Tens of thousands of lives could be saved every year if the 2nd amendment was repealed. There is no need for ordinary citizens to own guns. They have the police force and military to protect them from foreign and domestic enemies. It is 2017 not the 1700s anymore.
Tens of thousands of lives could be saved every year if the 2nd amendment was repealed...
Slide thread
You're right! I can't believe they never thought of this! drugs are illegal so nobody does them
Slide thread fuck off
Please tell me you are not actually this dumb..
You're a fucking retard, We lose guns we lose the freedom to protect everything. You want Daddy government to take care of everything? well, daddy government will just start taking away every freedom you hold dearly until your a fucking slave.
Canada is more free than the United States even with their common sense gun regulations.
>police brutality
>only police should have guns
I can't stand democrats. You guys aren't for gun control. You just want pigs to have guns. I say we arm the people and not the government
But I thought the police were racist and corrupt? How can we count on them to do anything but murder innocent black men?
criminals commit crimes because they think they can get away with it. niggers do not have the balls to try carjacking me
we border a 3rd world country you nig nog
Then move to Canada faggot
The people being killed could have been saved if they had guns.
We have to be able to protect ourselves from niggers, sand niggers, and spics.
I'd be alright with no guns (except for hunting) if all the niggers, spics, and mudslimes were kicked out or executed.
Get the shitskins out of here permanently and we have a possibility of changing things, but until then, no way.
Niggers and spics would be going door to door raping and killing nonstop if we could no longer legally obtain weapons for self-defense.
Do you want The Turner Diaries to happen in real life?
Canada has a lot less niggers and spics.
Guns are the only way to keep monkeys off your porch.
Better men than you have tried.
You think guns are bad, I can buy binary explosives that mimic anfo right off the shelf at my local sporting goods shops legally with no permit.
Checkmate liberals.
THis is untrue. The only gun related casualties that will drop are gun suicides. Everything else will remain the same
You must be because its the same logic
that meme is representative of a slithery kike being jerked off by a nigger. saged
your death will bring many joy
Its nice to see KEK fighting against this commie piece of shit
The second guarantees the first, you outrageous nigger.
(Confirmed for bad times for op)
Op has been cursed.
I will not. What I will so is work towards solving one of the biggest issues plaguing my country- gun violence.
Cold dead hands
If you need to die to save a room full of children, so be it.
you're still here?
>guns will stop existing if you ban them
I wish I was this naive sometimes
Fuck off you faggot nigger
The sheer number of people you would need to be willing to kill easily outnumbers the children who die each year to guns.
who are we to tell some guy he can't kill himself?
i don't want guns taken away from people who want to commit suicide, because i'm no better or higher than them. if they seek help, then that means there's room for hope and they're not over the ledge just yet, so i'm all for helping those, but for the ones who are not, i'd like them to have the choice, as if i ever got to the point of committing suicide, then i want that choice to be available.
i say this because most of the gun deaths are combined with suicides too. if it weren't a combo, then gun deaths would be fraction of an "issue" it is today. and honestly, there are far bigger issues than innocents dying by guns; think about all the lives that are saved because of the guns... it's far more likely for criminals to come to your city if they believe none of you carry.
that's pretty subjective, and even if many believe this to be true, it's only tentative.
let enough people who do not assimilate with the culture move in, and see how lightly they take the justice system by taking advantage of the natives. the whole democrat way of thinking is in short terms so yes if you're looking at it with that filter on, you'll think that canada is way safer and better. what you dont seem to grasp is the right-wing mentality, which tends to look down the line... way further. sure it's paranoid, but i doubt anyone can argue against it by looking at trends (and not coming off illogical)
>commies taking guns
yeah, na m8.
We've already discussed this.
Two-thirds of gun-related deaths are suicides. 70-80% of the remaining one-third are gang-related nig-on-nig violence, almost exclusively done using handguns. I'm okay with this situation as-is.
OP must be new to politics
I guarantee you there's a lot more than 50 people per year that would rather die than give up their guns.
How many NRA members have committed a mass shooting? Zero.
Seems to be a lot of gang members, criminals, and democrats committing all the gun crimes...perhaps if we outlaw guns, the whole world will just destroy all their weapons and not traffic any into the US?
I would like the turner diaries to happen irl. The ending makes it all worth it
News flash. Law enforcement has no constitutional duty to protect an individual.