>The master race
Oh no no no no
oh ho ho
The master race
>post normal family
Wtf, I hate white people now
>That pic is normal to an amerimutt
This family makes more in a year than all BLM supporters combined.
>Tfw no sickle cell
Seriously what's wrong with the pic?
All I see is a happy family.
The guy may be a fat fuck, but that's it... Nothing wrong with this family other than them needing to lose some weight. Not even that much, though.
showing off electronics and branded coffee like that is nigger tier
Niggers are retarded by White standards. This is a fact.
disgusting overweight capitalist jew loving american scum
>tfw both of your parents are dead and you'd give anything to have a goofy, starbucks drinking family to enjoy lattes with again
Feels really bad
They don't have the latest JORDANS and no fucking bling nigga hahahahaha
They all look showered and clean, unlike EVERY nigger family I ever met.
you jealous that daddy aint around?
The corporate brand obsessed dick sucking doesn't bother you in the slightest?
>nigger tier
>everyone does that
That's just modern culture. It may be shit, but that's how the world works today. It doesn't mean that theirs isn't a good family, for today's standards.
>if everyone does it that means it is ok
kys degenerate
they look happier than most of the subhuman niggers from boats i come across
It does, but that doesn't mean their worse than anyone, comparing to the satandard modern family. I mean, they're even an actually family, with a father, a mother and three kids. God, I'd even say they're better off than 90% white people today.
>What is reading comprehension
The OP meant:
>hurr look at this family, "master Race" lulz
Of course OP is just bait, but my point is they're just a normal family.
I'm sure they're good people. That's the only aspect of the image that really gets me down.
>theyre a normal family
that was his point
This is the ideal american family. You may not like it, but this is what peak 56% performance looks like.
Aww leafbro
>When a Palestinian is acting reasonable for once and a leaf is trying to convince him to act like more of a nigger
Replace capitalist with consumerist and you're spot on
Quit making me feel like an asshole for not wanting to see my family
Disfunctional family of my ass
the fuck are proud boys?
Flag checks out. Surprised you have time to post on the internet with your constant kanging and interstellar travel and whatnot.
So let's do a nigger edition then.
Airbrush out the dad, make Shaneekwas five kids different colours, put Boogaloo junior in a wheelchair because he got Cripped, and have everbody holding up foodstamps.
Stupid fucking niggers stay salty.
Everywhere you go turns to shit in five minutes.
Just kidding, I'm hanging out with my parents this weekend. Tricked ya goyim
They're all obese consumerist bugmen. A chronic problem in the US.
I honestly have no clue
I saved it because the guy taking a picture of southern looks like ethan and thought it would be a nice filename
he absolutely does look like ethan at first glace
good eye
They are BLM supporters, though.
Fuck off king tut
Fat dumb materialist bugmen who have been so completely demoralized and spiritually annihilated that buying more and more big brand electronics and drinking overpriced soy coffee is all that sustains them
>a happy family with two parents that aren't separated and the money to buy their kids expensive stuff.
seems pretty good to me the only thing is that they are over weight and look a bit derpy.
I would rather have that then be a dirty nigger with no parents and no money who is always making fun of others to build self esteem then plays a victim when something bad happens to them.
Making fun of a full functional nuclear family who uses products invented and produced by whites for whites?
What is wrong with this pic?
They vote Democrat
Soyboys, soyboys everywhere.