Please explain

Explain why polish people are so retarded? It seems like every pole I meet is degenerate, will try to pretend to be christian while he himself is a degenerate uncultured swine and their women are cheap whores around the Europe.

Whats the catch and whats up with this "based poland" meme? Its a degenerate country full of white niggers.

Whats the catch?

anybody? holy shit pol is IGNORING A THREAD?




>every pole I meet is degenerate
because we are. you cant tell someone 'youre a nigger' their whole lives, then be surprised when they act like a nigger. (((they))) are masters at predictive programming

Yes. It's really low quality bait. Poland is one of the few mostly uncucked countries which often post here.

Said jew-polak-nigger shart mongrel...

Polaks is fairly specific degenerate type of subhumans, we are meant to embrace every day.

lel, amerimutt how do u even know anything about polish people? U live over a fucking ocean.

I deal with them everyday and they come to my country and make it shit, I cant even decide who are worse (them or niggers).


>meme nigger flags


Whiter than you subhuman slav. Too bad germans didnt erase all of you :^(

There's an implied rule in Poland that when you're extremely unsuccessful and lazy, you should migrate somewhere, because nobody is going to like you here. Still, I know a couple of skillful programmers who live in Switzerland and are very cultured people. Maybe you just choose wrong social circles yourself.

bad bait by some uneducated frustrated virgin... oh wait nvm you probably lost your virginity when some Polish tourists raped you, that's why you hate them so much now.

nice try OP, but no (you) today. Poland is uncucked and you know it.

lel, poles cant into programming, they are monkeys who only sell their sisters puss. Im yet to see and educated pole, even ukranians appear better.



>Le bazd bolind

Back to the trash Mr. 56%

i fucking love this meme. i wish it would flourish bigger than peepee

You just confirmed this thread is a sage material.

Swiss, Remove Thyself.

You think I give a shit about what pole will talks about poles? I wanted to ask my other white fellow europeans (not subhuman slavs) for their opions. I thought pol was a board for white people and not for mongoloid trash?

So any other white european people here?

Try me faggot

here goes another untermensch.

Try what? Your asshole?

Who cares. their women have great tits.

Those are khokhols sucking up to Poland not actual Poles you tard

We taught them good.

>le poor swiss
>living in shit poor suburbs with nigger poles which moved to your shithole to work for minimal wage because they are too stupid to earn more in Poland



Sorry but a country cant be uncucked when 50% of young women go to western Europe to work with their holes. Am I not right?

When I go outside I see polish prostutites everywhere, they serve niggers, arabs and etc. They wear crosses even while fucking lul. Then they go back to poland and pretend to be "wifey material" for "le based poland"? Top kek

Im seriosuly very curious. A lot of polen come here (before there was almost none of them). They are like fucking cockroaches.

They're scroungers of the EU tax money, while not filling any EU obligations they don't want to. They're falling out with the EU, and are likely to get kicked out or leave any day now.
Why the hell would /pol not love this place?

I make 9k swiss francs faggot lel. Why would I ever move to poland and live in a shitty ex gommieblock and breath the dirtiest air in europe?

Back to your chocolate factory, We require more Toblerone. Maybe after that someone will actually care about you mountain jews.

Why is a lesser Germany talking shit about us

On the Internet, no one knows that you are Polish. The Poles have used this to their advantage to push their sick agenda, and blamed innocent Jews in the process.

probably because last time someone took interest in them it was Hitler.

god, only amerimutts, slaves and mongoloids on this board?



no one cares. You're swiss after all, why should anyone care?

Polish girls are cute

Too retarded to understand one sentence in basic english

This, Poland knows how to deal with the muslim problem, they are pretty based as a nation.

are you projecting your complexes on me? lel.

Where the fuck is finland anyways? What does it produce? Go breed with some deers mongol.

John Paul, devotee of the 60's Vatican II hippie religion, cared about saving Europe?

But why are they moving to all other european countries if poland is such heaven on earth? And polute them with their degeneracy such as excessive drinking, whoring and general lack of intellect?

People are ignorant. Sometimes, you have to get disappointed to face the truth. The same thing is with Poland. You're correct, most people don't even go to church and act like meathead chavs. They pretend to be christian because they want to feel safe from the fate of Western Europe

okay, this I understand but what about

I can only speak from experience, I work with a couple of Polish lads, hard working and independent guys, complete opposite of the inbred muslim scroungers in this country. Also Poles are clearly not going to kowtow to foreigners and are willing to do what is necessary to protect their own people and culture. Nice to see.

OP is a massive faggot

lel you cuck, so you will "respect" (come in and fuck my wife) just because he says obvious things? Everybody knows muslims are stupid goat fuckers. Fucking soyboy castrate you are holy shit.


>szpurdo szpärde kurwaaa

A goddamn swiss talks about the degeneracy of Christian Poles kek. Talk to me whrn you're not the world centre of international financial frauds. You're a Jew puppet.

>t. Polish toilet cleaner in Ireland.

This is what happens when commies kill all the decent men.

Eastern Europe is a shithole because of a massive eugenics program to dumb down the population/genocide.

This is why all Jews need to die they did this and are currently trying to do the same thing to western Europe though with a different strategy.

Literally the most original response on this board

this is a good thought.

Still doesnt change the fact , that polen are piglike in their natural habitat? Eugenics could not be THAT big.

Few dots on there I can't recall happening here

For economic reasons no fucking shit mountain jew.

Of course it was this big.

Just think WW2 and then all the people killed by the (((communists))) post war.

And then the Jews cry about the Holocaust. The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes.

but dont you think Lebensraum should be taken? People east of german volk cant seem to get their shit together and develop?

We basically pay for their development, while they are degenerate (product of gommunism or not) and are on same level as negroids. Should the land be freed for better nations (Meanwhile focus on negroids and arabs in western countries is a bigger problem)?

What about it? Immigration always consists of you know, not very well brought up people. Those kinds of people were shipped away to America. As for why they're going West - it's because most people since 19. century go West, because it's the center of capital. The rest are peripheries dependent on the West

our porn is the worst tho. thots keep looking at the camera for direction. its laffable to the point u cant fap any more

Historically Russia, Lithuania and Poland have been more developed than West Europe at times.

>polish immigrant in australia?

read again your sentence and try not to laugh.

You had cities like Kiev or Novgorod maybe, but other than that Western Europe is developed along sometimes Roman, sometimes Charlemagne lines

Ive never been to Europe but every Polish-American girl I've met has been a huge nigger loving degenerate whore. Czech girls are ultra horny freaks but whores as well.

After all my encounters with Polish girls I sort of get why people think Poles are vermin.

lol retard

It's actually true although most of the time Western Europe was more developed and had more power.
>>polish immigrant in australia?
Nope, try again. My English level is well above what slavic immigrants can typically speak.

No, it's true. Indoor plumbing was introduced from Poland to France, as was modern cutlery

The thing is it's true. I've studied this in depth.

Its terrifying because what happened to Eastern Europe is happening to Western Europe with a different strategy.

White genocide is not a meme. There is a organized effort by the Jews to dilute white genes until we are rendered impotent and no longer a threat to them.

lol, why is it always some meme country disrespecting Poland? What is this fart on the map of europe with the funny plus shaped flag anyway? Some irrelevant german rebelious region that achieved nothing in its 50 years long history.

Of course it's true but this guy probably won't be willing to accept it, he's a bit of a silly cunt.

Well fine, muslims cared for hygiene more than Europeans, does it mean they were developed better