You know Sup Forums. All bantz aside, you guys are my friends, and I hope at the end of the day you say the same. It's gonna be alright guys, its gonna be okay. In the end, Sup Forums is always right and we're always here for each other and the world.
It's alright Sup Forums, friendship thread
pathetic. this place sucks
Can't we just all be friends in a thread user?
Thanks user, brightened my day
ill be friends with anybody who isnt a nigger jew mudslime or sandnigger
Okay fren
Wouldnt call a collective of likeminded internet strangers friends, but I see your point in posting this.
Heyo dude im friend
Hmm am I a sandnigger
Well it feels like friends, you guys make my day too often
the point of being right is so you wont have to deal with the shit that will come crushing down. Or you already have a preemptive idea of what is going to happen and you accept and deal with it in a calm and confident manner. It is not for friends. Go out more faggot.
No need to be mean, I know you have a heart user, and I know we still must keep up the fight, but in any war, comradery is important
What if I'm a black Arab who converted to Judaism
Merry Christmas, faggets.
Merry Christmas, hope you were okay during the storm?
Nah man, if you think of anonymous strangers from all over the world on a mongolian basket weaving forum as your "friends", you gotta get some actual IRL friends, cause that's opposite to what /pol is all about.
We are just a bunch of random faggots who happen to share interests and sometimes an ideology and other things, but we aren't friends.
Well maybe to you, but I feel some feel the same as me. Regardless, I wish you a good night and security in your life user
You're what a leaf should be. Not a fag
IRL friends tend to be shills and traitors. Forums like this allow like minded people to communicate, while screening out fickle normies.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Cunt :^)
the international presence on this board is something i've never gotten to experience before
You get it
Merry Christmas. You fucking faggot.
And a prosperous new year to both of you, you guys are gonna do something great, you'll see.
i always thought this board was a little gay but i will thank this thread for showing me that this board has little commpassion
counter bump in the name of love
Thanks bro
Anytime leaf bro, we're here for ya.
People I know are good blokes but majority watch "tv" all day play "video games" or are career chasing goys who keen for shekels same here but this place has opened my eyes and it's liberating but terrifying to see who and what we became, cattle to the Jew
>people actually think like this
Just kidding. It’s good to be nice sometimes. Merry Christmas goys
and merry Christmas to you too user
Its true user, and we must unite against it.
Thanks you! You guys are great you inspired me to get fit and get right with God / Kek may you be protected from the happenings and the Normies ! praise Kek
Indeed leaf bro, thus is the end goal. March on soldiers of righteousness.
I'm going innawoods mate too many Normies too few of us but il make sure ready the happening is coming
Alberta..? I got family there...
both of these is the friedliest things an user can say
I don't care who you pray to. I don't care where you're from. Imagine drunk rodeo clowns having a deep discussion at the Greek Ampitheatre. That's pretty much us. At least in my head anyway.
Have fun, but try not to break any laws.
Midwest checking in. Merry Christmas
Thanks, have a good day
You the same poster from yesterday? Merry Christmas in either case, CIA nigger.
It's almost like friendship is magic or something.
The post isn't so bad but OP replying to everyone is fucking cringe.