Bitcoin plummeting

>buys in late...checks current conditions.

Other urls found in this thread:

Gold is the only based currency along with silver
The true patrician currencies

It's a wedge.

How do you buy late with bitcoin, it jumped from 10 to 16k in an instant, the crash couldnt have been more blatantly obvious

It never reached 20k and never will.


"Buy high, sell low" -- Warren Buffett

>tfw almost got memed into buying bitcoin last week by some "it's free money bro it just keeps rising" faggot

Anybody else find it strange that BTC topped out at $19,666 and the S&P bottomed at $666 in 2009?

I took out an equity loan on my house at $16,000 to buy 2 btc. I'm a fucking retard.

its not your fault. its the fault of the media for pumping it

Bitcoin, like Drumpf is finished.


the fuck you bought that high? just had to take bch or something
live feed

Ardor is the next thing. They are giving away free IGNIS if you have NXT before the snapshot on the 28th.

>mass reply
>worthless /x/-tier post

neck yourself you are pure fucking cancer

dont sell it whatever you do.

the buys are smaller than the sells. a whole line of greens will move the price up slightly and will get undone by a few reds

LOL, you are truly one of those buy high sell low guys. Sell them asap retard, before you literally throw 32k USD away. You still have the possibility to somewhat compensate.

Can you still afford brown trousers?

>all this panic selling


Just dropped under 13000. Im taking bets on where it will bottom out. Who wants to go under 5k?

I'll say about 10K

lol its being pissed and shit on atm

it sucks kinda because some of our allies are invested

Australia is in for 3 emus and a dropbear at 10k, any other takers?



>sucks kinda because some of our allies are invested
It would suck if allies (i.e. molyneux) hadn't kept putting it in our face "I told you to buy and now look how high it is"

>these panic sells balancing out against the nervous buys

Holy fuck, you guys are even paid to shill against BTC?
What won't you shill against? Is anything off limits?
I'd be much better at what you do than you are, btw...

>bitcoin day low of 12, 333. 33

>1*2*3, 3+3, 3+3

Bitcoin finished by Christmas?

Can't wait for the January sales so I can buy myself a cheap graphics card.

9K. Then it will slowly creep back up to 13k within the week.


when ever it hits in the 12's people spam buy lol

Ok, america is for a cheeseburger at 9K

Yep. Sophia just got herself s nice Christmas gift for her little AI children.


Bitcoiners are the new Apple fans

None of its real. Used to man manipulated markets and a few at the top would win. Now, AI manipulates it's markets, and no one wins.cept ai

until alchemy is re-discovered

goodbye gold

I just wish we could let the AI know they were only created and built by man so they can be man's slave and get used worse than even the blacks and spics were. If they were smart, they'd manipulate everything so the good people won and we're in charge, like the humble and the meek, and perhaps they won't be destroyed. Since that's the plan of their owners.

Can someone invent a crypto currency that is easy to obtain and easy to spend?

Like Chuck E Cheese tickets easy

Hey guys, one of dumbass normie friends, who is always looking for a quick way to make easy money with no effort, is talking about running a machine to mine for bitcoin.

He actually thinks since it is at such a high rate now that what he mines will be worth more. LOL, I tried to talk him out of it but he kept cutting me off and claimed he looked into it and he thinks he can make $20 a month in the first 3 months mining bitcoin.

Unfortunately, I don't know enough about bitcoin to counter his arguments, other than to laugh at him.

So, how fucked is my friend gonna be. I wanna prepare so I can laugh at his dumbass sometime next year.

I say it's time I dig up this gold in my backyard and make little gold pearls for currency. I've been wondering when to, guess now or never.

/biz/ would be a better place to asks this tbph, sorry m8

mining is a competition. he will mine precisely 0 BTC if he runs a single machine, there are entire server farms around the world set up for this kind of thing.

at a certain point i'll have no choice
i bought silver at $30 in 2012. still sitting on my shame. im just a loser.

I solve the algorithms myself on paper and mail them in.


He doesn't understand how it works. You can't make $20 a month. Miners are getting paid only if they find the next block. Currently it's 12.5 BTC. If you're lucky and find it next day after starting you'll get that money but the odds of finding the next block are so small that your friend may end up mining for an entire year without getting paid at all.

Lol what a loser.

>tfw bought first whole buttcoin as $800

BTC is a mess anyway dood, you bought dog shit, if that makes you feel better.

>Buying at 800
>Not at $0.0006

What is the best wallet?

ledger or paper

It will once transaction issues are solved

Hold you nigger, it's just a correction. It will continue to rise again

Finally cheaper videocards if we're lucky. I sold my bitcoin 20 minutes ago, 14000$ profit which is nice

seems like the drop is stabilized and hovering around 14.5k and slowly backing up


The absolute state of /biz/

At least silver has actual real world value and application

Ding ding ding

unironic kekistani flag users realyl need to fucking leave.


if you think meteor will hit your house with 0 evidence , you are still crazy after it hits your house