For the November 2017 62.08% of Migrants to NZ were White, How white were your migrants
Wow, you had 43.92% of your immigrants as shitskins demanding gibs.
>Nothing to be proud of.
>as shitskins demanding gibs.
uh chinese are not shitskins
We mainly get Chinks, Poos and Poms (English).
Our welfare dependents are Maori and Islanders (bought in back in the 80's to 'do the jobs we don't want to do!').
Indeed they're pissskins.
>We mainly get Chinks, Poos and Poms
and saffas in Auckland
We get more Chinks, Poos and Poms in even here than Saffers.
Most of them came back after Apartheid ended.
My kiwi mate always says there are more Polynesians in New Zealand than in polynesia.
net south africans have gone from 2000 in 2015 to now nearly 5000 in 2017
1600 Niueans in Niue and about 20,000 in NZ
hey now chinks are pretty great. Cutie girls, almost zero crime rate, high intelligence, not posioned by political correctness (the best discussions I have about Jews and white determination is with Chinese believe it or not), low disease prevalence, they basically admire white culture etc.
Be a bit more grateful, cunt. Sure an all white society would be nice, but i dont mind a bit of blanduup with east asians as long as they dont tip over 20% and split the country up. They are almost literally a different species from niggers, and they are very very aware of this
Yes but they're still only our 5th largest migrant group, 90% having arrived here post Apartheid.
>but i dont mind a bit of blanduup with east asians as long as they dont tip over 20%
there is nothing to stop that except upping the English requirement from the IELTS up to 8 or 9 which is now at 6
>hey now chinks are pretty great.
The mere fact you stipulate the need to keep their population down tells me their quality as citizens.
At least net asian migration is going downwards
no! just because you want to remain a majority in your own nation doesnt mean you dislike another group. its just natural ethnic preference and your own ethnic self-determination. This is nationalism politics 101. wanting to remain a majority in your own nation does not equal hatred towards another group. hell if anyone was to replace us id want it to be east asians. and 20% of the population is a pretty generous chunk huh?
>wanting to remain a majority in your own nation does not equal hatred towards another group
if people liked other races then they would not mind them coming to their own country
>and 20% of the population is a pretty generous chunk
Too generous. If you love them so much they can host you in China, it'd be better as their higher population would buffer the effect on ethnic self determination we agree on as opposed to them coming here.
no. Sensible people can admire and respect other cultures such as Adolf hitler saying "india and china has more history than Germany" and calling Japanese "Honorary Aryans"
That doesnt mean he would want to have his own nations population rendered a minority by them.
Its not as black and white as "wanting to remain a majority in your own nation = not liking every other group on earth"
I like my next door neighbours. Im not going to offer them rooms in my house. its my house, for my blood family. Not offering this doesnt reduce my respect for my neighbors, its just common sense.
we are not related, and we are aware of our differences and appreciate them and know in order to maintain these unique "diverse" differences, we need to maintain our own nations demographics.
>we need to maintain our own nations demographics.
>By making it 1/5th Chinks, an insular and often subversive people.
Seriously, their neighbours in Asia hate them. I'm sure it's all prejudice right?
>I like my next door neighbours. Im not going to offer them rooms in my house. its my house, for my blood family.
I prefer that my Neighbours are of the some racial stock as me, the same colonial settler heritage as me, and the same cultural and religious views as me, and that does not come from importing Asiatic Aliens
All white except refugees.
>That ID.
yes preferable indeed. But a little bit of diversity in the corner of this world with high quality races and not many variations ie. European 80%+ and 20% east asian would be very stable and sensible and you'd end up having slavic looking people after a few generations from the small blandaup of east asians and Europeans. After all thats how slavic people originated.
having a 100% white nation is not only unrealistic in the corner of the world and technically being in asia, but it does limit things. I enjoy seeing super hot asian girls walking down the road, and talking to really friendly korean people in their shops.
But i say reduce indian, arab and african migration to less than 5,000 a year combined, , lower south asian immigration from philipines indoesia etc, as well as increase immigration from England and Northern Europe. There are 10s of thousands of Swedes and Danes and Norwegians that would love to come live here.
0 from islander nations. They are a total burden on society, comparible to bulldogs. Aggressive, ugly, dumb creatures. I would even consider repatriation of many tongan and samoan migrant criminals.
NZ would become a model society, with a smaller friendly east asian society within. Whats the problem with that?
how many refugees do you get compared to migrants
>European 80%+ and 20% east asian would be very stable and sensible
mate it should be 80% Anglo Saxon 20% other European
>having a 100% white nation is not only unrealistic in the corner of the world and technically being in asia,
and capping gooks at 20% is realistic?
>east asian
Oh, so you're changing it from just Chinks now?
cmon mate dont be so stubborn. East asians are incredibly nice people. they improve the country and hate niggers, they are clean and lets be honest we would both feel safer in a Chinese neighborhood than some west Auckland white area with low life trash. we are skimming the cream off the top of 2 billion east Asians. in a few generations we'll see cutie mixed eurasian slavic faced girls walking around, and as long as we can maintain a white majority, east asians wont complain as they dont suffer from political correctness. In fact, they are probably the only non-white group i can think of that are not trying to actively undermine white society. as i said, some of the best conversations ive had about the jewish question, hitler etc is with middle age chinese people. They are 0% brainwashed by holocaust propaganda, and id actually rather be under Chinese government rule than ZOG rule. We would at least be treated with respect, unlike ZOG which is flooding us with shitskins, promoting race mixing with shitskins, trying to bash and misrepresent and history. Chinese cities are building replica titanics and Eiffel towers out of admiration for Europe.
East asians are our allies, and worthy of living along side us 1/5 ratio. Everyone else can GTFO and scavenge off another libtard white nation.
>East asians
saying that Europe should be 100% white.
NZ being 1/5 East asian top tier migrant stock is really not a problem at all imo.
Not even going into your fucked up hedonistic desires. Leave your cock out of politics and care for your people.
>we would both feel safer in a Chinese neighborhood than some west Auckland white area with low life trash
No I wouldn't, I would rather be with my own Kinsmen even if they are of a different class than with racial aliens
i never said only Chinese. East asians includes China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan (China basically). Anything south of that should be limited, and definitely anything west (india, middle east etc)
Trust me, it would be an incredible society and you see it in north shore, majority white and asian, no brown trash like south auckland. East asians would actually help solidify nationalist sentiment and ethnic pride amongst whites, as they are a nationalistic, Europe-admiring people with ZERO anti-white brainwashing (unless its newer generations born into ZOG conditioning)
>cutie mixed eurasian slavic faced girls walking around
>top tier migrant stock
>Stealing the best of China and it's people is OK so long as I can get laid and a new young Eurasian wife in a couple of decades.
Mate you're a cunt to both our and their people.
my sexual preference was not a part of my main reasons for them staying. IM not calling for mass east asian migration due to "muh dick" but high quality women, with good genetics should be a factor in deciding whether you let in 10 thousand frizzy afro babboon assed somali women or cutie pale petite polite korean girls
Its all a part of natual selection. But once again, i named many things on a societal bases of why east asians are the "model minority" and would not undermine our own ethnic interests.
Really, all the praise you've been giving has been aimed solely at Chinks? I will concede they're better than most minorities we have here but they're still shit compared to a pure state.
>Cutie girls, a lot of talk about hot Eurasian mixes.
I have an idea, let's throw you geographically somewhere between Asia and Europe shall we?
sure. but praise isnt necessary for us. its self-explanatory and anglo saxons are not known to "blow their own trumpet". we're talking about the subject of which minorities are preferable.
Yes 100% white is preferable but that can still be corrupted, hence why there is not even one 100% white state left in Europe (may Iceland 97% white)
I dunno man, i gotta admit i have a real soft spot for east asians and would fight along side them against the brown hordes.
Watch "man in the high castle" only thing i can think of which describes an east asian + white alliance living within same landmass. white + East asian = totally different world from some shithole like chicago (white + African American)
russia? sure, Ya hachuu idti Rassia, orchin Xhorosho!
>east asian + white alliance
>West Coast America who kept gooks out for all of the 1800s now under the control of the Japs
>In the shitty part of Russia filled with Mussie Mongoloids.
Yeah, have fun.
its obviously fiction, but very realistic considering a Nazi conquest over US mainland.
>West coast American immigration policies being relavant when Nazis and Japs conquer them
San Fracisco is probably the biggest cesspool on earth for faggotry and race mixing with niggers and gay parades. You dont see any of that in asia.
>Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam not capitals of degeneracy.
Or are we keeping it exclusive to the far orient with the perverted shit Japan produces and sordid decadence the Chinese are into.
Not even touching the weird cult bullshit the Koreans had.
i excluded the southern Asian states from migration model i was discussing earlier. and all countries make fucked up perverted porn, weird sexual practices like chinese foot binding, modern day scat fetish for Germans, race mixing nigger dick sucking white whores etc.
Lets not start distracting from the bigger picture here with detailed semantics. All im saying is east asians are not just a model minority, but they are more red pilled on average than white Europeans and enrich our societies and dont undermine white interests (consciously anyway)
what the fuck are you
>Can fuck a 13 year old legally.
>Only a minor perverted oddity.
Yeah nah, Japan is fucked up. And It'd be more achievable to clone me to achieve 100% Population if you want red pilled individuals than expecting Asians not to interfere with our people.
You've obviously raised the subject of race mixing as a goal, will those mixes be white or Asian? will we be eventually flooded out of our genetic heritage so you satisfy your own interests in business, love or just hearing your own rhetoric repeated in a funny accent?