Serious question.
Why does America always support Israel?
Serious question
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Only two of many reasons. They own Hollywood, the financial industry and media business.
Nuclear weapons
Serious Question:
Why does America always support South Korea and Why did they help rebuild Japan?
They were the first CEO of USA. Not an excuse. But yeah...some weird form of paying homage plus all the bad shit they say they went thru forwhat they have done to us and people in the past. That or we just backing up an old homie.
Israel used Christianity to con morons into supporting them. It's a very Jewish ploy;: You could either spend billions on your military or a few million bribing pastors and politicians into giving you whatever tech you want.
It's brilliant.
because america owns israel, not the other way around
They're powerful. Unfortunately.
Name a good thing about supporting Palestinian? There's nothing. Poor low IQ Muslim terrorists.
money and vaginas and pedophilia and being cows and worshipping their snake daddy. name of country means "winged serpent" in the Peruvian
Almost forgot Trump went broke and needed capital but he defaulted on loans and had to turn to the Jewish mafia. He married all of his kids to Jews. THEY own him
>Jews in the government
>Jews run all American banks
>too many Jews in the media
>most Jews live in America
Looks like they want to settle here for a while. Then they will fuck up everything for their tribe's benefits and move on to a different place like they always do.
Cause israel is the only reason the middle east and it's oil isn't blasting each other into the stone age constantly.
It focuses a lot of their attention.
It's not a coincidence that when obama started spurning israel, groups like isis formed, and stopped caring about israel and started going for serious land grabs.
Israel is the biggest, baddest mofo in prison, and everyone is eyeing to be top dog.
The us just wants to keep israel there, instead of dead, cause whoever the new top is won't like us.
Lots of baby boomers, it's quasi religious for them
It's not about Israel as much as it's about the fucked up UN
Ultra-religious boomers.
Because we are the ones in Biblical prophecy who save Israel from destruction in the end times
I see no reason not to move the embassy because I give no shits about the leaders that voted against us at the UN. Really the impotent rage is just making them look bad.
when will america have a real political party that will serve the interests of the American people rather than the interest of kikes?
What is one positive benefit? Not schadenfraude, I mean a concrete plus for America
Their country build by protestands, that's America's history and backround. Protestands literally believe that Jews are Gods chosen people so here you go.
The only difference here is Japan and S. Korea are Indigenous land where 99.9% natives are living. Israel on the other hand is an occupied territory welfare state full of immigrant Jews.
>Israel on the other hand is an occupied territory
Is USA just occupied native american territory?
>America first
Kek, can’t believe the retards that bought that shit
>Why does America always support Israel?
Mossad has monopoly on the dirt on many congressman and senators.
Judeo Christian values.
No it's not. Natives here have full rights on the land.
Trump is going to stop sending aid to 128 countries.
Their native land, you hmong
Useless anti-jewish Sup Forumslacks
They say Jerusalem is their capital so I see no need to put the embassy in tel Aviv. It has to happen sometime for the conflict to end so it might as well happen now.
Nope, this shit started with William Scofields Bible and metastized until it took over the Baptists
Fuck off back to Eastern Ukraine fucking Jew.
because theyre friendly to us...
two countries are friendly towards each other and cooperate militarily they stay allies
it isn't complicated you idiots
there is no reason to not support Israel except
>muh zionist conspiracy theories!!!
and surprise surprise not a single American politician believes your conspiracy theory so they have zero reason to stop backing the country that opposes our muslim enemies
you can call me a jew all you want I used nothing but logic in my analysis
This. It's too bad really...
Easy Answer, Trump hates Islam, Islam hates Israel, Israel hates Islam. We see a lot of other Patriotic movements, even in other countries, support Israel. Britain First, PEGIDA, etc.
The one thing that really just unites em all is their disdain for the islamic world. Then you have countries in Eastern Europe that hate the islamic world and israel, but chose to side with islam over the jews.
Israel=USA=Israel etc
It's impossible if you're talking about third parties.
As long as the electoral votes of a state all go to the winner instead of being split proportionally
third parties have no chance in hell.
And even if there's a third party the kike's will just buy influence.
In state elections the guy with more money wins 90% of the time or something like that.
> Lets provoke a war in the ME between nuclear powers because Hey, gotta happen sometime
When will you be enlisting?
Lmao Why? We use that pittance to bribe politicians in other nations. The Romans did the same shit with Germanic Chiefs and the Brits did it with the Rajs, we used to do it with Indian Tribes. It's far cheaper than a war
>It's not a coincidence that when obama started spurning israel, groups like isis formed, and stopped caring about israel and started going for serious land grabs.
They've been around under other names since before the Iraq war. If anything strengthened them, it was the collapse of Saddam thanks to Bush's stupid invasion. Then they split from Al-Qaeda because that group became stagnant, so ISIS could claim to be the true caliphate and blow more shit up.
if ever a genocide could actually improve the world, it would be a genocide against the muslims
its much better to just have casual racism against other skin colors, but its different when one group of browns is running around blowing up shit while rust belt fucks cry about niggers
we dont want another 9/11
>They've been around under other names since before the Iraq war. If anything strengthened them, it was the collapse of Saddam thanks to Bush's stupid invasion. Then they split from Al-Qaeda because that group became stagnant, so ISIS could claim to be the true caliphate and blow more shit up.
>TFW UN fag posts a decent analysis.
Oh really, Moshe?
Israel’s espionage activities in America are unrivaled and unseemly, counterspies have told members of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees, going far beyond activities by other close allies, such as Germany, France, the U.K. and Japan. A congressional staffer familiar with a briefing last January called the testimony “very sobering…alarming…even terrifying.” Another staffer called it “damaging.
the teachings of judeo christ command so
Muslims are pretending to care. Or rather they care enough to use it as an excuse to protest but not enough for it to affect anything significant. If they haven't nuked israel yet then the embassy isn't going to be a tipping point.
We also always support the Saudis. Fuck them both.
notice Bernie Sanders in not on the list... He really was the best candidate.
Shut up faggot
Sure. So tell me how this shit show jelpsAmerica?
The answer is that it doesn't but it does shore up Dons base for a bit and keeps them believing he isnt a carpet bagger
>We also always support the Saudis.
We don't support them. We provide them with military protection in return for their agreement to sell their oil for U.S. $$. This is called the petro-dollar. It's not a support, it's an agreement.
It doesn't significantly hurt or help America, everyone just gets triggered over the Jews. It may help American tourists that need the embassy as they are more likely to be visiting Jerusalem than tel Aviv.
Bernie literally would have been against isreal unlike Trump who sucks their balls and licks their butthole. You know its true.
Maybe, maybe not. The guy he proclaimed to be would have never supported Clinton and would have had the balls to stand up against the corruption directed towards him.
America supports Israel because during the Cold War, they wanted to have an ally in the Middle East who would help them defend against Soviet socialist incursions. They took control of Israel from Britain because it would give them the imperial power Britain once commanded in the region. It's just globalist geopolitics.
Christian Zionism
Trump is worse than Hillary, he made a pragmatic choice.
Because we have always been a Christian nation, and somewhere along the lines of our history a Jew or retarded preacher failed reading comprehension and kept pushing the idea that the Jews were God's chosen people and need to be protected, when in reality, God had forsaken the Jews that didn't walk with Moses out into the wilderness as God's new Chosen People. The Jews that converted and were faithful and trusted God and followed Moses were His new Chosen People. It's very clear.
but, again, somehow we've failed as a nation with reading comprehension.
He had no chance. The nogs where too much on Hillary's side because Bill was the first black president or some shit like that.
And Bernie was acting pretty autistic when it came to black people. Said all the wrong things.
because they use it as a base for control of the oil
Also there like the only stable government in the Middle East that Is in line with are values i.e. Freedom and killing shit.
>nip doesn't realize Japan supports Israel by proxy...wake up you stupid cunt.
Because they control our government.
And they have achieved public support by:
1. Controlling our churches ("Israel is a friend of Christianity")
2. Using "American" Nationalism ("Israel is our #1 ally, if you are against them you are anti-American")
3. Making Muslims out to be the enemy, even though they created the Islamist problem ("I support Israel because they hate Muslims")
4. Making themselves out to be the victim ("We need Israel to get away from anti-Semiticism. Muh Holocaust")
but user
America IS Israel
We pay Israel to be a "friendly" force in the ME, much like our "friends" in Saudi Arabia
I don't predict Israel losing control over Jerusalem in the next decade, so maybe we should drop the pretense and acknowledge it as Israel's capital
>inb4 "you'll trigger the Muslims"
They do it on their own
>Israel is like the retarded child in a family...everyone hates it but is guilted to look after it.
Why doesn't the UN when it was the UN that created the state of Israel in the first place.
You're confusing Israeli jews and western kikes. While neither are particularly savory, one is markedly worse than the other
What comes out in the wash is that Israeli jews are useful for influence in the Middle East
Because the UN is a shadow of it's former self. All they do is condemn what other countries do without actually doing anything about it. We live in a time of all talk. Soon other countries will move their embassy behind the US. We should stop giving them billions. That money would go a lot farther helping our country than filling a building with new furnishings every year.
Mostly because the member states are majority anti-Israel. Just look at the resolutions that get passed
They'd have you believe women's rights are worse in Israel than Libya or Syria
They'd have you believe Israel commits more human rights atrocities than every single Islamic nation combined
Israel might be a shantytown, but come the fuck on...
> the UN is a shadow of it's former self
The only utility the UN has ever provided is acting as a conduit for restoring order after major wars
It is a paper tiger by design, and the US pays for 22% of it.
Not worth the real estate it occupies
Not sure really but we should pogrom all of them to isreal.
Inb4zionist I don't think the state actually belongs to them but it exists so why not? Also end all aid and let them fend for themselves.
it's not a shadow of it's self it just doesn't bend over for the us as much as it did before.
bla bla bla poor us
you needed to con them for that illegal war in iraq. why bother if they don't matter?
lets see what happens if trump follows through on his threat to cut funding/bribes to 128 countries
>Because the UN is a shadow of it's former self
The problem is not UN. It has become bloated, but the core is precisely the same.
The problem is, that there is not other aggressive military block with nuclear arms trying to create global hegemony aside the US and allies. Until the new SU emerges, UN does not have a much role to play because no country is interested in flaming up war with US over some shitty place.
because we're trillions of dollars in debt to the federal reserve. (and yet we give billions of dollars to israel every year)
The general council is literally irrelevant
The humanitarian support the UN provides is already readily provided by non-UN entities
The security council is designed to gridlock any time a decision has to be made
They truly don't matter.
Why pay 22% of the bill for a bunch of shitskin plutocrats to squat in a posh Manhattan hotel while pretending they're doing anything worthwhile?
fuck you canada
we give the most aide to the world - our citizens give more every year per citizen than all of planet earth combined - the u.s.a doesnt bully you for no reason, we are the world police, we have to be, because the rest of the world would go to shit if we werent
you may not like the united states, but we're the reason you can sleep at night safe in your beds
be as ass blasted as you want, but our nation is the most compassionate, and giving and caring on this planet, and we can prove it
Literally because greatest allies.The 1967 war impressed the americans bigly.
>shadow of its former self
retard, the UN has always been powerless.
but we're the reason you can sleep at night safe in your beds
lol you're a true hero aren't you.
>Mostly because the member states are majority anti-Israel. Just look at the resolutions that get passed
No. They are not anti-Israel. If you take notice, all resolutions refer to previous ones back to 1948.
Israel was created by UN. It simply votes according to previous treaties and resolutions.
>They'd have you believe women's rights are worse in Israel than Libya or Syria
It has nothing to do with women or human rights. UN treaty establishes that only the security council has the power to decide over peace and war, national sovereignity etc. And US signature is there under the UN treaty. As is Israels byw.
its a shadow of the League of Nations? The U.N. didn't work as the League of Nations, and it barely works right now as the United Nations, America is the only reason that it even functions still, and that's only because the rest of the countries want free gibs.
My God, the UK single handedly paid for the EU defense budget. Now that the UK is breaking up the EU has to rely on some other form of Welfare to pay for their bs.
The EU will absorb the U.N. and the EU will continue extorting money out of the smaller EU countries and demanding dues under the threat of military force until it crumbles under its own fascist policies that already exist, but will just be strengthened until it chokes the life out of the EU.
You're right, the security council is the only aspect of the UN worth consideration
But the resolution chastising Trump for considering Jerusalem as the capital of Israel came from the general council, which is historically anti-Israel
My point is, the UN can fuck off if it wants to wag its useless finger at us
like I said, laugh all you want, get as ass blasted as you want, but you know its the truth
Nigger read a history book. Romans conquered the levant and scattered jews throughout the empire then proceeded to persecute the fuck out of em. Read god damn it read
name 1 thing the us did that makes it safer for me sleep in my bed tonight?
USA belong to bankers, and bankers are jews.
Star Wars Sattellite dragnet that detects and pinpoints, and disables nuclear missiles in minutes
it covers the entire continent
because america is under zionist occupation. we are owned and governed by jews.
being the neighbor of the world's most powerful military probably helps
Does anyone here even know why the jews hate us??
for you imaginary enemies? no, that was support to the mic . that made me less safe
and hurts
>Why does America always support Israel?
Short ver.?
Basically it was a snub by the Seppos to the Poms in 1948.
пoчeмy ты здec в 4ч? go back to 2ch communist