ITT: We post panels where a manga got good


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Too bad Gantz actually turned to shit later.

Action Man and the Kid were too good for this series. Really this group was the only one I really cared for and it went to shit afterwards.

Mid Vampire arc it went to hell

It started to be shit the moment Tae appeared in a panel.


Is this that manga where the loli catgirl sells herself to buy food for her sick grandma, then at the end the grandma rescues her from a bunch a rapists after getting swole from the food she brought her?

And then it went right back to being shit

The beginning of the end was the only redeeming factor of this, and I went into it with high hopes, despite it being gook shit

Source? Is dude getting cucked?


Too bad it went downhill after this.

The entire Pain arc was fun, named characters were dying left and right, and Kishi let you know he wasn't fucking around when fucking Kakashi died.
Then it was all undone. Why bother killing them at all

Unfortunately, everything being undone had to be done. Conceptually thats what should happen considerin the situation. But he should have thought of a way to keep one or two characters dead and kill a few more on the fallout. I'm more mad at people who should have been revived not getting the chance or getting cucked out of it.

Sounds like you have shit taste

holy fuck i forgot they were a thing
jesus christ what was the point of them in the first place



I even dropped the manga for 2 years on this arc, came back knew it was ending, so I read to be on time for when the manga finished... The fucking ending

Oh damn I had never seen that page, that is ridiculously good. Kishi has some really great art and drawing a town from a view like this must have been very challenging.


>two furatas
wow this manga really turned to shit huh





not exactly



Cough cough Neji

I see what you did there.



I can say with confidence that Dead Tube is the worst Manga I've ever read.

Not that it was bad before but the story actually got pretty interesting here.



>what you're talking about



You know I've been cheated on and these panels really speak to me. The initial denial and anger was very strong.


Who's this? I recognize that eye and reverse search isn't helping.

I was going to post this, really

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer my man




what are you even doing

But that's the very fir- ah.
I agree.

Not even worth a (you), be less obvious next time.
Not a very good job, evidently.


>That battery life
>Screen cap
>Those adds
>Reading manga on a phone

This is just too much.

Every time I manage to forget that you fucks bring t up. Now I'm gonna guiltfap over this shit for another week

I need a source to go with this insane description.

Some of my best manga experiences were on phone because I remember I read it somewhere else than my home and that gives it special value in my heart somehow

Recharge your phone NOW

And then the catgirl reveals that she only wanted to get the grandma swole so that they could have a fight to the death.


Kumagawa was fucking based

I got new autist triggering bait, thanks faggot

It's amazing how a single secondary character saved this manga.

Updates never



Pic unrelated, right?

>okay so I know we've been following basic rules this whole time

>but fuck it heres some psychics
>also this guys a vampire
>and lets give this guy a sword that extends even though nobody else got a sword
not to mention the EDGE that preceded it

This part and his long struggle to take down Crocodile was incredibly satisfying. Alabasta is still a personal favorite to this day.



Skypeia will always be my favourite, but Alabasta is a solid second for me. All of the fights were satisfying as all hell.

Skypeia was great, especially that flashback at the end.

tfw still on hiatus

Enel was a great antagonist man. Built up as a god and it sure felt like it.

gantz was good before teh dinosaur alien arc

>world trigger


Fucking Monster Assocation man

Fuck you man, i forgot this ...

Didn't this get cancelled? I really wanted to read it, but I don't want the heartache when I get to the end and it's unfinished.

Deus vult

but user tha-

oh. i see

wow. this is toppest level bait


>all these idiots who don't let their phone battery drain completely before charging it
Enjoy your reduced battery life, faggots

I only disconnect my phone from the charger when I go outside and I rarely go outside. The battery still works normally.

Letting it drain all the way is worse dummy.
You want to aim for ~50%.
>not having phone with replaceable batter

It was good way before this but this is when it went fucking maximum

>It was good

It did get cancelled, but it wrapped up the most immediate aspects of the plot (possibly because it's an adaptation so there was no "alright, you have to change your plans and come up with an ending right now" aspect to it). It feels more like a movie or book with sequels to come than a typical axed ending.




what? That's matsumei. Tsukiyamas maid stabbing someone.

Desu vult


fuck you

my nigga

>what are assistants


Sorry I'm late