How do we make a religion as fast as possible
Serious thread about Kek?
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by checking these
Our religion is chaos, formless, eternal.
No like really I’m in, what do we have to do
Start organizing offline, like rent one of those big revival tents. You know, make a Kek church.
I am kek
Catholicism is the only way Amerimutts
All will be explained soon.
All the fun that GETposting and kek worship ever had was shattered the nanosecond sargon of mossad co-opted it as some faggy leddit larp faith. You're beating a dead horse at this point
>Implying Michael from Vsauce isn't the true mastermind behind all this
I nominate Big Man Tyrone as our pope! He helps spread the good word through his YouTube channel, and IRL he is a businessman, embodying the capitalist spirit of Kek. Yes, Kek is a capitalist. Socialism is for NORMIES.
fuck off
Truth is chaos in a world of ordered lies.
I hope you fucking die. No leaders no niggers. Praise Kek.
Kek. Why do enjoy those soucy memes so much. Have a (you).
>> 154127575
Klaatu barada nikto
We need to write the Kekronomicon
The digits shall write the Kekronomicon
>Worshipping Mary
>Getting into heaven
pick one faggot. catholic my balls
Kek communicates more than any god in the past two millenia. We need to ask him.
Turn to Christ before it's too late
Christ loves frogs
>veneration of virtue and worship are the smae thing
Odin approves as well.
Keep predicting shit and say your answers are from god. Then troll the world by pulling out the bible
Recognise Christ
Kek will literally never answer these kek seeking threads. Kek isn't a western god. He doesn't give a fuck about you. Kek is Chaos. Why the fuck would he want to be involved in a thread that singles him out when he's already fucking everywhere.
Kek wills it.
Traps aren't gay.
Make everything online.
Things will go wider and faster.
for all you know OP is Kek.
Need more esoteric literature like this: 'The Many Manifestations of Kek'
>Serious thread
kek is a disiciple of Christ
it's a meme we don't really believe kek is real you fucking t_d faggot idiots holy shit the absolute state of these virgin neckbeards.
Trump will repeal the constitution with these digits and take his immortal throne as god emperor!!!!
>those didgits
Now I don't know what to think
Why you posting year of the serpent for.
>NOT happy.
He’s not because I am
Heh? Relegion ok
It already is
You have already done what you must
It's Klaatu verata necto
Don't make baseless claims like that, you ruin the movement.
oh kek, how hath we forsaken you, shalt we ever be given thou forgiveness?
We need to study the old writings about Kek. There's very little written about the original Ogdoad that's easily accessible via internet. We need to know more.
Esoteric Kekism will be the Scientology of the ethnostate.
You posted the oldest one.
All hail ancient gods!
>How do we make a religion as fast as possible
Kek is a god, not a religion. If any of you were serious, you'd listen to me.
What a pathetic lack of digits, is this your faith in Kek really this weak?
If you have better control of your ego.
Sorry, when.
The world is being remade by chaos to overthrow those who thought they could control it. We should not try to control the world, just smirk as chaos wins.
I THRIVE on chaos!...but need order to recharge.
Mere mortals can not contain the power
We have the following, we just need to take it public. Take it off the image boards and take it to the streets.
get posting has been around since the beginning of Sup Forums. It won't die, it's a vital thread connecting this site to its past.
"In the embrace of great Nurgle, I am no longer afraid, for with His pestilential favour I have become that which I once feared: Death"
-Kulvain Hestarius
in all honesty though why arent we spreading contagious diseases on public transport to kill niggers
You don't. Meme and insert symbolism as you wish to. Organization is bad.
By stopping the jews
reform judaism
subvertly convince all jews that kek is new prophet
You should start with mass suicides, it will make world notice you
Turn to the true savior Thoth
rong one
>How do we make a religion as fast as possible
>Judaism - lost homeland
>Islam - jihad
>Christianity - Jesus + martyrs
Non-abrahamic ones weren't based on suffering, so they ended up what they ended up - shit tier myths.
but that's not a proper keystone
it's just gonna fall over once the man goes away
Been reading up on pic related
>extremely violent
>hated jews
>dalai lama named him the earthly form of their obscure chaos war god
>invaded mongolia to restore a khanate with the ultimate goal of destroying communism
>his numbered military orders were not continuous. they were numbered based off their 'luck' according to mystic shamans
Dare I say, /saint/?
The beauty is Constitutionally protected freedom of religion means that you can create a church about virtually anything. My cousin started a church that's complete nonsense, but it's still a church, and the government recognizes it as such.
Register with the IRS for tax-exempt status as a religious organization. Be careful because certain activities can disqualify you from this, such as endorsing a political candidate.
You'll need a place of worship - it can barn, or a boat, or whatever - somewhere a congregation can congregate.
After that, it's up to you to manage and expand your flock.
To bring order after the chaos, to remake the world of men into a better place
Yeah. Pepe is a troll god. He should be operating a drawbridge. Trolling people trying to get across. To test if they can handle the bants. The unworthy turn away.
Ill stick with jesus though. Pepe sounds kind of like a trickster demon to me. But god did flood egypt with frogs once when the pharaoh wouldnt let the jews go.