Western Degeneracy is spreading to China

A growing number of educated Chinese single women are travelling to western countries to become pregnant via IVF from donor sperms from Chads.


This is the future. Medically assisted polyandry will enable educated women to all have children from alpha men, and they're willing to travel overseas to use this service. The beta male problem is going to get worse in the future.

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Anything to degrade and destroy China is a good thing. Unleash the full force of Jewish insanity upon them.

This sounds like something out of a jap anime lel


>Western Degeneracy is spreading
It can't be contained or controlled at this point, not even by the jews, that's the thing that no one understands. It started as a leftist meme to win elections and now it's consuming entire civilizations. All of mankind will fall before this runs it's course.

In the meantime southern China is getting blacked by African immigrants marrying local lay-deez.

China is so fucked lol literally going to another country to get bred by some aussie shitposter who probably wanked off in a cup and handed it to the chinaman

Why does education destroy women? I mean, it should do the opposite.

Education improves a man, but destroys a woman. Anyone else notice this?

It appears that the demand for pizza will rise among these betas.


>This is the future. Medically assisted polyandry will enable educated women to all have children from alpha men, and they're willing to travel overseas to use this service. The beta male problem is going to get worse in the future.

How do you know that these sperm donors are alpha men?

Also, do these women not realise that they're literally asking be single moms by having an unknown man's kid? They'll end up depressed since no alpha male will want then.

>The beta male problem is going to get worse in the future.

Surely there's going to be less of a beta problem in future since the beta genes are going to be bred out?

Also of course they know they'll be single mothers, maternal instinct is strong, women want kids even if they can't find the right guy

>But unmarried women, who may be keen to be mothers but are without a partner, are denied access to sperm donors and fertility treatment under Chinese law.

this is bullshit, a small tingle by the media and it will return to whatever new direction they decide

it says in the article that they have a choice of donor sperm based on ethnicity, characteristics and stuff like education level.
I don't think she went for an overweight NEET sperm.

ur funny

i like u

Is it because of the degrees they choose? Because learning stuff for 4 years is quite an investment, but if you're getting a degree in communications/social media studies you're just wasting time.

Because women are retarded.
It’s that simple, friendo.

Women are a lot like black people

>entitlement mentality
>superficial charm masks intellectual disability
>hypersexualized, obsessed with other people, sex, reproduction

Nope, they'll be single mothers who will breed and bring up bratty children and make the society worse. Plus increase the state size so these kids can either be looked after in day care, or have the mom live off of gibsmedats.

And yes, the mother will also be lonely because she has no man to love her. Just like some of the "sexually liberated" baby boomers women who have been divorced and confused for the last 20 years. Sad.

That's why they're called the niggers of gender

Western degeneracy is everywhere these days

But still. Education should at least decrease the retardation. It doesn't. It just makes them worse.

"Woman is the nigger of the world"
t.John Lennon

Fuck China.

It actually improves women to their final form.

Unfortunately their final form destroys societies as by no longer being concubines beta males are disincentivized.

The future while be Chad with harems with a select subset of beta artists allowed to maintain the robots that replaced the former beta class.


So the future is primitive again?

Still I can't totally agree with education being a woman's "final form" since it only downgrades them and makes them miserable. Happiness (without bliss) is key.

Me sire you long time

But the females bred with better genes will start looking at what are alphas now as beta and want to breed by super alphas.

You fucking forgot why. Unmarried Chink women over 25 is viewed as trash-they are so desperate to marry they travel out.
Dumb soyboys betas glorify these second tier chinks and breed them out as liberal couples, which goes back and ruin the young western generation.

So are Chinese upper middle class+ getting incidentally Bleached™?

Ayo hol up, iz y'all ass sayin dat der finna be a Aryan Master Race in China, cuh?
(Because those Hapa girls will keep getting Bleached™ upon future generations)


men in China are so insecure, they won't marry a woman with a college degree, so women have to get IVF.

yup, you're right, insecure pathetic alt-right men becoming "incels" because the only woman they aren't frightened by are literally retarded or are imaginary.

So you mean sexual selection is still working, just even more cruelly and ruthlessly than ever before?

So insecure my dad invested $2mil in Australia to get citizenship

Literally has nothing to do with the conversation, why you chimping out chang... Insecure?

Do they qualify as chads if they’re too retarded to notice they are liable for the 18yr roastie tax?

Only NEETs that can’t afford internet/playboy go to wank banks

hes a r9k sperg

Quintessentially Australian

Maybe they'll stop lacking empathy this way.

so MORE elliot rodges gtfo outta here

with the inevitable downfall of europe and complete dominance of US bibi ordered the mossad to get to work on taking over china . the first step is to cause social upheaval like OP said .

this should be viewd as a good thing as if we can grap control in a quick non violent way many lives can be saved .
we dont want to have to repeat 9/11 where we had to kill thousands and come close to public exposure many times because we needed the US to attack iraq.now we can make the US attack anyone we want with our puppet president in office and we need to do the same for china so a chinese 9/11 doesn't have to happen .