Mistress dispelling


For some reason Chinks have a major problem with mistresses. They have started up compaines that will seduce the mistress away and pump and dump them after making a sex tape to blackmail them with. This is legal there. Why dont we have something like that is the West?

The other option a wife has is to get her friends and beat the shit out of the mistress in public after stripping them naked. This isnt legal, but the cops dont care about THOT beatings.

Now they say this happens because the divorce laws in China favor the male. Like, get this, if the man makes more than the woman he'll get custody of the kids. Of if he bought his living space (they dont like have houses in china) before he got married then the wife gets to be homeless after the divorce. Many women dont think this is unfare for some reason. How can we be more like these insects in this matter?

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brb sending a resume

Are there actually divorce laws in other nations worse than the US?

Depends on what you mean by worse? Laws that favor one sex over the other? Laws that favor the one with more or less money?

In other words, I hardly ever hear about people from other nations complaining about divorce laws. Only US.


>For some reason Chinks have a major problem with mistresses. They have started up compaines that will seduce the mistress away and pump and dump them after making a sex tape to blackmail them with. This is legal there. Why dont we have something like that is the West?
Because the west isn't a third world dystopia yet. How bad is it over there that they need that?

Why are they fucking up the side chick? This reminds me of this video of that Chinese girl who catches her bf with another girl on valentines day. She goes up to him and says "rhy u with nother guurl on varintines day. rho r u britch?"

The chinks murdered a massive portion of their daughters for decades leading to an oversaturation of men, but I would assume that would lead to dozens of beta orbiters, not the other way around.

Watch this, there are places much worse than the US regarding divorce.

Hope you enjoy sleeping with Jackie Chan OR worse...

>How bad is it over there that they need that?
Well, the rate of divorce has more than doubled in the last twenty years there!

>make one child policy
>clearly flawed because based on children of the couple not just mother
>therefore divorcing allows women to have multiple children
>chinks realized this too late, instead of modifying the bill to fuck over womyn (which would draw the ire of the cucked nations of the west) they quitely change their divorce law and set the standard among their bureaucrats to fuck women over 100% in divorce courts so women don't remarry and have another child

Oh shit, people will pay for you to seduce and fuck their wives? And to think I've been doing it for free for so long.

I'm a really shitty capitalist FFS

If they go after the husband he divorces the wife and she's out on her ass with nothing. The only way she can go after him without fucking herself over is to phone up his mother and have his family tell him how dishonorabu his behavior is and how shameful they feel etc etc, which doesn't make good liveleak videos.

I was hearing this one interview and the Wife was like "they need to pass a law that all mistress should be killed" and the Western reporter was like "the cheating husband should be killed too?" and the woman was like "what happens between me and my husband is no one elses business"

No, the wife hires you to get rid of the mistress

it's pretty bad here desu.

>What is a de facto relationship?
>The law requires that you and your former partner, who may be of the same or opposite sex, had a relationship as a couple living together on a genuine domestic basis.

>Can I apply to the Family Court or Federal Circuit Court to have my de facto dispute determined if it's about my children?

>Can I apply to the Family Court or Federal Circuit Court to have my de facto financial dispute determined?

you can get divorce fucked in family courts WITHOUT BEING MARRIED. they just have to LIVE with you. so next time you see MGTOW aussies, you know why. everything here's against us, you literally have to find a gold nugget in shit filled creeks just to live a happy life here.


>How can we be more like these insects in this matter?

Stop being first world, really.

You are getting the fuckef up shit from easy living, nobody cares about gender studies and teanny restrooms when there's no welfare and you have to work a real job to pay rent and buy food. No time for made up problems when you're busy with real ones. People value each other and women value men because they really need them.

now when you have welfare and people can have everything without having ever worked they start doing all sorts of fucked up shit.

Well, in Texas (and most other places) they have a thing if someone sleeps in your house for like 5 nights they are considered a resident of saud house. Fucking them compounds any future problems


China stronk.

I'd bet that Scandinavian countries (Sweden in particular) would have atrocious divorce laws. I've heard the UK has notoriously bad ones too.

How fucking stupid are you? OP explained it pretty clearly.

Anyone remember about two years ago, some dude kept making threads full of videos of asian women stripping their husbands' mistresses in the street? Those were pretty good vids. Asia puts on a civilized face, but their society is as fucked up as any Wal Mart.

As a resident of the House of Saud you should have the option of divorce by saying I divorce you three times, or having them stoned to death if they screw around.

Homewrecking sluts BTFO

Absurd, why would you want to limit an adult and pervent them having intercorse with who they please so long as they are both 18?

If a partner ether side is dumb enough to hol from one to another you may be dumer for wanting him/her to stay!

I think two marriend adults should have loyalty to family and reasoble understanding of a private life that involves intercorse with another person so long as it is not hidden from the partner, so no lies and no foolishnes to avoid disease! ,

>see flag
>read post
>it fits

It's all about losing face.

You can't lose face in Chinese culture.

Just another trick.

>Cops don't care about thot beatings.
Between that and how people in Russia beat up the gays, I'm realizing that America really is the biggest turd of a country to live in. Everyone in America is protected... except for the good people. The scum of this Earth are free to pick-apart the good and decent folk, while we have to struggle keeping this nation afloat while at the same time told we are everything that is wrong with it (even though all we want is to generally keep to ourselves and protect our families).

Yes, my man! Got that list of liveleak links? By the time he was done, he had like 20 separate videos of that shit, and they were golden.

Why are the wives so ugly?

>. Like, get this, if the man makes more than the woman he'll get custody of the kids. Of if he bought his living space (they dont like have houses in china) before he got married then the wife gets to be homeless after the divorce.
Damn chinks got some things absolutely right

I've heard that in canada you have the same shittiness + the added bonus that if you shack up with some bitch for some time (was ridiculously small amount too like half a year or so) you are now considered married.

>Why are the wives so ugly?
Well the sample is wives whose man decided to take a mistress (for obvious reasons)

Getting involved with a borderline personality, not even once.

They will give you the best sex of your life for one month, then turn into your worst enemy at the drop of a hat.

Why not hook up with hot ones in the first place?

i dont see anything bad in it.


>expecting a married women to keep giving a shit about how she looks.

It doesn't always work out that way, user.

Is that a Alex Jones taking a beating ?