Describe your country in the form of a Pizza

bonus points for pic





That actually looks really good, what's on that?


>what's on that?
rat and mayo



Looks like buffalo chicken and ranch.

Kebab and semen obv.


Excellent crust.
Decent sauce.
Way too many fucking toppings.


I came here to post this




This pizza produces major butthurt italians's pronounced I-TALIAN Pete's Uh.


because fuck you that's why

Gtfo James Alefantis


best frozen pizza evar

that elephant has a huge trunk

Any american NOT posting Round Table is a traitor to the union.

To any Europoors, I truly feel bad that this variable pizza of the Gods will never meet your lips.


Fucking Germans.... first the holocaust now this

oh shit this is actually good? I live near one

Bro are you kidding me right now?

RT is the best fucking pizza I've ever had. EVER. Yes, it's pretty spendy, but GODDAMN it's good.

Get the Wombo Combo or the Chicken Garlic Gourmet

Who actually eats this stuff

digornio is top tier depressed bachelor food

desu this
red baron is great for frozen and for $4 regardless of topping i believe
plus the crust actually gets crispy


Just fuck.


Serously. Don't take Round Table for granted. They're only in WA, OR, and some places in MT. Very exclusive.

Every time you take a bite, savor the fact that the rest of the world will never taste pizza nirvana

Flank steak pizza

And herpes

Based Round Table. Probably the only good major pizza chain.

Is potatoe a pizza?

>it's not delivery, it's depressing

where's the Halal Goat flavor, you fucking islamophobes?

not here

Kebab and the white stuff is garlic sauce and that pizza is probably the only good thing immigrants have done here.


go. now.

of course

Does the beef poutine pizza have potatoes on it or is it just cheese and gravy?

zoom in, you see the french fries

Aren't their cooprorate politics also pretty right-leaning?

If not, can we meme it into reality? I'd love to see more people supporting this chain.

that's a pretty cute Moomin suomianon

>About 56% of a pizza
>Absolutely ruined by the color black

Sure you didn't slip up and post a mutt- meme leaf?

Wow, that is like... 15 potatoes? Nobody have 15 potatos.