japanese factories moved to China and other Asian countries.
That's the reason of economic stagnation in Japan 1997-2012.
However they changed their industrial structure and began to go up.