Hit and Run in Portland, OR

Do jaywalkers deserve to be run over?

>news article

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The jaywalker slaps the car twice and moves for the passenger side door before being hit.

So.... yes?

no, but the car driver shouldn't be punished for squishing them.


Why did she stop in the middle of the lane? Why are women so stupid and useless?

So the jaywalker committed felonious assault with her road rage
and the driver stopped her from commiting another. fleeing felon law applies.

The driver should have contacted the police but is not under any obligation to.

did she learn anything? being confrontational with a complete stranger can be deadly.

Because she wanted to assert her dominance as a pedestrian. Much like the driver's right foot asserted dominance over the accelerator pedal.

>those white knights immediately rush out
LOL should have left her in the road like they do in china

Well she probably learned to not do that shit again.

>stopping halfway to taunt the car
deserved it.

The dude that ran out was her brother.

she must have been high or something, stopping in the middle of the lane and slapping an approaching vehicle

thats even funnier

why did he feel the need to stop and slow the car down instead of hustling his ass out of the way as he is legally obligated to do?

faggot deserved to get hit

this is why I don't want women in combat. they have no concept of situational awareness or risk assessment.

Pretty sure it was just arrogance. Though Portland has the highest number of Dispensaries per square mile

"I can block you, you can't run me over! Hah, what you gonna do about it? OH SHIT!!"

You might as well ask if someone deserves to explode if they wade through a minefield.

The real question imo is does the driver of that car deserve to face criminal charges? My answer would be absolutely not. The video, the arrogant behavior of the woman, her STOPPING in the road, then SLAPPING the car and agitating the driver for doing nothing wrong. This is Darwinism.

Also strip clubs and churches.

This is what happens when you grow up in a liberal bubble and assume everyone is going to cater to your needs. Most people are selfish assholes, don't assume they're going to do the right thing and put up with your shit, unless you want to end up as this darwin award recipient.

If they're black, then yes. They don't even have to be jaywalking really

Maybe a better question is IF the driver will get charged, or IF he will get caught/turn himself in. I say no to both.

I'd really like to see the cops be like "ehhh" and tell the jaywalker to stay out of the road from now on. I live around niggers, and I've been dreaming of seeing something like this happen. Those fucking animals think they've got free reign to block traffic whenever they want.



As a limey jaywalking has always puzzled me, now I see why it is necessary with the retards you have there

Silly woman, roads are for cars

There's actually been a lot of accidents and animals getting ran over lately. Way more traffic and way more shitty drivers than I've EVER seen before in my life all in the past year.
What's up? The license plates all say they're from Oregon but I've also seen an increase in Californians. Fuck off back to your own state and take the garbage from Eugene and Portland with you, fucking Jew-loving goodgoy eunuchs. The only immigrants I want in this state are Jefferson State citizens and Koreans because they hate the fuck out of niggers.

No and jay walking shouldn't be a fucking crime either
its gay and authoritarian same as 'loitering'

Yes. Cars live on the road, not humans.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I was told recently that the first thing a Californian should do when moving to Portland is to replace their license plates since natives will target them for vandalism, harassment, etc. (for good reason)

I'm getting tired of the fucks.
Our hook nosed Jew professor actually told our class, and I fucking quote, "the white women here should actually consider dating black men, our state definitely needs more diversity."
I read about this shit on Sup Forums all the time but it's a whole different feeling of rage when you experience it in real life.
Of course the kike just moved here from California and regularly talked about how much better it was than here.

they need to change the name of the crime. jay is a racial slur against rural, mountain dwelling white people

I wouldn't hit one on purpose, but there are some retarded people out there. Just a few months ago, I missed hitting someone by inches. Light in green for at least a block before I even got to the intersection, I'm going 40mph, there is a big truck to the left of me. Just as I get to the crosswalk, the truck slams on its breaks and starts skidding into my lane, my heart jumps and some bitch almost walked right in front of my car. I swear I missed her by less than a foot. She most likely would have been killed. There was a lot of traffic out. She must have been whacked out on drugs to try and jaywalk at that intersection. White too. Although I see niggers do bs where the light turns green and they don't even try and hurry, they're like yeah you can wait for me...

i don't see a license plate. is this why the driver was brave enough to do what we'd only dream of?