What now /pol? I bet you didn't expect this
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Nazis and Asians are natural allies. Always have been.
>Vice: Asians are white supremacists
Well i guess that's it. No point of living anymore...
>Vice writing dumb clickbait
Actually it's pretty expected.
This. East asians are aryans of the far side of the world. Jews are going to get btfo by them
Asians are honorary ary...
TBF Japs love doggos, all others belong against the wall.
>Asian, spic and black white supremacists
Based ancestors.
I think they should rebrand it as "human supremacist", because whites, chinks, and some brown people are essentially a separate species from niggers.
Fucking hell
A lot of Asians in America are on the hate whitey bandwagon though actually especially Chinese and Koreans
>why doesn't EVERY Asian hate the white oppressor though?
I hate the modern world
chinese are not people
Other than unnecessary cruelty as evinced by your image, who cares if they eat dogs or cats or whatever?
This soyboy bullshit over muh doggos is a symptom of a sick mind. You're playing with fire and are going to be a small souled bug man sperging on reddit in no time.
Chinks and gooks are asian doesn't mean asian are all chinks and gooks.
Bhutan, Tibet, Gurkha, Mongol, Japan, and elsewhere are all based.
Well, that's another article I can add to the list of "things that push away liberals rather than invite them".
Those are mainly the monkey-looking chink-nigger hybrids you find in western china. Been there myself and it was an absolute third world shithole. Most purebred chinks, gooks and virtually all japs don't eat dogs.
Called it, they are targeting asains as well.
Asians were always the odd man out on the diversity coalition.
Now are they really?
I work with Mongolians and they are nice enough and work hard but they are the most fucking uncivilised cunts I've ever worked with. Even Somalians at least go to the toilet before relieving themselves, even if they do still wipe with their hands
Myanmar is pretty based with monks removing rohingya kebab. Chinks, japs and gooks are all extremely xenophobic and are as intelligent as white people. Cambodians, laotians, indonesians, and other SEAs are the niggers of asia and have ape-like features and sub human intelligence.
Don't make it to complicated for them user, they just see colours.
Wait, what? Where do you work where people are scooping shit out of their ass barehanded or relieving themselves outside of a bathroom?
A-Are you a mover?
Okay Chang
The Jew fears the Samurai
Koreans are not based. At all.
translate kimchi
Japs were also allies with nazis, so put 2 and 2 together
It's frustrating, isn't it? It's like they just want to isolate white people entirely but forget that a lot of asians still live in poor neighborhoods where they get robbed by blacks every day
they destroyed by western original liberals and SJWs like Spain, French, etc
Really? I'm a chink, and every other chink, gook, and pajeet I know would take whitey over niggers and spics any time of the day. I'd much rather be in a redneck town than in a nigger infested city.
Asians know they are next on the totem pole of privilege.
Articles like opening and pic related really make me thinks, is everyone just a paid shill now are are the people writing these articles mentally ill or both?
Those niggers specifically targeted gooks during the 1992 LA riots, and the leftist media called the niggers out for their racism, probably because only whitey can be rayciss. I hate niggers.
Oh crap, typo. I meant lefty media never mentioned the niggers being racist and targeting asians because niggers can't be rayciss. My bad.
I'll be truthful, I dislike asains for being an economic threat, but I don't hate most of them.
I'll go out of my way to harrass a spic nigger or Jew, but I won't do anything to an jap unless he starts something, and from my experience they don't.
>What now /pol? I bet you didn't expect this... are you high?
you M U S T go back, faggot
apple and google are commie fags that suck chinas billion consumers little itty-bitty dicks for tha gibs
Yeah I got what you meant to say from the context, don't worry about it.
This is America retard, not Germany. If Nazis are their natural allies then we would be their mortal enemies
cool teenage mutant ninja fan club
So they like hot dogs...?
Big deal. That could be a solution to the pit bull problem too. Maybe we should offer to let the Asian replace the niggers. Memphis would be nice again.
Asians and whites are going to need to be allies against the brown tide. Anyone saying otherwise is just attempting to line up the dominoes of the downfall of civilization.
Not really. Americans have alot in common with Nazis, and this is a growing sentiment.
absorutery honorary
I've had exactly zero problems with anyone of Asian decent here in Idaho. In fact I would say all my interactions have been very positive.
was this animu girl drawn by araki?
The feminist scourge and foreign policy doves in SK need to GTFO or preferably DOTR.
If the thing died quick or near instantaneously and wasn't abused horrendously, I'd eat dog.
Don't see the point with a cat, too little meat, but same rules apply.
The thought of consuming soy based products as my only source of protein is what truly makes me recoil in horror.
A lot of the most brilliant chinks and poos flee their shitholes to settle here. That's a good thing, since it raises our iq and lowers theirs, and chinkland loses its best scientists and engineers and can't compete with the west.
By the way, most chinks are really fucking dumb; I've been to chinkland a few times, and it's a complete third world hellscape outside of the coastal cities. Chinks in the US only overachieve because of the selection bias; only smart chinks get to immigrate here. Also, chinks get dumber the further inland you go, and the ningxia chinks I met were worse than niggers.
I would take 100.000 chinks as refugee rather than 1 mohammed or 1 nigger . CHINESE here DON T STEAL, don t rape our women , don t build mosque and pray to their pedo god , they mind their own business and that s all. In the race war , chinaman will be my ally
>asian americans not protesting
>the worst SJWs are chink american women
in retarded left wing circles
Same here but jap. All asians that I know, young or old are pretty fucking racist against niggers at the very least.
nestor kirchner on the mid-left
>chinese don't steal
I've been to chinkland a few times, and it was a third world shithole. Chinks will try to steal your shit, and they will try to scam you everywhere, especially if you don't speak mandarin (or ugly ass cantonese in the south) or look like a chink. The only reason chinks in the west are civilized is because of selection bias, because only the best chinks get to settle in the west.
Yeah for all the shit the Norks get, you guys live in a different kind of totalitarian nightmare.
But at least you have kimchi.
reminder: this is why burgers are 56%
chink, specifically, american born chinks are the worst sjws
i've never met a japanese american woman who entertains leftist dribble, they laugh at that kind of stuff
>betting we didn't expect it
We expected it
asians know that they are next if the kikes manage to beat whites.
At least your cities aren't infested with niggers.
>This soyboy bullshit over muh doggos is a symptom of a sick mind.
Man and dog evolved side by side with one another for thousands of years, to both of our benefit. You can tell a lot about a culture by whether or not they were intelligent enough to domesticate canines and how they treat their dogs in general.
asians now have to make a choice
join us nazis, or join with the commies
Easy choice.
Asian American have decided if you can't beat them join them. Everybody on the Victim Train!!
A lot of chinks hate SJWs and liberals for supporting affirmative action and other forms of gibs to niggers. Asians are excluded from schools they are overqualified for while niggers and spics get accepted for being niggers and spics and drop out after the first year.
choice already been made a long time ago
I for one welcome the hapa future for the west united states.
>This soyboy bullshit over muh doggos is a symptom of a sick mind.
No it's not...dogs are family in America they may as well be eating babies.
nigger you never have a gun pointed at anyone unless you mean to kill them
learn some discipline
>i've never met a japanese american woman who entertains leftist dribble
because you're a biased weeaboo retard
Asian immigrant reporting.
I work as a healthcare analyst and nigs are the worst. Every time I ever run numbers regarding X or Y, nigs are always the lowest. Any non-white race or Asian has lower parameters.
They default on paying bills most of the time, request unnecessary healthcare needs like extra medicine, etc. Most of the extra medicine they get ends up being sold on the street.
Also with the surge of emergency teams being harrassed, shot at, or killed in the line of duty, many hospitals are considering arming nurses, and EMT, while local/state governments might arm firefighters. Places in Georgia already have concealed carry EMT specialists.
Pic related.
Just think of all the asians that are liberal in college, worked hard to get through school and make their parents proud. Now they have to work with diversity hire niggers and pick up their slack. They will all change their tune after a dose of the real world.
Those same gooks joined niggers in the anti-white protests immediately after the riots
>hey hard working asians, go and protest for more welfare for the violent apes who steal from your shops
Called it.
Its gonna wind down to whites and asians vs jews, niggers, and spics
Better to eat the animal then fuck it John.
Ye but niggers steal in their country and IN OURS . At least chinks that come here are keeping low profile . I never heard of chinks HERE doing robbery . I always hear about albanians subhumans and niggers ..
By telling a minority to what to do that's inherently racist they should be able to make up their own minds. Reversed social justice Warrior logic back to the enemy
This is another weird one found to go with the other one
They're trying to shame an overall intelligent and successful people that have only recently came to this country into acting like victims.
Wtf, I love chinks now
not according to canadian law my northern friend
>t. canada
>A week after the riots, in the largest Asian-American protest ever held in a city, about 30,000 mostly Korean and Korean American marchers walked the streets of L.A. Koreatown, calling for peace and denouncing police violence
Funny thing is, I'm not liberal. I avoided politics for the most part and I genuinely went into the healthcare field to help others.
nigs made me apathetic and I've never held such reserved hate for something in my life. Over in Japan, blacks are seen as oddities. Actually I still tons of things as oddities.
But yeah, any time a bullet point comes up and I see a non-white representing it, it's never a good sign.
>that webm
the rat got a boner
yes people keep rats as pets
Yeah, but why did she put her lips right over the rat's erect dick multiple times?