Live moderately well forever

>live moderately well forever
>be a serf for 40 years and then have a 0.01% chance of becoming a king, and a 99.99% chance of being a serf for the rest of your life.

Why do Americans choose the latter? Are they just too stupid to grasp probability?

Other urls found in this thread:

serfs unironically had a better standard of living than your average wage slave today

What are you even talking about?

American refusal to consider wealth distribution because they value entrepreneurship over equity.

Are those North Korean tape worms in that picture?
>subtle, yet faggot

And that equates to fuedalism, the night-watch sentinel will have you dealt with accordingly!

>be me
>be hard working
>bust ass to make good money
>be smart enough to make solid investments
>earn my keep
>government says I have to share my wealth with some stupid lazy faggot because that's the fair thing to do
yeah, nah, fuck off


But there's a 99.99% chance that isn't you.


Define moderately well living and explain why I would want to be a "king"

>every day

a day

Yes, most Americans are too stupid. Look at the posters on the fucking board.

What part of this did we choose again?


>country of 100million plus people

Yeah and statistically I wouldn't. It also wouldn't be very kingly if everyone lived like a king.

So another words, you're a fucking retard and this shill thread needs to die.

same reason people buy a lottery ticket, gotta play to win

I would theoretically be ok with free money but can you name one example of any society that successfully achieved complete wealth redistribution. Most societies that I'm aware of that tried this led only to a 2 class system with a political class in power and everyone else ending up as as actual not theoretical serfs.

American life expectancy = 78 years = 28,740 days.

Go ahead and calculate out the lifetime probability for me, darlings.

>what is a day

now times that by 365 and then by the average life expectancy of an American

and maybe subtract 100,000,000 million lazy fucks like you from the population that are not competition for the 1700 spots a day

>be me
>be hard working
>bust ass to make good money
>be smart enough to make solid investments
You're posting on on Sup Forums though.

another Jew obsessed with shekels

>Why do Americans choose the latter? Are they just too stupid to grasp probability?

Because we aren't so domesticated that we're willing to choose the docile life of a serf over the animating contest of freedom.

If you sacrifice the capacity for the common man to elevate himself to the ruling class then you have damned the working class to eternal servitude by masters who have no fear of losing their position of dominance.

Enjoy your table scraps.

16% (which is wrong but more accurate methodology then you used)


whats your odds?

>Because we aren't so domesticated that we're willing to choose the docile life of a serf over the animating contest of freedom.
>proceeds to literally defend the choice that leads most of the population down the road to serfdom or welfare dependence

>>live moderately well forever
thinking you can do this without working?

>proceeds to literally defend the choice that leads most of the population down the road to serfdom or welfare dependence

Road to Serfdom you say?

Tell me more about how a centrally planned economy shall lead to my salvation at the hands of the state.

>centrally planned
Classic American.

>if you don't embrace my neoliberal jewified capitalism you're a fucking stalinist!!!!!!

The relevant metric here isn't frequency. The relevant metric is expected payoff. Lets say that living "moderately well" equates with earning $50,000 dollars per-year every year of your life, being a serf equates with $10,000 a year, and being a king equates with $1,000,000,000 a year. Then the expected payoff of the second scenario is (0.9999*10,000) + (0.0001*$1,000,000,000) = $9999 + 100,000 = $109,999. $109,999 > $50,000. So the second scenario is better with these numbers. The point is that as long as your downside is limited, any investment, no matter how unlikely, can be justified with a big enough upside.

because its easy to live moderately well if you're not an idiot who spends all his money on strippers and alcohol
all im "risking" with capitalism is the chance to live very well instead of only moderately well

also communism literally never worked

I'm ok with not having a shit ton of money because I have a family to take care of. A capitalist system gives you the choice to obtain either. With the internet, there is no reason to lack an education.

Good points on the serf thing, but it's romanticized

For the serf, you forgot:
>Lose crop to blight and see your wife and children starve to death after you eat your dogs
>Die in horrible freak accident
>Die because of minor infection
>Wife dies in child birth
>Child dies due to inherited condition or viral infection
>Get beat up in front of your family for not making payments to your landlord, live eternally in debt
>Send your sons off to be butchered in war, or to return horribly maimed and with the expectations that you take care of them without help and until they die a bitter and resentful death

p of becoming a millionaire = 0.0005% = 0.000005
p of not becoming a millionare = 1 - 0.000005 = 0.999995

p of not becoming a millionare every day in a row for 28740 days = 0.999995^28740 = 0.866147

p of becoming a millionare within 28740 days = 1-0.87 = 0.13 = 13%.

If I could live in Roman times and serve a Cornelius I'd be a literal slave. Not a house space either a field snownigger.

>tfw I never knew 13% = 0.01%


you rounded it faggot, now you need to recalculate all that over again

Except a million bucks isn't even that much.

Median lifetime earnings for an Australian is 5 million. In theory over 50% of Australia becomes a millionaire eventually.

The entire argument is dumb but that's what you get when you argue with Americans.

So why aren't 50% of Aussies millionaires?

hahahahaha enjoy being poor, while the rest of us try and make something of our selves commie


Because that's not how L I F E T I M E earnings work, boyo.

>live moderately well forever
That's what the american dream is, dumbass

you from melbourne?

>hahahahaha enjoy being poor
But I'm not.


see: lottery, casino industry, political parties, elected representatives