Why are Indians Republicans?
Why are Indians Republicans?
Why do so many Indians browse Sup Forums?
Because they're not black or Jewish.
That based Aryan blood.
Because Pajeets are smarter than niggers and general liberal retards.
Indians are bro-tier and are also the original Aryans
Trips of truth
Well, there are a lot of them generally.
Bobby Jindal looks so Republican like out of a Chappelle show sketch
I don't see how East Asians and Indians benefit from being democrats. Most of them are successful and have good work ethic. They are chill with whites too.
she'd be so fucking perfect if it weren't for her neoconism
also she's married to an overweight manlet ugly nobody wtf??? she could do SO much better... and by that I mean me
since they're consider asian here they outperform whites in wealth, it's in their best interest to be republican. That's what I'm guessing I hate them regardless, stupid street shitting fucks
cause they are lusting for that white dick
They are not. Those are merely exceptions.
>nicki haley
Same with the Chinese though but I don't see as many of them proportionately speaking
Most of them have good opinions but they're instantly ignored because of the memes.
Because muh IQ
Races with small dicks tend to go rightwing and indians have the smallest dicks in the world
She literally is an Indian. Look that shit up user.
pretty much every person from every race is naturally "conservative" its only through massive amounts of brainwashing does liberalism occur, and liberalism in general is driven by being anti-natural. Hence transgenders, abortion and the like being their main focus points.
high population
this, and checked
They don't. But they are far more culturaly collectivistic than white, plus they mostly live in democrat areas.
most indians start as gas station clerk/owners and get to see the liberal agenda first hand. The foodstamps for cigs and beer, the removal of defensive glass, ect.
More Indians know English, and Indians are younger
u forgot the inventor of email faggot
She is literally a Sikh
Nobody has smaller peen than liberals. We call you soyboys for good reason.
it burns on the soul
Wtf I love india now
Ah who am I kidding. I have a cute pajeet fetish because I met a sweet one once.
Nikki passes really well, I'd fuck the poo out of her loo
posting this "guy" should be a bannable offense
Because Indians shit on the streets and Republicans shit on the constitution.
They worship whites. Self-hating brown monkeys.
Nikki Haley's real name is Nimrata Randhawa. Imagine being such a cuck that you would forgo thousands of years of your culture just to fit in with whites.
They're the ultimate globalists.
back to red dit
Who's Kamala Harris and Tulsi Gabbard?
They have big emphasis on family and they've been fucked over by muslims
They don't like niggers. Why should they?
just whose side are you on, pal?
they are island niggers
She made the right move quite frankly
word, i guess.
I hate cucks from any race. Indians are some of the worst when it comes to self-hatred. I have more respect for a Black Panther than a groveling "Based Black Conservative"
I would have no problem if mexicants left spanish at the door and weren't lazy like beaners
Plus China is commie.
Stinking Curry Nikki
Talking about Nikki the CURRY BITCH.
I though that Trupm said that he will deport all trash from America.
No such thing. Every new wave of immigrants fundamentally changes the culture of a nation. Everyone talks about assimilating to romanticized 1950s standards, but by that time this country was radically different from the Protestant wasp culture that it started out with. Assimilation has never existed in America.
Indians are culturally conservative so SJW bullshit doesn't fly with them. They don't have the same individualistic, self-reliant, small-government attitude that most conservatives have, but they also can't relate to the modern Left in America, which promotes policies like affirmative action that hurt Indians more than whites (statistically speaking)
Tulsi Gabbard is based, she was one of the most anti-Clinton Democrats (first to endorse Bernie during the primaries) and is from Hawaii, not an argument
And Kamala Harris is half nigger. Try again.
Indians still believe in the free market. There is a reason why India is creating hundreds of billionaires every years. Its because capitalism works.
No clue.
We're destroying our chances of a good allly. Screw aid to Africa, a loo in every house, and a poo in every loo. We will help millions of Indians realize the Indian Dream.
I disagree.
Modi is pretty nationalist and right wing, and India is the world's largest democracy and a counter weight to China, so I think the US & India will become a lot closer over the next several years.
It's almost impossible. For better or for worse, immigration from a completely different ethnicity/race will cause massive change in the culture of a country. Genes play a big role in the average behavior and intelligence of individuals. And these genetic variants are not distributed equally across ethnicities.
Indians come to America because they are tired of India’s socialism. Endless waits for the bureaucracy to issue permits to do business and greedy lazy fucks who want bribes to do stuff. India is a “low trust” society, where it was common for non-family members to rip each other off and legal protections is scarce. In the US, there is a fair chance you won’t get get ripped off if hire a non-related vendor.
Nikki Curry Haley Deli
UN I'm poo in the loo and I hate you too.
I'm taking names of all the authors of the memes that make fun of me and calling me Nikki Curry.
Yeah, he must have been lying, because you're still here.
You're absolutely right, leaf.
Haley Deli curry pussy licker detected
Gabbard is Democrat but I feel she realizes she made a mistake being inexperienced and naive.
That’s what your parents should do, DaLarxus.
>muh culture
Because they are fewer generations removed from the benefits of European colonization
Indians are Aryan
Never confuse them with the Pakis.
Because Indians are capable of functioning in modern civilization, which is what neo-Marxist racial "privilege" really means.
Help us poo in the loo and we'll help you save the white race
We sure are right wing. And we think white people are cool!
because they are cool, even the women are red pilled. Those mother fuckers are pretty fuckin cool.
The political left deliberately ignores Indians because Indians' academic and financial success in America exposes the left's racial privilege dogma for the lie it is.
??different poo
I'm sure he was LGBTQ.
They come from a society of hierarchy. Of coourse they are right wing. Stop asking stupid questions.
It's a phony story.
cuz hindus hate muslims
>It's a phony story.
that the stinking Nikki Curry Deli Haley is a poo.
For shitposting
>w-we aren't muslims pls like us white master pls
basically the prime motive behind all indian diaspora actions
I work in an office full of Pajeets and I just don't see it. When they get citizenship, they will vote for whoever promises more H-1B visas and more open border policies. Immigration is literally the only thing in politics that matters to them.
>they will vote for whoever promises more H-1B visas and more open border policies. Immigration is literally the only thing in politics that matters to them.
Clinton Wants “Open Borders”
indians are spergs (generally)
>show vagene
oh nooo that sucks, should be #killedbyreddit, kid's still a faggot but it's the fear mongering that made normalfags all scared over NN
Mostly they're not Republicans. Ajit Pai says he was called a race-traitor (not his exact words probably) for being conservative.
Indians celebrated trumps birthday more than the muricans.
I think if trump made a trip to India that place will be sparkling clean (eg. street shitter's in prison) before he arrives.
he also married a white woman
To answer your question OP, I'm pretty sure Cubans are the only "minority" group that are majority Republican. Even then, most Cubans are descended from the wealthy, white Cuban elite that Castro through out back in the 60s. Cubans in this country are pretty much the exemplar "White Hispanic".
Well, Hindu nationalists celebrated Trump's birthday. "Indian" as an ethnicity or group doesn't really exist, in the same way "South African" or "Chinese" aren't true groups of people.
underrated posts
low self esteem...but indians have the highest income so going right will help keep their caah
no shes a cuck and a sell out for a degenerate culture...not like a white woman going indian where they have gendar roles
>SJW bullshit doesn't fly with them
with tradional ones but then u get uber feminazis......not much middle ground
>are Indians
I think you got the whole slurpee/ feather thing all screwd up
Because nogs and spics absolutely terrify them.
t. poo
The only way she's getting into a wh*te nation's politics is choosing a white name. She had no choice.