Redpill me on abortion

does pol approve or disapprove?

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look up who uses that service the most and you'll quickly see it does more good than harm

yes in certain cases
>life of mother, defective child etc
>non white

If you’re aborting niggers then yeah. I think abortion is reprehensible but sometimes sacrifices are necessary for the greater good, so aborting black babies is ok

Oh Argentina, you never dissapoint


Like a lot of other issues, it's a good thing to have it, but we went much too far with promoting it, making it out as a right, a thing every woman can use any time she forgets to use contraception. Instead of keeping it as a last resort, as it should be.

Ultimately, trying to ban it is just as stupid as trying to ban guns or alcohol or drugs. You can't ban something anyone can do by themselves, usually with worst results than making it legal. It should be legal, but it should be shamed at a social level.

Who gets abortions?
Leftists, feminists, minorities, poor people etc
Less of these people shitting up the gene pool the better. Abortion is basically eugenics for people who are pro-choice.
Pro-life conservatives don't get abortions and their offspring inherit the next generation.

Murder. Disapprove.

>Gets rid of the mentally disabled
>Look up which demographic (In america) uses it the most

potential of eliminating down syndrome source:

>redpill me on abortion
Abortion is a liberal approved and supported method of killing large numbers of niggers.

lets be honest, if men could get pregnant there would be a Planned Parenthood on every fucking corner.

wtf is this

Thoroughly approve--for: nogs, beaners, possible offspring of numales and feminists, muzzies, and the feeble. Keeps taxes and crime rates down. Helps reduce libs in population.

Morally I think its use as a form of birth control for convenience is abhorrent. Pragmatically I see its usefulness and I'm only opposed to it because men do not have an equivalent option to abstain from parental responsibility.

would only encourage for minorities. unfortunately they flood into the country faster than we can remove their fetuses.

Along with the obvious, it can have negative physical and mental consequences.

you can't spell "LIBTARD" without "LIBERTAD"

Wow! A little too much

lets be honest, if men had a contraceptive pill or IUD equivalent, there would never be an unwanted pregnancy ever again, so there would be no need for Planned Parenthood.

how often do men cum inside you?

Are you fucking serious?

I disapprove, even with nigglets. IMO the more babies whites have, the more prosperous, and opposite outcome with niggers.

A celebration of women's right to abortion. Trying to make us all "comfortable" with infanticide as a "personal choice"---disgustingly degenerate but utterly necessary in a world of declining white birth rates as a necessary nog/gimmedat control system.


Do I smell a reddit faggot?

Nice try, but that's bullshit. If men could get pregnant it would be just like everything else is for men, they would be expected to accept responsibility for their actions.

Without abortion in the US, every black chick would have five kids instead of 2. Crime would be way worse, taxes higher and we would have nothing but President Gimmedats and President Dindunuffins with the occasional Lesbian white Lady. Gloria Steinem was right, it should be a sacrement.

Don't have the resources to continue multiplying without control. Look at China and India which everybody here likes to make fun of. This is the main reason behind the shitty living conditions. In the long run, it's more humane to do this than to let everything go out of control and have starving kids in the streets. Hate to say it but it's the lesser of two evils until we get our shit together.