
Dont feel conflicted faggot. Pussy and metal is the best things in life. Fuck getting a wife.

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the right answer

Yes. All rock music is degenerate and the rock movement was the greatest sole contributor to the rapid downfall of Western civilization in the late 20th century.

bullshit, it was jazz and marijuana

Where is David Lee Roth? You know that we need him more than ever now.

no no, it was the Bossa Nova


man I wish I was born early enough to hear this come out on the radio.

I don't know, but I saw them before a Kiss show and they are really good.
>Make Hair Metal Great Again

It actually amazes me how tight they are live for how much they fuck around on stage. I hope its not all backing tracks

If you have to ask, then yes, it is.

>Steel Panther degenerate

It's not, they played an acoustic set for a party I was at. Very very nice guys.

Man I wished to see the reactions when this video would come out today.


i didnt know drag queens made metal

Twisted Sister was one of the most popular metal bands of all time

I've heard they're all married with kids and its just an act, but with some of their antics its so hard to believe.

they have a video DEATH TO ALL BUT METAL with that nasty jewess silverman

i kinda like these guys

They're pretty much a parody act.

They make hilarious videos

Glam metal is for fucking faggots friend

You sound jealous friend

Just like you guys, leaving the EU was a hilarious prank georgie

Holy shit how have I not seen this