I'm black and it's
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For now...
no, it isnt.
Of course it's scrawled in Comic Fucking Sans.
Its ok to be Black
But its not okay to be a chimpin nogger
You guys have the same icecream brand too?
The nigger of fonts
Get this fucking nignog outta here!!!
i kek'd out the "nigger of fonts"
I have no idea how it would kill me inside to be born as a shitskin. I would not be okay.
You get used to it
No it's not. Stop being black right now.
Only nu-male faggots care about fonts and get triggered by comic sans. Check your T levels, cucks.
How long till this too gets hijacked by Amerimutt memes?
Gotta love that the first time some Sup Forumslack shit gets some traction with some potential consequencesince drumpf, a flood of forced, demoralizing memes billow out of the ether to the point where general dies off due to (((disinterest)))
Ofc it's ok.
Just like any other skin colour.
If you try to be a good, caring and hardworking person (read: likeable and responsible individual) noone should categorize you due to details about your phenotype you can't change.
>doesn't want to control all the genes
I've seen everything now
Sure, just stay out of trouble and vote repub.
No it's not go fuck yourself to death.
The damage is done. Kids are thinking.
also it's not ok
you have to go back
yes its ok to be black
its ok to be a chimpanzee too
just because its ok to be what you are doesn't make you human
It's ok to be white, black, yellow, brown, or whatever. It's not ok to mix, nor live in the same general area. I'll never trust a black person, as I'm sure you'll never trust a white person.
That is actually okay, even notwithstanding the enormous environmental strain of billions of Africans. The only issue is when blacks live among other people, it causes too much conflict.
print it and put it everywhere. Now it would be interesting to see the reaction to that, if any.
>The nigger of fonts
Go back to Africa and rebuild a homeland where you can be proud of.
Stop being parasite.
In africa perhaps.
>Yeah, I guess it's okay. Could be better. Would rather be white. =/
In Africa
Come home black man. Your ancestral homelands need you. Your people need you.
literally not
it is okay to be black
This could only work in our favor.They went after IOTBW because thats the norm now.If IOTBB started popping up they have already put themselves in a land mine area with two choices.
Call black ones bad and do the same as the white ones
call the black ones good and show the obvious bias
That’s an awesome
Ralph Bakshi gif
This chart is fucking retarded and indecipherable. No source? Jesus.
lul I personally would be for humane eugenics, but I guess society as a whole wont have any of it.
Go rob and steal jews with your gangs
you're missing something fundamental
they don't care if they're biased
several times, people have openly stated that you can only be racist if you're white, ignoring the blatant irony in their stance
they want white genocide but won't call it that because they can't pretend to be the good guys if they start calling for genocide
i'm not against IOTBB but i seriously doubt that it's going to have impact comparable to IOTBW
Agreed. What’s your point?
Sure in a black country otherwise no your just a foreign invader
Nobody cares about blacks unless a white person kills one and then it's "oh lawdy muh upreshun wha we do naw!?!?" ignoring the other 95% of the time when blacks are killing other blacks.
It is rarely okay to be black.
Go be black elsewhere Knowshawn
It's racist to write it, no one said it's wrong, plus, when you write it you declare that anyone who is not black is not Ok, check your privileges nigger
but it in school wall and see what happens.
Dont u mean "It matters to be black"?
Gotta keep that personal bigotry subtle.
Since when do black people steal jews?