Battles that killed the most American soldiers

When will their sacrifice be appreciated by the west?

Other urls found in this thread:ürtgen_Forest

We killed a lot too and I appreciate those sacrifices.

Is that Dresden?

Hurtgen Forest was nuts! Over 12,000 Americans killed in an area of about 50 sq miles.

My grandfather was a recon machine gunner at Battle of the Bulge, he never talked about that battle, it seemed to hurt him when brought up. He died five years ago, I wish he told me more about that battle and Nuremberg

Operation Cottage

Try Auschwitz, you Nazi son of a bitch. 32,573,482,001 Jews killed in the space of one nanometre at 60mph.

It’s going to be all civil war shit and maybe like battle of the bulge

idk why this made me laugh


Worse rates at home

Worse rate than casualties in WWII esp if you consider the number of opfors and total deaths.

I am a negros American and respect the sacrifice. I will defend it at every opportunity, because it is an opportunity I've not been disavowed from.

What the fuck did they change the estimated casualties? What happened to Antietam being the deadliest day in American history?

What happened to 60,000 dead at Gettysburg

Some shit is off here

60,000 dead at Gettysburg is called "sensationalism"

My grandfather was in the Hürtgen Forest. His division had 300% casualties and they were stacking American bodies like cordwood. Walter Model was in charge of the defenses and he ground the US into a pulp. It was an unnecessary battle which saw a revolving door of US commanders and it is considered a major military blunder which is why in spite of 30,000 casualties and 15k dead, many Americans are unaware it happened.

Still, it all pales in comparison to the Eastern Front. You could take a tally of all of these battles and compare it to some of the big battles in the Soviet Union and it would be dwarfed. Yet the hollywood jews and Stephen Spielberg/Tom Hanks will never make a film from the German perspective in the Russian Campaign and people will still sit around masturbating to the 101st Airborne in the USA, a group of paratroopers who got the best equipment/supply, best training, and got weeks of R&R between deployments while poor fucks from NYC immigrant families are tossed on front line combat infantry with shit training, shit equipment/supply, and forced to fight for months on end with no reprieve.

Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg are working on another WW2 series about American Bomber crews over Germany. Shockingly brutal casualty rates for those guys.

Fun fact: two months of World War I caused more American deaths than the entire Vietnam war.

Do Americans still pretend they did something in ww2 other than push over a way overextended japan and a already defeated Wehrmacht?

Like to put this into perspective web Germany and Japan declared war on the Americans, Canada declared before they did

When Americans were looking for excuses to suck tiny Asian cock and avoid war, Canadians and the colonies were defending Hong Kong

Our navy was needed by the British so we went from three fishing boats to the fourth largest navy in the world

You look at these numbers they lost and those are FUCKING ROOKIE numbers bro and everyone seems to know it but them

>tfw the only movie about the battle in which germans rapefucked the americans is called when trumpets fade
>tfw when trump is of german descent and rapefucking america

>I wish he told me more about that battle and Nuremberg
Nah, somethings aren't meant to be shared.




I weep for the European tradition repudiated in the American Revolution, for the Confederacy, for the Second Reich, and for the Third Reich. The West is probably done for, and America has been absolutely central to it's demise into degeneracy and oblivion.

A casualty every two feet for three months. Still not Antietam. Antietam matches that in one day.

They won't show that battle or they would have to show German medics saving Americans and asking the Americans for cease fires so they could attend to the American wounded. The Germans are suppose to be evil incarnate. We can't show the US throwing American lives away for the sake of personal gain.


back to the oven with you

Meuse Argonne Offensive. 26,000 killed in only a couple of weeks. No one knows about it and the largest US military cemetery outside the US is the result of it.

Not until Israel says so. So like says.

Casualties for the 8th Air Force were 50%. If you survived 25 missions you could go home. The first crew to do it went on a War Bond tour. They made a movie years ago.

Still, the worst combat losses for any force was the WWII German Uboats. 80%.

You bastards want to live forever?

European theater ain't shit fucking GIs had it easy.
My grandpa and his unit found 50 wounded japs on Okinawa abandoned in a cave and fucking shot them all then burned their bodies because a few days before they found some kid from Iowa with his throat cut open and severed dick shoved down it
Japs were animals

>A casualty every two feet for three months.
How many casualties are there in one month, doc?

>we wasted valuable men in ww1/2
lamo what the fuck were we thinking

My Marine Grandfather fought in three of the battles on that list. Tuff bird. Taught me how to take someone down real quick when I was a kid. Didn't really talk muck about the shit. Don't make 'em like that anymore.

The Japs were highly Traditional, your grandfather was almost certainly a soulless prole.

Thanks for helping the Jews win faggot

how is shoving a mutilated dick down someone's throat traditional?

There are exceptions, and there are inevitably excesses in wars, but looking at 1930's Japan, and looking at 1930's America, and the America the "Greatest" went on to create, it seems utterly clear which side was traditional, martial, devoted to ideals superior to the individual and his physical and material pleasures ("freedom"), and which side was not.

Show me the tentacle porn from the 1800s US, weeb.

Traditional is one word for it. They were fanatic zealots fighting for their emperor and doing savage shit to their enemies thus making savage shit happen to themselves

They wanted to be an independent world power capable of determining their own destiny, thus they sought to conquer an empire, as America conquered the continent, as Britain conquered its empire, etc. America's plutocratic elite opposed this, they wanted their web of profit and control to expand. They backed Japan into a corner, leading them to take a desperate act, rather than cede the earth to the Bolsheviks and the Western plutocrat class. They lost, and the Western elite that won went on to make America and the West what they are today, a cesspool of plutocracy and degeneracy.

*slow clap*
way to go Europe....way to go

33,000 casualties in ten square miles over three months. Pretty brutal but still not Antietam. I guess one could discount Antietam as it includes both sides. But the cornfield and the sunken road at Antietam were some intense fighting.

There is a documentary out there (don’t recall the name) about the men who conquered Everest. They point out that of the first 24 men to climb Everest, 23 were WWI Veterans. He attributes their accomplishment to being willing to take risks.

They guy describes the combat experiences of several of those guys an it is pretty intense, morbid shit.

I bet either some pagan fag or ancom made this

Also most of these "unrests" especially 21st century never involved full-scale war, economy ravaging and extreme death tolls which supports my case that some faggot who watches 5 min history clips made this.

Even if you cut it in half that's over 10,000 dead in less than half a day.

ww1 also had such battles, nothing special.

Battle of KFC
Battle of Walmart
MacDonald conflict

Canada is shit

The documentary on Everest I mention tells of one of the guys had been sent to dig a listening tunnel to try to locate the Germans tunneling. He didn’t even realize that it was just a mass of dead bodies they had beeen tunneling through until he was out about 25 feet.

America's battle with cholesterol, diabetes, and hypertension.

Try August 22, 1914 Amerilards.

>Hurtgen Forest
was there with my dad a couple of time as a kid, searching for leftover ww2 shit
mustve been quite the battleürtgen_Forest

The US Army tossed its highest test alphas against a ragtag band of cripples, retards and children.

Russians and Germans can make their own fucking movies you know?