Do Eurocucks really expect Israel to give East Jerusalem back to the sandniggers?
Do Eurocucks really expect Israel to give East Jerusalem back to the sandniggers?
I'd rather make the holy land European-Christian again but birthrates don't allow for it. Whitey has wasted trillions on the kike for less than nothing in return. Americans treated the inbreds better than their own blood and they still turned on them. They exterminated tens of millions of European Christians in the 20th century. They've been removed at least 359 times throughout history.
When do we all collectively say enough is enough? When do we finally look at making a pivot? The Muslims are content to live in separate lands and won't be polluting us through the airwaves or internet cables. They believe Jesus was the prophet before Muhammad. They revere Mary more than any other woman. Kikes believe Jesus is boiling in his excrement for eternity and they believe Mary was a whore. I ask everyone.. why is the choice so apparently obvious, if we're forced to choose?
>a literal vassal of Israel
>calling someone else cucks
Palestine is gone if nothing changes considerably in the future.
And I mean completely gone. Wiped off the map.
No i´m waiting for 50000 mudsims selfbombing israel to the ground
It will be like a mirage, the muslime degenerics will think of nothing than victory when they think they took it back only to stoned to the ground and purged. In the end Jerusalem will fully be under controll os Israel none should count victory o. Israel soil for every chant there will be doubble land gifted in expansion to Israel in the end!
Islam muslimes will throw sand over their heads like they have done in the past only this time all at once on their knes will they fall and callout for mercy but they will find it nowhere before they perish.
>What is the capital of Isreal?
Washington DC my crypto-burger friend.
my greatest ally
We expect Jerusalem to be given to UN administration, just like the free city of Danzig was back in the way.
Capital of Israel: Tel Aviv
Capital of Palestine: Ramallah
When are you sending troops?
now they have recognition maybe no more aid and US protection?
maybe 4d chess move
oh I'm sure
>calls other people cucks
>supports the kikes
What is the capital of Israel?
Seems that way.
In Favour: All European states, except the following:
Abstention: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania
Against: No European states.
We have always been fucking kikes' bootlickers. Not a single European country has a spine anymore.
Sup beta
Donald Trump is trolling the entire planet.
Fuck you Rothchilds! For making and controling everything and the talmud can kiss my left but-cheek.
About a dozen.
There you go.
would steal