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>Let 53% face
Whiter than star wars ahkmed


I looked at some bluepilled people i follow on twitter and its nothing but praise for it

really? My normie friends hate this with passion.

I can't wait to see how hard the box office drop off is for its 2nd weekend.

Same here. When the credits rolled I heard people in the theater audibly cursing the movie as shit.

>Why the plebs are so unenlightened
This guy is a SOY as much as it gets. No vision, no ideas, nothing, besides shameless promotion of moral relativism, anticapitalism and general sj bullshit.

>Watching soyperhero films

>even the roaches can make a better Star Wars then Disney


> le 56% Nein Nunb face

This was him in Return of the Jedi


Or at the very least SPICCED!

>53% face

Usually people clap after movies at the theater but when the credits started rolling everyone wanted out as fast as possible

what are you fucking kidding me lol she is dead

Satanic quads checked and kek'd


>people clap at the end of à movie
Is that a burger thing? Never in my life i have heard people clap after a movie

The gulf between the critics and public is interesting. Seeing as the only people who liked this film are lefties, kinda proves how saturated the media is becoming with them.

Me neither, I don't know what that guy is talking about.

yep it started in late 2000's all of a sudden people started clapping at the end of a movie on a warm august day in 2007, really made me confused.

Do you know the motive behind this practice ?


She died a year ago, right? How they filmed her?

Same as the cringe people who clap when the plane lands

>have enemies that can btfo your ships with their minds
>still build yuuge ships instead of swarming enemy with hundreds of thousands of smaller vessels

The only time I have ever witnessed anyone clap for a movie was when I went to the premiere of Star Wars Episode I. They clapped at the start, not the end.

I hate it when people do that - it's stupid!!

I'm sorry for doubting you George.

The prequels had their problems; but fuck me they were at least coherent.

>Destroyer can be blown up by hyper jumping a transporter through it.
Why not just kek loads of droid-manned ships through the Death Star originally?

>there are people on Sup Forums that actually invest their time in faggot soy wars gayness

Why even have a Death Star?

This wasn't done by us or anyone aligned with us, at least not to the point where it would tip the scales this much. I've heard tons of normies talk about the movie, and their opinions range from "it was ok" to "it was shit".
No one even talks about the SJW aspects, but about the flat and illogical characters, the pointless subplots that lead nowhere and how they fucked Luke.

Fucking Russians REEEEEEE

>make film full of "diversity" so bluepilled rave about how great it is
>has additional benefit that criticism from anyone can be deflected as being racist or sexist (I heard a lot of normies hating this film too
>don't realise the film make no sense, has no plot, new non-white characters have literally no character (seriously try describing Fin's character to someone).
>literally create shit tier characters because producers wanted to stick in more non-whites.

On a side note at least in TFA they bothered to show black people in the first order. Now they are all white with like one Chinese dude.

Here's the thing, I don't actually give a shit of they make it diverse, what annoys me is how they use the diversity as a shield against any criticism. "Alt right people making numerous accounts to hate on the movie" is just gonna become the Russian hackers for entertainment review.

This is Rose TiVo. Say something nice about her

It happens in London too but that’s because London is full of smelly foreigners.

Like, who are you clapping for? Do you think the director will magically hear it?

do we all have to become hardcore movie reviewers to vote this SJW horseshit down? i will. fuck this. total embarassment to start wars.


A local radio show host said he didn't like it, this was until these reviews came out because he didn't want to be a contrarian
Mike Calta can be a massive faggot most of the time

>control all space territory with a very large network of constantly hyper-jumping droid ships

like a laser field you see

some how jar jar rose seems to be getting a pass.

They were my favorites when I was a kid. I must have watched the original trilogy on VHS a hundred times over. Its only natural that I'm nostalgic for them and that I'm salty about Hollywood taking a giant shit on them.

Great editing

You just don’t understand Snyder kino

It's like cheering for the postman when he delivers a letter

>still caring about cuck wars

Clapping at movie

Just saw it tonight, not bad, better than 7. I actually kinda liked it.


This was the one advantage of George Lucas's autism.

The man may not have been able to write a convincing romance to save his life; but by God he at least cared enough about his setting to make it logically coherent.

Abrams and Rian Johnson only give a fuck about if something looks cool for the ten seconds its on screen. Who cares if it makes sense? What are you some kind of nerd who thinks about things after they watch them?

Why pretend polacks.

It was a fun movie, everyone clapped HARD in my theater. The few white guys in the theater came dressed up in full star wars regalia and light sabers (they clapped the loudest).

At the end a theater full of chinks clapped - thats how much fun this was.


They use a different actor and then CGI'd her face over theirs. They did the same thing with Tarkin from the previous film. I think Disney got in trouble for that one because the actor who originally played Tarkin had died years ago. Disney didn't even bother getting permission from the mans family to use his likeness in the film. No idea if any lawsuits came of it.

Nah dude. They filmed all of Carrie Fisher's scenes before she ODed on that plane.

As for Peter Cushing (Tarkin) my understanding is that they got permission from his estate to use his likeness and paid them to do so. Whether the man himself would have approved is impossible to say and for that reason its definitely a little fucked up.

I’ve never seen this. However, when one of those twilight movies came to my small town I took my daughter to see it and the theater was filled with early teen girls. When the wolf boy took his shirt off the entire theater cheered. I’d never seen that shit happen before either.

Rake yourself, shit taste leaf.

>What are you some kind of nerd who thinks about things after they watch them?
kek you just made me picture the kind of autist who writes wookipedia articles trying desperately to make the new movies fit into the established canon

fucken disney

God she's such an ugly jew.

>(seriously try describing Fin's character to someone)
That's a really good point. No depth or substance. He literally just apes (if you'll pardon the expression). Makes wide-eyed faces and shouts when things blow up.

Killing off all my childhood heroes to make way for this is why I hate the new films.

this is completely fine
star wars is manchild shit though

I'll take things that never happened for 500, Alex.

Le Dragon Ball Z Princess

This edit, despite how dumb it is, is unironically better than what actually happened in the movie and leave less inconsistency in the star wars verse

Its OCD nerd torture.

Like when J.J. Abrams fucked Star Trek he used time travel and blew up Vulcan (Spock's planet) effectively negating every episode of the original series, TNG, DS9 and Voyager as well as every movie that came before.

Then to top it off J.J. had Scotty invent a transporter that could beam you across the galaxy, thus rendering travel by ship completely pointless forever simply because it was convenient for one scene.

Now Trek nerds are stuck in this hell where they have to square Abrams bullshit with the original so they just gave up and said they're separate "timelines".

And now they've done the same thing to Star Wars. Fucking dirty bastards.

hand solo is a yiddo heeb too

Imagine being so emotionally repressed, that you can’t even applaud good entertainment.

>and for that reason its definitely a little fucked up

I disagree with them using dead actors for things. Wasn't there some huge outcry years ago because they wanted to use John Wayne in some kind of ass cream commercial? It might have something to do with taste, but I remember there was a major shake up of the rules on it.

Dosen't he speak in some nigger language in Return of the Jedi?

>The Man Who Saves the World

Subtle kebabs.

Yeah, its juvenile escapism. I'm not saying its high art or deep philosophy; but the modern world is so banal that one longs for adventure. And that's what the original trilogy was a fun adventure.

Han shot first
worth seeing again, out of all of the dumb space fight movies this one isn't bad.

Seeing the videos of Hamill saying how disappointed he is in the new films really makes me sad. He knew this is going to be his life legacy - imagine how he must've felt when he discovered that instead of an intergalactic super-Jedi badass, he'd become a bratty, snivelling recluse on a rock.


I was going to watch it until I saw mark Hamill say he hated what they did with Luke by making him a whiny bitch.

They used Fred Astaire in a vacuum commercial in 1997. I think that's what you're thinking of.

The public thought it was in really poor taste and the whole concept of them using dead actors went away for a while. Then they used some old footage of Marlon Brando in a Superman movie and the public didn't seem to object to that which got us to the point we're at today where they're using CGI Peter Cushing.

The commercial.....

Damn i just look it up and watched a couple of minutes its like jackie chan vs a bunch of power ranger monsters sure the graphics are cheesey and they keep playing the indiana jones theme song but its just what i need after a rum and coke.


When Lucas edited that out it was the first sign in my mind that he was losing it. I mean Han is a smuggler living a hard life and breaking the law for a living and I'm supposed to think that he would have waited for a gangster threatening to kill him to actually pull the trigger before taking the initiative to defend himself?

And yet in retrospect I wish he still had the rights to Star Wars considering what Disney has done.

Fuck off adam. You said the movie get out was good. You are a stupid pretentious fag who makes shitty movie reviews and shit music.

Yea I've been in a theater for a LOTR showing and people clapped at the end. It's rare though and usually happens if it just came out and/or the end of a multi-part saga.

It could have been that, but I remember about the same time over here they were doing an After Eights commercial and it was literally full of dead celebrities, but no one seemed to mind. I think it's just because it was for chocolate though. They didn't do too badly with it considering the era I suppose.

Holy shit I never realized that all the good ideas were already done by fanfiction and all that was left was anticlimactic. Disney's (((lawyers))) may have played a part.

They should have just adapted the fucking Thrawn trilogy.

Is this fucking dragon ball z now?

My entire cinema unanimously went "What the fuck?" and "Bullshit" when Leia did her Peter Pan thing


Do they even realize that leather thing on his head IS his Helmet? It's an old WW1/2 style aviators helmet. He wears two helmets now?


This the real shit my niggers

"It's only a movie" - Mark Hamill

kill yourself

Is that when you noticed that the timeline had shifted?

Man, I love Mark Hamill as a person and appreciate his maturity about this and willingness to just do his job despite his opinion, but come on, people need to get over it.

The OG trilogy was 40 years ago. Hamill is 40 years older, Luke is 40 years older. 40 years is a long time, especially if you've been through some serious shit along the way. It's not some crazy turn for the character that's impossible to imagine.

Ya'll salty cause you can't handle your binary good vs evil good guy not being some untainted boring caricature anymore, like literally all that happened was they gave Luke some actual character depth and human flaws.

You don't complain when somebody takes a flat cliche archetype of a character and makes them way more interesting, you thank them, the fuck is wrong with all of you?

Sometimes the good guys don't accomplish anything. Sometimes everything they fought for is for nothing and with age they lose their sense of self and become something they never wanted to be, broken down, worthless, uncaring, hopeless, with nothing left to do but die and let someone else try and do what they couldn't. Happens ALL the fucking time, and it's far more nuanced and interesting a tale than this binary good vs evil heroes journey cliche we've already seen a million times. Luke already got his hero's journey, he doesn't get to go out with a second one.

This is what happens when you take a peek at the story after the good guys win, because there is never a happy ever after, things will always go bad again eventually, your heroes will always fail you and fade away.

The Last Jedi is just representative of life, desu. I've always considered myself a star wars fan but apparently we watched completely different movies when we watched the OG trilogy. I never saw Luke as some amazing character. Star wars has NEVER had great character writing.

Hes also a literal fur fetishist

The exact saying as one of the first comments on youtube. What you want you fucking cucksucker

>Hey bae, come over
>Not now, I'm drifting in the cold vacuum of space
>My parents left cocaine in the dresser

My nigga. It was literally episodes 7-9 all ready for them to film, and they didn't give a shit.

0.05 Disney dollars were just deposited to your account.

No, actually Han was THE ONLY ONE WHO SHOT.