Why would anyone ever send their kid to public school?
Why would anyone ever send their kid to public school?
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homeschoolers are weird and usually end up coal burners or neets. Better to send your children to a redpilled boarding school and then prep school, dont let your dunning kruger ruin your children, youre not a teacher.
share this one with friends and family!
the correct answer is, the holocaust never happened
lel the top private schools are full of cocaine and degenerates
You get what you pay for, republicans.
better than your daughter burning coal and your son never learning to socialize and ends up a beta neet
>Why would anyone ever send their kid to public school?
because they don't want their children confiscated by the Child "Protective" services.
Homeschooling is more difficult than you think, there are rules to follow, or the truancy officer comes to your house.
nice unproven NEA meme
can you at least wait a week before starting this thread again?
This isnt Germany
> (OP)
>You get what you pay for, republicans.
The US already has the world's most expensive schools. The problem is a lack of gassing retards.
No. Working 24/7/365 he will get 547,500 loaves. Probably less given realistic downtime for cleaning and maintenance.
have you ever met a home school kid?
Other schools don't have to jump through hoops to avoid teaching things that christians can't deal with like evolution and what labor day is for.
>This isnt Germany
CPS is a real thing in America, and so are truancy officers.
You can't just homeschool your kids, there are forms to fill out or the state will take them from you.
evolution is only a theory
deal with it
10 minutes = 2 peices of Board A
lets go twice as fast
5 minutes to saw 1/3 of Board B off and than 5 more minutes to saw the other Third off
The answer is 10 minutes right?
I remember math word questions that turned into logic questions in school. They would piss me off. Teachers usually fucked them up and most kids where too stupid to understand them.
Most of the "my kid is smarter than the teacher" pictures lack context. Usually teachers will be giving a lesson based on how to solve the problem before they are asked to solve them. This question is obviously asking you to find the pieces produced per minute then expand that to more pieces
How long does it take to saw a board into 1 piece?
each cut takes 10 minutes, 20 is correct
Kids heavily bullied in the public schools usually become NEETs.
It says just as fast, not twice as fast. If one cut takes 10 minutes and you get 2 boards, to get another board would require another cut taking another 10 minutes.
Total is 20 minutes, 2 cuts and 3 boards.
What if rudolf sticks them in two at a time?
Its a theoretical rate. If you don't go a mile can you not find your mph? she produced 2 pieces in 10 minutes. 10/2 = 5 minutes per piece produced. At the same RATE emphasis on rate to produce 3 pieces would take 15 minutes. Unless your autistic slightly weirdly worded questions like this a trivial
So is gravity
>brb, levitating
What if you want 3 equal pieces smaller than one third of the entire board?
She is not producing wood
She is making cuts she made one cut
I hope these are fake.
>dunning kruger
>what if
You could want any number of different shaped pieces
that would mean any time including 20 is correct
Math checks out. Holocaust was fake.
ive been here since before you sprouted pubes champ
Then I suppose you would have to accurately cut one third of the board to begin with, one cut. Then cut that third of a board twice making three equal pieces. Totaling 3 cuts and 30 minutes, assuming whoever is cutting the board is a fucking Mongrel that takes forever to cut planks.
Back to my main point, this question is lacking context. Finding the rate is obviously the goal of this question. Granted this isn't necessarily the best example but don't be autistic about it, this product is the cut piece of wood which she is producing by cutting from a board
Sup Forums didn't exist in 2002
The question asks "how is that possible?" implying that Marty did, in fact, eat more pizza. The kid is 100% correct in response to the question. The teacher is just retarded for phrasing the question that way.
I'm just saying just because you want 3 pieces doesn't mean you can just cut the board into thirds
>Back to my main point, this question is lacking context.
What context do you need for sawing a board into two pieces?
Why couldn't you cut the board into thirds? Do you not measure your wood before cutting?
the question doesnt say anything about size so why couldnt you?
Correct answer is anywhere from zero to infinty minutes because it only specifies 'another board' as a vague descriptor
This is why math grads suck ass when they get jobs irl, trying to insert algebra into real world problems then reeeeeing because the square isnt perfect
1/5 work on your banter, you bring shame to your nation
Or, 1 cut = 10 min
10/1= 10 min/cut
2 (10/1)= 20 minutes
idk if you misunderstood but in order to cut 3 pieces from a board it would take 3 cuts. Producing 2 pieces from 2 cuts took 10 minutes therefore 5 minutes per cut. 5 * 3 =15
Sad that we can't see the comments. No wonder corporations want to have governments censor the public... They can't even handle a little heat when they put out awful advertising campaigns...
No it doesn't my dude. If I have a plank and I cut it twice, on the left side of the board and once on the right side of the board, I will have three separate planks.
>inb4 this is bate
You originally asked what if I wanted three equal pieces smaller than one third of the original board. I can obtain three pieces of a plank with two cuts.
The teaching profession is like a liberal's wet dream. They get to boss you around and tell you that you're wrong and they get paid to do it.
Maybe im the autistic one then but I'd just measure 3 equal pieces on one side and make three cuts
My question is what prevents some people getting together, hiring a teacher with a degree by pooling their money, and having that teacher school their children?
You're clearly a teacher.
It should be clear that trying to interpret the question the way you are is retarded. And I'm someone who defends the ideas behind common core.
no im an engineering student and understand the word RATE when i see it
Fucking lel people are actually as dumb as you
i think every parent dreams of the day their child is gunned down in a school shooting
>RATE when i see it
The question doesn't say rate
Wrong rate faggot. Go back to india.
And hes supposedly an engineering student. Maybe at Chiwawaqua college or sum shit lel.
Well i suppose the inevitable paedophillia would be problematic for one thing
>err yeah...im a teacher, honest
I'm going to be a licensed engineer in less than 6 months so when my bridge collapses i hope your on it
To saw a board into two pieces requires one(1) cut. To make three pieces requires two(2) cuts.
A cut takes ten(10) minutes to perform.
How the fuck are you unable to understand this? There should be an IQ test to post on this board.
It's going to be home school or private school for mine.
>I hope your on it
Thanks for confirming you’re clinically retarded.
The teacher even did their own work on the paper proving it was 20 minutes of work.
These better be fake.
We pay about $18K per student, per year at the High School level.
The Teacher's Unions and leftists spend a lot of energy convincing people it's a money issue.
It's sure as fuck not.
All the home schoolers I know are successful but they do kinda act like they are already retirement age at like 30. They usually marry other homeschooled people. Can't say they are worse off for it honestly.
>The teacher is just retarded for phrasing the question that way.
The teacher probably didn't write the question. The teacher was probably using prebuilt worksheets that come with the textbook and was too retarded to use the answer key or thought they were so smart they didn't need the answer key to grade.
This is what your children face in public schools.. but most times from the teachers
The teacher is wrong though.
The whole point is that this is either a very stupid teacher or a very stupid question.
2 cuts makes 3. 3 cuts makes 4.
>The teacher is wrong though.
Yes, that's the point.
If it's a stupid question it's still on the teacher.
I work with lots of autists in a biochemistry lab. We have automated robots that dispense a lot of the liquids for us since we process thousands of samples. We have super accurate scales accurate down to 0.0001 grams that are calibrated 2X a year.
Water weighs 1g per ml, that's a fact.
I've gotten into so many arguments with the autists in my lab because I have the robots set to dispense volumes like 1.05 ml when we want 1 ml. They see that and think everything is wrong. I put the finished product on the scale and show them the extra 0.05 accounts for the tiny droplets that stick to the machine and are never dispensed. They never understand and think I'm ruining everything by dispensing 5% too much and throwing off our reactions. Had the argument again today for like 30 minutes. Some retard always wants to set it to 1.0.
I fucking hate people who don't know how to work in the real world where there is error and imperfection and only know how to do math on paper.
How long does it take to change the machine?
If it's only a minute you're far better off just changing it when you need it and changing it back for them. That way they keep getting their shit fucked up and you can keep laughing about how much they suck.
Look up the average SAT scores of education majors. Most semi-educated people are probably better teachers than teachers.
Not being able to afford it.
Getting upset over that video will only make you look like a maniac to those who have not yet picked a side. Use videos like this instead:
Yes. They tend to be the smartest, happiest, and most successful people.
1 board + 1 cut = 2 pieces
1b + 1c = 2p
1 + 1 = 2
1 board + 2 cuts = 3 pieces
1b + 2c = 3p
1 + 2 = 3
1 cut = 10 min
2 cut = 20 min
What kind of fucking retard wouldn't vet the teacher? You think they'd just pull some random person off the street and offer them to teach children? Fuck out of here until you come up with a real answer.
If someone created a service that tracked YouTube videos and automatically created a secondary impartial comments section they could probably make a killing off ads.
because they cant afford private school
It's easy to change. Maybe you are right. But it's pretty ridiculous to do things wrong just to make retards happy.
What drives me insane is that I can tare out a plate on the scale, dispense, and put the plate back on the scale and show them it is bang on 1.0 and +/- only like 0.0005 which is fine, but they refuse to listen or even see my point. They just see the 1.05 on the computer screen and flip out.
This is why women shouldn't teach.
Are you trolling or actually this fucking stupid?
The best way to teach a retard he's wrong is to let him have his way. Eventually he'll hurt himself enough times to figure it out.
Or they'll get fired for incompetence.
Either way not your problem.
It could be these pieces aren't equal in length. If you are sawing off a smaller piece from a much larger board then it would take 3 separate cuts not 2.
>x = x.
In reality
>x = potentially anything because kevin didnt get a blowjob last night and is still super pissed about it
>We pay about $18K per student, per year at the High School level.
>The Teacher's Unions and leftists spend a lot of energy convincing people it's a money issue.
How much of that money goes to the teachers? How much goes to scams where a $200 textbook has to be discarded at the end of the year due to trivial revisions that put money in the pocket of some politically tied company?
It hasnt stopped them so far.
I mean my chemistry teacher buggered me so hard i thought I was gay for an entire year afterwards.
Shame really, apart from that she was a pretty good teacher
Engineer 1 saw three pieces with three cuts
Engineer 2 saw three pieces with two cuts
Which engineer is better?
After couple of years now when you're over engineering something and you dare to feel proud of it. Remember this.
I did online school for High School and honestly it was so easy that I felt like I was practically cheating. I feel like I missed out on a lot of stuff like Homecoming and dating but overall I don't really regret it.
Making up extraneous shit to somehow make yourself right is the epitome of retardation. The only possible answers are ten(10) and twenty(20). Ten(10), because if you take the problem at face value and assume that she works just as quickly (meaning that the entire first JOB was done in ten(10) minutes), the second job will also be done in ten(10) minutes, despite there being more work involved. The other possibility is if you assume that it took her ten(10) minutes to merely make a cut, it will take her twenty(20) minutes. Two(2) cuts for a total of three(3) pieces. No where does it mention the dimensions required for each piece so the job is completed upon the second cut. The teacher is retarded for not properly explaining what they wanted with this shit question. Instead something like eating apples or smoking cigarettes would've been much clearer.
the answer is 15
typical /poi/ brainlet is too dumb to understand what this teacher meant when creating this equation
my calculations came up with 15 as you can see it described in my paper (see attachment) i did 2 separate tests where the number came as 15
see attachment for more details
547,800 or 548,100 actually, depending on the time period chosen contains one or two leap years. (((Anne))) is still wrong though.
In this thread:
>A bunch of right wingnuts
complaining about educatin because
"muh religion!"
>LOL! for the LAWLZ!!!