Why do anime backgrounds these days look like Instagram inspirational quotes?
Why do anime backgrounds these days look like Instagram inspirational quotes?
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Because making backgrounds using matte painting techniques has become much easier with computers.
Next time just start a backgrounds thread instead of shitposting.
owari no seraph? holy shit i never really paid much attention to the backgrounds, this is neat
Because they are rotoscoped.
Holy shit that looks cool
That's my favorite background shot in anime.
That looks pretty good.
This background instantly reminds me of Dark Souls.
Looks like a city out of Warhammer Fantasy.
Too A E S T H E T I C?
Water color backgrounds are best but no one really uses them much anymore.
I mean, there was Grimgar, which was comfy but slow.
Because people defend shitty CGI
Why do you think Sup Forums even knows how a "Instagram inspirational quote" looks like, you filthy crossboarder normalfag?
That's a nice butt
There's literally nothing wrong with posting on instagram
Just post cool backgrounds.
what the hell does that even mean?
maybe because they're actually drawn with effort rather than literally googling camera shutter settings, waiting for a rainy day, then clicking a button on your camera for 1-2 seconds to yield something similar.
that's clearly digital
>maybe because they're actually drawn
Most of these backgrounds are just photographs with a filter put over them to make them look drawn. Kyoani in particular does this a whole lot.
It even happens in Manga sometimes. Hiroya Oku does it all the time because he's a lazy fucker.
Glad I'm not the only one.
But that looks really fucking good.
Why does your faggot mind make such a connection?
Both are tacky, vapid, glossy, oversaturated, backlit and indulgent.
Is this a joke? They completely fucking jar with the rest of the image, not to mention the half-assed filtering job he did with how low-detail the shading comes out. It's exceptionally shit.
>Most of these backgrounds are just photographs with a filter put over them to make them look drawn. Kyoani in particular does this a whole lot.
And I'm sure you have a very reliable source for this assertion.
Looks bad, like done in haste and impatiently. I know, cause my shitty works looks like that.
Inio Asano also did this too for his backgrounds and other stuff. He just drew over them a bit more to make it feel less artificial.
Is an animation practice and has nothing to do with background art.
Kyoani thread?
I knew a lot of The Matrix was taken from Megazone23, but I didn't realized Star Trek took elements from it.
Owari no Seraph is a shit anime but it did some good with the backgrounds. When those weren't plagued with filters, at least.