My dad has made $250,000 a year consistently for 20 years, but only bought me a $5,000 car. How pissed should I be at him? God fucking damn
My dad has made $250,000 a year consistently for 20 years, but only bought me a $5,000 car...
better than my first car faggot
be glad your not a jew and thank your dad
0 pissed, be pissed if he doesn'tt pay college tuition
Toyota soarer is gr8 you Sissy faggot, go back to /r9k/
Fuck off you whiny little bitch. You don’t deserve the one you got. Kill yourself you little fucking faggot.
this is bait he posted it on /biz/ a few hours ago with a lot of success
Earn your own money if you want a nice one you fag. Your first car is for you to learn to drive and should be a shitbox in case you crack it up
dont be a little faggot. faggot.
Thank your dad, then payback the 5000 and makesure you look after your parents when they are old.
You should be grateful you got a free car, you entitled faggot. Earn your own shit, he should give you nothing.
fugg off ya poofta
I know how you feel. My mommy went to McDonald's. I told her I wanted the big boy nuggie meal. She said I wouldn't finish. She got me the fucking kids meal. What a bitch.
>gets free car
My dad has been dead for over a decade and never bought me a car ever.
Think how ungrateful you asshole are.
Very pissed. You should probably kill him.
OP don't be ungrateful. Thank your dad. He's doing you a favour by not spoiling you, and allowing to feel that sense of achievement when you are able to buy the car you really want.
So save your pocket money and quit whining
if i were your dad i'd smack that pissy look off of your face, put your car up on craigslist, and sell it to the first nigger that answered.
He made money on his own? Maybe he is a good father doing the right thing and wants you to learn to provide for yourself? He won't always be around to teach you.
Cool story, girlfriends 18 year old kid got 5,000$ a month ago. Got it in a settlement, got hit by a car when he was young. Mother had him put 2000$ into a CD. Dont get me started. He has 1500$ remaining of the 3000$. 300$ for itunes music, going out to restaurants, buying his friends things, buying mcdonalds every day for lunch, six video games. He will be broke in a month with no car. Sometimes if you earn the cash you appreciate it.
Maybe you'll get lucky and he will give you a small loan of a million dollars too
Why should he earn his money when his faggot father brought HIM into the world WITHOUT his permission?
250,000$ a year and that boomer fag buys him a 5000$ car you know why? Because boomers are entitled pieces of shits that sit on their EASY-MONEY till they die while their kids have to ride in embarassin 5000$ cars. Fucking faggots KILL BOOMERS REEEEEEEEE
It is common knowledge nowadays not to give money to your kids, it ruins them . Pay for the best schools, tutors etc but the kid has to make it on their own or else they turn into an ungrateful shit like op
How about you be less entitled and be thankful he gave you a car, fuckhead.
You little cunt, I would burn down several orphanages for an sc400.
Your dad has actual taste in cars and you're a shitty leech on his benevolent teet
Fuck you.
Mine bought my sister a car for $16,000, and me nothing. In fact, I was in the middle of a job out of town when they dropped the fact that the family car I was borrowing had an insurance renewal the next day, and they weren't putting me back on it. It was great trying to make it to the job site in the pouring rain, with 6am traffic, on a fucking motorcycle carrying all my tools...
Fuck off Kangaroo-user! Its a SC400: Its V8 and RWD be happy your dad didn't get you some cucked and anemic
With that attitude... If you were my kid I would have set you up with a min wage job after school so you could save for whatever you like. Your father's smart to invest in you minimally!
Is this some shitty ploy to get us to bag on one of your Facebook friends because you're jealous?
Your dad should slap your ungrateful fucking face and sell the car.
White people NEVER provide for their children. White men are intelligent niggers of the highest order whose entire life revolves around consuming and buying as much trivial shit as possible and then dying of a heart attack after they've stuffed their fat faces long past the point of reason. White people never invest in their children, their community, or the future of the white race...They have more """important""" priorities like buying boats, more gun accessories they'll never use, another used Porsche, NFL season tickets, or cocaine. I have achieved a final solution to this problem: shitty nursing care.
That's right. I found the worst, most rat-infested shithole of a nursing home for my parents. I chose it because the staff is entirely niggers and spics and I know my parents will suffer horrific neglect and abuse. Since both of my parents helped bring those people in to work at my father's shitty company because of his endless GREED and anti-nepotism attitude, I have repaid their GREED and the fact that they did less than minimum for their children by making their final years hell on Earth. I even drained the tiny amount of money they had left after I liquidated their endless array of used toys and frivolous nonsense, just so they couldn't afford to go somewhere better. I was left with nearly nothing, but they will be left with the scars of their suffering.
This is the final redpill. This is solution to dealing with white degeneracy. Fuck white Christian forgiveness and replace it with justice and righteous retribution.
Lol all the boomers in this thread
This one is okay though.
i make a good living and drive a $600 car.
He's trying to do you a favor by not turning you into an insufferable spoiled cunt. Clearly you're not there yet, but you'll get it someday.
methinks your sister is daddy's little girl.
Buy your own car like the rest of us did mate.
Stop relying on your parents. Fucking millenials
And I'm driving here $10000+ new car in India.
I wish cars were as cheap as they are in USA
you will ruin your first car, most likely
Poo in loo sanjay not on skin
>0.1st world problems
daddy's boy sissy faggot, go cry somewhere else
you entitled little faggot, just be happy with what you have
I hope your dad gives your inheritance to israel
Mad about getting a SC430. Lol that's my favorite car
>all these newfags
Reverse image search is your friend, dumbasses. STOP FALLING FOR OBVIOUS BAIT!
You flag is real poo
I spent $600 on my first car and another $300 fixing it all by myself and I love it to death. Kill yourself you ungrateful shit.
Pic related
You shouldn't be pissed at all, he fed and clothed you and facilitated you going to school. You are not entitled to his money, make your own and be grateful for what's he decide s to give you out of love. If you are having relationship troubles with him btw letting him know this is your stance will change that whole dynamic for the better and his respect for you will grow.
Kangaroos are increasinly annoying with their larpery
Sage the spoiled Jew child. Get out underage cumstain.
If you complain when someone offer you something, it's that you're à faggot. You must earn your own money to get a better car. Don't be 8 all your life
Hm. I had to actually work for the money to get my first car. Quit being a pussy, OP and make your own way. Stop relying on daddy’s money.
>implying that his father needs to buy him an expensive car for a first car.
...And they still say there's no such thing as white privilege.
Did you get triggered soyboy? Do yourself a favor and man up. If you want a better car get out and go get a job.
It looks like a nigger car.
Shhhhhiiiieeeet... Now that's some next level hatred for your parents.
I wonder... Do you have kids? I don't think you should, because after all, white people never provide for their children right?
Well if this was real(which it obviously isn't) Only reason to be pissed at your dad is that he bought you a 20 year old deathtrap. High powered RWD car with no ESC and very limited passive safety in comparison to modern cars.If he loved and cared about you he should have bought you a 5yr old AWD Volvo with an underpowered engine or something. People under 30 should not be allowed to drive "fast" cars.
They come out in v6 and V8 and both are amazing engines. 1jz being one of the go-to jap drift engines
Who can afford kids? And why would I do that? White men don't invest any time, effort, intelligence, or money into saving the white race. You think we're going to outbreed niggers, spics, and muzzies? We're not. That's a delusion.
My parents were literally multi-millionaires and managed to piss it all away. For example they spent literally $500k on shitty African/Commie art that I ended up having to sell at an estate sale for less than $1000. All of their kids are poor, uneducated, and lead miserable lives. My dumbass father hired almost none of his fellow white men and those few he did, he paid them shit. Instead he literally imported spics through the help of his Christian church and then treated them like slaves so he could buy more shit he didn't need.
I repaid them with interest. And they deserve all of our hate. THEY EARNED IT.
I'd be pretty damn grateful.
Wasn't sc400 literally the car of the nigger samurai played by Forest Whitaker?
>How pissed should I be at him?
pissed enough to get out there and start making a bigger salary so you can ultimately win by putting him in a cheap nursing home and drive him to it in a flashy car
He could have bought you nothing. Be grateful, you little shit.
>toyota Soarer
hell of a car
Look I know your dad really should invest his wealth in his children so they have the best future instead of most boomers who are selfish as fuck and blow all their money on the dumbest crap and still scream for government gib me dats but a car is a car user.
Does it go from point A to point B? Good.
What he really should be doing is making sure that you get you into a position where you can make your own to build wealth for the next in kin. Do not be selfish like your cunt dad. Take it as a minor lesson you salad tosser.
I personally think that you can always try if you really want kids.
Regarding your father I think you're making a crucial mistake. His sins aren't yours and just because he was a bad father, that doesn't mean you'll be one, much contrary.
OP I know you, you are sell hard drugs to young children and after they get high you rape them.
You freak deserve to die.