So when can we seriously call it a crash?

And how low will it go?

Other urls found in this thread:

as real economy goes up, virtual money goes down


When it goes back to where it was a month ago, you can call it a crash. It's going to hit 5k

On Nov 22, it was 8.7k. We are closing in to 8k fast.

I wish someone would explain what exactly memecoin has to do with politics


Up 1,500% from beginning of year. Looking pretty up to me.


go circle jerk yuer meme coins

Shhhh, don't tell them
Meme coins allow us to destroy banks without having to audit the fed. Fuck auditing the fed, just stop using their meme currency.

t. bagholder


I dunno but i'm making money off these fools, shorting this to $0 for fun.

sort your life out m8, you just blew 16k on a meme

/biz/ right now is incredibl

Christmas day suicides here we come!


Screen cap this. One Bitcoin will be worth a million dollars in 20 years.

You wont be eating sushi no more

Did everyone JUST

purple wojaks as far as the eye can see. every coin is taking a massive dip

Buy at 10k



Wasn't this actually expected? I remember reading some anons talking about Asians selling bitcoins this week, it shouldn't crash for good.

Last time I clicked on a bitcoin thread they were ~10k so this is still a 27% increase.



Must be Russia


Down to 9k this week, slow increase therafter, won't exceed 18K

Mass christmas suicides, btc confirmed ponzi

And coiners say BTC isn't a cult

When it goes down to around $2000 you can call it a crash.

Hopefully it will keep crashing till it gets low enough for me to buy in.

1btc 1k and ill actually buy.

Get rich quick retards getting BTFO.

>When it goes down to around $2000 you can call it a crash.
That would mean the 1929 crash wasn't a crash.

>1btc 1k and ill actually buy.
I doubt it. At 1K, the Fed steps in and shuts it down... mission accomplished, the youth's faith in the 'stable' dollar has been reestablished.

Satoshi was a team of Fed math geeks all along.

You got two options, sell now and buy back in lower or wait till it goes back up(eventually). 8k is the base, if you see it fly past 8k like it doesn't exist, put your fucking balls into this shit and be ready for the explosion back to 8k. Then sell before the final crash to 5k where it might stay for a while. This is all just speculation on my part. Merry Christmas user.

2k is the real target, same as last time, 10x crash in price. It will take a few weeks.

Which is more ideal: a hard crash or a slow death?


Don't panic friend. You will have your money back when it gets to 30 k next month

can someone fill me in on why it is crashing?

>destroy the banks
they dont realize that the currently rich can afford more bitcoin than any normie fuck. They also don't realize that over 50% of bitcoin wealth is in like 100 people. BUT MUH BANKS


maybe we shouldn'tve given them huge tax cuts

Because it's a meme currency backed by nothing but happy thoughts.

What you see is natural stocks cycle: money flowing from dumb to the smart.

Who else /biz/y shitposting?

You're comparing the entire stock market to bitcoin, you complete retard?

this. certain billionaires have publicly stated that between himself and 3 of his friends they've held 5% of the total bitcoin quantity.

how many more haven't?

got you senpai

A few fucking jews saw a way to steal millions of dollars while the goyim justify it because a few of them will get rich too

dude, here's the reality.

you are a fucking nobody. you will never affect any of these jews you despise. the vote of the public opinion is swayed through every imaginable medium backed by billions of dollars.

your meme coin is the same inevitable result just of the different side of the coin. unless you're sleeping like 2-4 hours a day, investing all your time and energy into creating something that will propel you to the top, nobody cares.

jew this jew that won't erase the infrastructure of billionaires, jew or not, their resources, or their influence.

your meme coin won't do shit to jews or anybody else in magnificent power.

What's your point? Whether or not the rich can buy cryptos or not doesn't change the fact that decentralized currencies which require proof of work algorithms are going to replace banks and fiat. Technology is moving forward, with or without you.

Bitcoins cost 2k each in electricity and overhead to create. Fiat costs less to create than bitcoin, but cryptos are the meme.

someone post the ahhhhhh song

theyre pink you dumb dog

I hope this is real

Can someone post pics of normies screaming since they bought BTC at the high?

Bonus point if it's female :)

>stock market
>real economy
americans are this fucking retarded

holy shit

>going to replace banks and fiat
Haha. What?

>decentralized currencies which require proof of work algorithms are going to replace banks and fiat
And your proof is what? A ponzi scheme? All crypto is essentially fiat and that is an undeniable fact. Fiat is a failed experiment, crypto with it.

>You're comparing the entire stock market to bitcoin, you complete retard?

I am comparing the entire crypto market made up of hundreds of cryptos... to the Index of the New York Stock Price, which was principally determined by 30-40 stocks at the time.
>you complete retard

>are going to replace banks and fiat
you fucking meme coiners say this shit with such confidence. proof of work, proof of stake, algorithm, blockchain, hashrate, smart contracts, blah blah blah blah.

how do you propose, practically, it benefits an overwhelming populace, a successful one at that and not the fucking congo or venezuela or some other third world shit hole on the brink, to transition out of traditional currency? do you even understand why with everything gone to shit for third worlders, nobody in the bright fucking corridor of their heads aren't even seriously considering this? do you even have a basic understanding of how disruptive and dangerous it could be in a world shifting economy? no government is talking openly about crypto in even 5% capacity of understanding it and we have retards like you spewing idealistic nonsense.

we have overwhelmingly massive swaths of the population who can't read or write, barely count change, yet this dumb fuck is talking about meme coins like we're steps away from implementing it.

i'd put you at late nov - early dec newcryptofag.

Everyone needs to calm the fuck down and buy the dip, mortgage your house if you have to.

>He's not all in on XRP


The Snordster

Buy high, sell low

Learn to stocks

It's not a crash, just a correction. The media overhyped it and its perceived value is inflated. Once the hype goes down, it Bitcoin will return to its "real" value.

Typed it like a retard, but you get the point.

Bitcoin is used by global elites as currency for child sex trafficking. Podests is doing this. The ceos of bitcoin are also very questionable people tied to pizzagate. Be careful.

So every cryptomeme is being corrected?

Possibly, difficult to say. There are many factors that could be at work.

>tfw a while ago thinking that will be the lowest



>Meme coins allow us to destroy banks without having to audit the fed. Fuck auditing the fed, just stop using their meme currency.
>Actually believing this

Holy fuck it's a lulz overload. Skeptic YT drama, buttcoins are tanking, Cenk Uygur is outed as a sexual predator......I can't remember the last time I had such an amazing Christmas.

if btc goes down, they all go down, because every other meme coin is mainly purchased through btc.


>Bitcoin is used by global elites as currency for child sex trafficking.
No, it's mostly used by autistic faggots to "anonymously" buy weed, even though there's nothing remotely anonymous about Bitcoin transactions.

>babbies first correction

I bought BTC at 3k and then it dropped to 2k . That was only a few months ago. Just hold

So it is connected.
At least it was fun to watch reddit going mad over this.

Nah, Bitcoin is a threat to the Rothschild Banking Empire. You're just a shilling pedofag.

Reminder (((they))) are orchestrating one final "crash" to shake off the normies.

2018 is when the prophecy is fulfilled. Get rid of your fiat while you can.

this is great

Coinbase founder trashed Bitcoin to pump Bitcoin cash, but then Coinbase got caught up in an insider trading scandal and suspended bitcoin cash and unwound all bch trades.
Bitcoin cash mount goxxed bitcoin, and once bitcoin went off all the shitty little alt coins suddenly become worthless.
The founder of litecoin selling all his lite didn't help, but yeah nah it was mostly coinbase fucking up the bitcoin cash launch.
What we've learned is that only bitcoin, eth, and possibly ripple have any intrinsic value.

The mass media exposure spooked the market.

When mass suicides start happening

>Cenk Uygur is outed as a sexual predator.
holy shit sauce?
First Kraut, now bitcoin, and the roach is going down?

Youre wrong. Its a laundering scheme funded by useful idiots.
>here senpai let me give you some bitcoin...for no reason.

Its easier than having to run it thru multiple slush funds with electronic papertrails. Did i forget to mention podesta is doing this?

Technology advances at an exponentially advancing rate. We're basically going to witness another industrial revolution level event in this lifetime. AI, replacement of workforces via automation, nanobots in the blood stream, immense extension of life expectancy, literal direct connection of our consciousness into a cloud based AI, sexbots, artificial wombs etc etc etc. Technological progression is not stoppable, even if it were, the rich people you guys keep talking about are the ones who want this. The banks will try, in fact they already are trying with coins like bancor, to co-opt and take control of crypto currencies. But they can't, not entirely anyways because more cyrptocurrencies can always be founded. They can't shut down exchanges forever as those are going decentralized on block chains as well and the only way they could stop blockchains entirely is by shutting down nodes using ISP's to turn personal pc's off connected to whatever blockchain network. However, a solution is being remedied for that. A new internet which subverts the governments ability to do this is already being created by your fantastical meme coiners and you can thank them for it later. Whether you like it or not, you were born in the right era for shit to happen; Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

This is actually great. Time to buy and then sell in 3 weeks making huge profit.

> get in fast user.. its almost too late !!
Fuckn amateurs.. Every generation needs to get fucked by a ponzi in order to grow up and learn there is no free lunch ever

Kinda off topic but how electricity does it take to mine 1btc? What do environment think of this?

same concept as electric cars. they can't see the energy footprint so it doesnt exist

This has happened 3 times with bitcoin. Every single time it rebounds with record breaking numbers.

>So when can we
You're just waiting for the right moment to buy, rite?

The bigger question is the market capacity.
What would be the ratio of traditional cash-extorted to traditional cash-invested.

Current drop is fueled by a couple of BTC-gorrilionares, who where dreaming to live the life of Trump forever and are hysterical about the vanishing opportunity.

Normal people sold enough to diversify at least a couple of their lifetime incomes earlier and are not selling anything really.

We can expect, that everyone would want to extort the same amount of cash and there would be no investors for 2 stages:
1- until it drops to profit-making values
2- until it drops to loss-making values

With 2nd stage being much more hysterical, but with slower drop, because people would employ their optimism in hope, that some day coins would be valued again and then they will sell it without a loss. These people would also make the price growth slower, because after it will rise back to ($v.2015)3-7k, they would sell immediately. And gorrillionares will also slow the growth, trying to extort their lifetime income dream after ($v.2015)5-10k.

The bottom of 1st stage is around ($v.2015)5-7k.
The bottom of 2nd stage is more timely, than monetary. People would try to cut losses for a year.