>the stock market is a bubb-
The stock market is a bubb-
This graph is accurate but I'm not sure what you're trying to prove. Nobody says that the stock market is a bubble; that's not even what bubble means. An entire market can't be a bubble: that would make everything a bubble, and when everything is a bubble, nothing is (except the fiat dollar of course). Oh and don't forget to account for inflation. You'll still have huge net gains but the inflation of fiat money follows a similar exponential curve so it's less than it looks like.
There are no 3s in the stock market though. Pattern ends once people figure it out at the second time.
>what is inflation
don't worry kiddo, your wages won't rise to match
This is correct
Looks like a blowoff top to me, haven't seen the market in such a manic phase in decades.
This thread is making people dumber.
This is a lesson that I've had to repeat twice to understand.
But muh bitchunks how do u even open a vanguard acct lol gay old I'm gonna be rich or for tryin grandpa I got Alt coin speculation also nothing ever goes down just HODL moon mommy hey why can't I withdrawal oh no muh money
I didn't think it was possible, but with Trumps tax plan an them bringing back the Trillions in overseas slush funds with the tax cut, ... its doable.
It probably won't go that high within the 8 years
You know what's fucked up, I have money in IBM stock that I bought at 154, my stock is doing such shit because their CEO is a fucking retarded woman who has 20 consecutive quarters of decline ever since she took office. Why can't they fire the bitch so o can make a buck? I'm going to have to sell slightly above what I bought when it eventually gets back up and make only a few bucks off a 15k investment but who knows how long that will take since she is a complete fucking retard!!!! Why do they so this? HP lost a lot of money when they hired that CEO woman who ran for president, Pepsi lost a lot of money when they hired that poo in loo bitch who literally told everyone who didn't vote for Hillary to buy coke. WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS!! It's no wonder Pepsi can't break 120 when coke has made it to almost 300 a share
Will IBM make a comeback?
Well, do you see IBM as a company like Microsoft or Apple?
>fell for Watson meme
What else have you invested in?
These numbers are what a collapsing civilization looks like. Every American company is fucked. The only thing keeping the house of cards together is more and more extreme usury which is unsustainable.
>hang on guys, I think this ray is about to turn into an upwards liiiiiiiii-
Well yes, except they don't have a woman as a ceo
Idk if they would repeat the same mistake a third time, unless a.) they are retarded, or b.) they are evil.
heh made me think too