Is Craft Beer for low testosterone Soy Boys?
Is Craft Beer for low testosterone Soy Boys?
It's for nu-males who think becoming a soyboy will get them laid
If you drink beer for the taste or the atmosphere or whatnot it's already too late.
Only IPAs
IPAS get u fuckd up, you guys might as well say that hanukkah sucks (more presents than chrimmytime)
Drink to get drunk..or fuck off
What this guy said, and fuck IPAs.
I like good beer, fuck you guys.
go drink some isopropyl and listering then you fucking degenerate. if you dont then you prove my point, you enjoy your shit tier piss water beer, and im free to enjoy beverages as i please without worry of faggots like you unable to pay for quality product
What's the problem with choosing a beer because it tastes better than other brands? Not talking about craft or bullshit like that but low quality shit like bud light is fucking disgusting.
You fucking soft cock. Fuck off.
If some old German villages used to drink beer as water.....were all of German's ancestors soyboys?
If that's true, then are all Nazi's actually descendant of soyboys? Is pol based on a lie?
You're all soyboys!! The world is a soy boy!! Everybody's a soyboy but me cause I'm a MAN. Hear that?! A MAN. With a HUGE DICK.
Give it a rest people beer is fine.
Imagine craft soda. See how gay that is? Same for beer. It's not like wine, which has a clear scale of quality. There's only so much you can expect out of beer. Why complicate it? The soyboys co-opted craft beer because it makes them feel masculine when they know they're not.
...& craft beer is fucking delicious..if you like to have a few drinks from time to time, there is absolutely no reason not to enjoy the best of what's out there from time to time. Everything in moderation.
I love this new soyboy thing, it rolls off the tongue so well.
I'm a soft boy, fuck me hard
I'd prefer to be able to chug my beer without having to burp 5+ times after or feel like a pregnant woman
Craft beer is the best, you fucking ignorant nigger
Yknow what fuck you Abo, Miller High Life master race eat a dick
You fuck your mom with that bat?
Beer is the main reason I don't like to go out drinking. Everybody orders the same disgusting piss beer. If you get drunk off that stuff, it's the worst.
Going out to a local bar with some friends and having a craft beer is way less soy-boy than being on a message board anyway.
Video of what craft beer does to soy boys right here...
That inasmuch as any man drinketh wine or strong drink among you, behold it is not good, neither meet in the sight of your Father, only in assembling yourselves together to offer up your sacraments before him.
the entire premise of this thread is a soyboy thing, true men give no shit and drink whatever they want. OP is a faggot
>not chugging beer and then burping into some pussy's face
Fucking limpwrist
what a retard
>tfw nobody here drinks only distilled water and black tea
You're all soft round bellied faggots
John 2:1–11:1
>change water into wine
>fashion a whip out of cords
>beat Jews
>all in one weekend
Jesus knew how to party, theres no denying that.
Craft beers are commonly double or more in alcohol content when compared to standard domestic beers like Budweiser. I'll start drinking Budweiser, Miller, or colors, when they start brewing an 8+ percent beer. Otherwise I'll stick to supporting smaller gentile-owned breweries when I want to drink.
It would be funny if someone ran the numbers on how absolutely blitzed they were during that part of Jesus' ministry. I mean really, how many weddings were they invited to? How many banquets were prepared by their followers?
Yes, scotch is for men.
Literally now too
Craft beer tastes better than the usual Coors and Miller piss and often has higher ABV. Don't know what's wrong with drinking it.
yes, drink liquor instead
This, I have an affinity for bitter tasting things
Alcohol gets you fucked up? What kind of alcohol doesn't get you too fucked up...I'm new to this "IPAs"?
>quality product
only a moron would waste time drinking 40-60 oz of fluid to do what
Yeah they definitely get you fucked up. As in feeling like you're going to die in the morning. I don't know what chemicals are in an IPA but i don't think the human body is supposed to consume 8 bottles worth.
That is fucking disgusting. I would be going full OCD if that guy wasn’t wearing rubber gloves while holding it.
Its just beer with a lot of added hops, so much that it tastes like pinecone. They usually have higher alc than other beers
Theyre just stronger than light beers. A good ipa is 8%-12%.
Even shitty no-name well brand liquor has higher alcohol percentage than even the dopest ales and lagers. Why fucking bother. Stop making a lowbrow product like beer and making it as douchey and pretentious as wine and coffee gets nowadays
Straya understands. You drink to drink. Stuff like Fosters (australian) and Moosehead (canada
Ian) are pisswaters you can slug back for a lifetime of alcoholism. Too many craft beers in one night is bad for the gut
are those swedes?
It's for absolute faggots that think they are classy.
I've tried a few of these "craft" beers. They taste like lysol mixed with piss and brought to a boil.
These metrosexual larpers just want to appear fancy
I'll take my Miller light and be just fine.
Yes pure faggotry. If you don't like the taste of your common country mens beer you a snowflake pussy. Also craft is expensive so you most likely don't drink it like a alcoholic (i am not saying alcoholism is good but wait...). So you don't drink to get drunk like a men (because this is why men drink; example fookin vikangz) but for what reason? Taste? Social events? Wanne be "special"? Pure faggotry if you ask me. Craft beer is nu male shiet for faggots who also buy branded water bottles like Fiji water.
To back this up. When i was younger i worked in a bottle store. And i can tell you only faggots bought "all these other brands" of beer and fiji water. Real fuckin working class dudes always bought the same fuckin shit beer cans. Every day.
>not mixing scotch and IPA
also all of these points
>alcohol content without having to taste like Steel Reserve
>medium-size businesses owned by gentiles vs public-traded megacorps mostly owned by investor jews
I don't even drink. Even better for your testosterone
I dont know anyone who drinks that shit.
This is the beer of choice.
You're the definition of a true faggot
I enjoy drinking at my local brewery. Moderation is everything. I usually have 2 pints of beer per visit. If i get drunk i will be drinking whiskey. Spirits are hard to find here in commie state.
Too bad you're not doing anything with it.
Its still beer, that's reason enough for me. Try living in Seattle where every hipster faggot seems to be in contest with the rest of them to make the most foul tasting skunky beer with the most inane label and name they can. Its like they have to know it tastes like spent motor oil and Keystone Light but then they will give it some wanky name like Death Star Galactic Empire IPA Light and it will still fly off the shelves in the chi-chi boutique supermarkets anyway
>It's not like wine, which has a clear scale of quality
Blind taste test have shown that its pretty much impossible to tell expensive and cheap wines apart. Beer and liquors have much more significant discrepancies from bottom to top shelf.
At least I can agree with the reasoning here. But I drink seldomly and do not make a public spectacle of what I choose to ingest, so I do not plan on changing my habit.
I drink craft beer because I'm not poor.
Shit's got mud in the bottom of it!
This, real men drink to get drunk.
Capitalism for the win!
It's for dudes dressing like this who won't smoke good weed because it "costs too much" but they literally spend $100 a night out buying expensive piss that they can just make themselves.
I'm not gonna lie there is some great craft beer out there but jesus christ these fucks you see drinking it are the most annoying kids ever.
Craft beer is generally more expensive numb nuts
>itt poorfags tell themselves drinking light beer is manly because they can get 30 for 15 bucks
Nah, that's the pales but i prefer them if its on tap so it gets left in the keg
Nice reading comprehension, nigger.
Same, the culture pisses me off, its like the snottiness of wine culture mixed with the alterna-cool vibe of smoking weed with how you're supposed to buy a kegerator, and special mugs and fill up growlers and what have you. Sometimes I just want to drink a pint of beer, not shape my whole fucking life around the shit ya know?!
I don't know what america's piss beer tastes like, but I think what you call "Craft beer" is our standard cheap supermarket beer
That's pretty degenerate, you drink good beer for cultural reasons. If you want to get drunk, then why even bother with beer?
it can be good just don't act like a fag about it and don't get jewed by 13 dollar 6packs of some meme beer
>not just drinking steel reserve until you're in a blackout
the fuck
>it's a sheltered soyboys pretends he's not an alcoholic by lying to himself and everyone else that taste is important and he's not solely drinking for the buzz episode
Neck yourself pussy
but what about clossons?
No, it's not. American craft beer is the best in the world by a wide margin. French beer is worse than Korean beer. Kronenbourg is literally the grossing thing I've ever swallowed.
Only women drink wine you faggot
This pretty much
>you should only drink to get drunk
that's nigger getting fucked up in a street corner tier desu
>beer is gay now
I want unironic virgins and sub-30 something’s to leave Sup Forums
Beer in general is for soy boys. Just lmao at you if you drink beer and still consider yourself a man
Mountain man gets it
Only niggers can't appreciate the subtleties of wine
>There's only so much you can expect out of beer.
This must be why so much American beer tastes like piss. If you tried to sell bud here or in Germany people would burn your fucking pub down. And with good reason.
>judging the beer of a country by the export crap you get in the US
You drink beer from the local breweries in your area, that are deeply intertwined with the culture of that area. But doing that would require having a culture in the first place
Nah beer in general is for faggots
I learned recently what color fruity drinks are.
Blue Hawain, Midori Sour ect.
They are fucking delcious.
A real man carves his own path and choose the fruity as fuck drinks. He raises his nose to the beta beers of those weak men who drink them becuse its expected of them.
If you are pretentious about beer in any way you are a faggot
Yes, even these niggers larping as the no-nonsense men they imagined their dads might have been
If you don't want to drink it, just don't drink it. If you like it, drink it. And throw a friend a can instead of being a kike. It's fucking beer.
you have to be at least 18 to post on this site
IPAs are for soyboys. They flooded the market, and now every hipster thinks that any IPA is good. It's completely false, they are just easier to produce because when you fuck up you just hop the shit out of it. Real beers are light and wheat based.
Nah, Kronenbourg is a beer even hobos hesitate to drink,
Beers like Leffe or Grimbergen are what I'd call "decent cheap beer"
Bud essentially tastes like a less acidic version of Becks, and I found that shit in every bar in Bavaria when I was there.
Being obsessed over what other people put in their bodies is the ultimate form of being a pussy.
I bet you're like that bitch that told me stop smoking in a fucking beer garden.
I love this thread. The sheer amount of portage confirmed is astounding.
If you retards apply that same logic to whiskey, for instance, maybe you'll start to understand how retarded you are.
1. If you only drink to get drunk, congrats. You're an alcoholic.
2. If all beer, whiskey etc, is all the same to you, congrats. You have no sense of taste. Now go eat Mac and Cheese and drink Bud Light. After all, food is food, beer is beer.
2. If you're criticizing the art of beer making, congrats. You've just spat on one of the oldest European Traditions. Next you're going to say that Europe has no cuisine, traditional dishes and delicacies.
i drink xxxx because i'm a true blue queenslander and i unironically like the taste
also i have shit inside me i need to kill
>Subtleties of wine
>mfw the only wine I drink is the cheapest low quality wine that dissolves your stomach instantly
I've been to Europe, poorfag. German beer isn't much better. American craft beer is God's semen and eurocuck lagers will NEVER compete.
This, I have a big ol laugh every time my dear old mum talks to me about "drinking socially" what's the point?
Since you can’t count to three, nobody can take you seriously.
You just have the palette of a child still.
You will learn to appreciate beer precisely because it's not cloyingly sweet like the ladies drinks that you've mentioned.
>I'm new to this "IPAs"?
You are lucky - most useless shit ever and that is why faggots love it so much. Cant see a problem glass wearing hipsterbearded cardigan wearing wanker without a bottle of IPA nowadays.
It is extremely hopped so that shit has no other taste except being bitter water. (((Coincidentally))) hops are massive xenoestrogen sources.
all beer is for cucked fags
I drink Keystone light. Am I white?