How do we stop black on black crime?
How do we stop black on black crime?
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Why would you want to stop it?
That gif is splendid
Bet he uses the other fountain from now on.
With white on black crime
we cant.
the only way is to send them back or to exterminate. But that will never happen with the jews brainwashing everybody.
thus the answer is once again to destroy the jewish world order
You fuckers don’t even know if the nigga deserved it
of course he did
needs reconditioning away from "give me mines" mentality.
isn't a single vector, has to be many.
We don’t. Let them wipe each other out, will make it easier for us to take care of the rest of them once the time comes
you can not simply stop a race that has a genetic lack of abstract thinking from doing crime.
niggers are inherently disloyal creatures
That's racist.
I've seen the rest, the nig jumped the white guy. He deserved it
if you saw the whole video, the black guy starts the fight for no reason and gets btfo
Have blacks raise their children as a family unit. Clean their lives up. Don't compare apes to niggers, apes are very caring and compassionate creatures and they are smart too. I would very much rather have actual apes roaming around in the ghetto than niggers.
No people, no problems.
They wuz good boyz who dindu nuffin. Fucking savage niggers.
It's an old video everybody except you has seen. Lurk more.
>doesn't deserve it
pick one
newfag detected.
There's video of it. The nigger started it, and the fat redneck ended it.
if it's alive and a nigger it deserves it