When did you realize that the only point of taking the red pill was to show you how good the blue pill really is. The red pill hurts the blue pill soothes the red pill divides and creates hate the blue pill is love. Where were you when you re-took the blue pill, Sup Forums?
The Blue Pill
I wish I could become bluepilled again.
All "pills" are bullshit meant to control potential dissidents by distracting them and offering a sense of novelty/reward at being clever enough to comprehend it/be in on the secret— A memetic Skinner box that spreads propaganda and disinformation as a fun bonus. The only way to break the cycle of bullshit is to observe and dissect yourself and the world around you with honesty but without bias, judgement, or preconceptions.
Are your thoughts really your own? Observe. If this information is so sensitive or unknown, why is it so prevalent and easily available? Observe. Are you responding after careful consideration or are you reacting on impulse/instinct? Observe. What's the source of your thoughts? Observe. Are you acting of your own will or are you mindlessly being manipulated? Observe. Why does this post unsettle you so much? Observe. Are you really observing, or are you pretending to so you can continue to live in delusion/illusion without having to consciously face that you don't want the truth? Observe the observer.
If you want to break free it starts with one single step: Observe.
You'll thank me later for how clever I am. :)
this scenario has literally never happened in the history of pills.
You can just leave this place and be happy. Do it for yourself user.
bro take the iron pill bro
Happened to me and my group of friends. We're over this red pill shit fuck your racial purity fuck your ethnostate and fuck your MUH JOOZ I want to live my life and live it happily for whatever duration it lasts.
You are so weak.
To be a man is to endure suffering and in spite of it prevail.
I did I became stronger and literally sculpted but I realized I don't give a fuck about this bullshit I'll be dead in 40-60 years I want to enjoy my life.
This is the attitude of the immature it'll pass I was there once full I MUST DIE FOR THE 4TH REICH. Sabaton playing 24/7 MUH 14 MUH 88 but nah famalam much like most things in life its a phase it'll pass.
na zinc pill bref
This post and you pseudo intellectual "I'm so enlightened crap" isn't unsettling or disturbing it's just fucking sad.
A good argument based on logical chains might not have first appeared in your head but if you follow the logic and check it to see if it prevails then you are thinking for yourself. It doesnt matter that the seed didn't come from you, the part that is your own comes from you deciding to reject the logic chain based on your verification of it. That choice is you critically thinking for yourself.
Take your philosophy 101 crap out of here.
There is only the SIEGE-pill.
really hope this is copypasta lmao
golf pill
That's your opinion I couldn't care less about it sorry. The blue pill is the only way back to happiness and we've taken it and we're loving it.
Its not just words of truth.
SIEGE PILL? Explain yourself.
Own it, you weak faggots. Be a man. If you would prefer being a slave to facing reality and being free and independent, you didn't deserve your free, prosperous, peaceful countries in the first place. Apathy and tolerance are the virtues of a dying civilization. Cucks like you are just sitting around waiting for a stronger civilization and people to put the boot on your neck.
No we've just reached a point in civilization where we don't care I'm quite content and safe. My nation has enough nukes to raze the planet why would I care about a 'stronger' civ wiping us out. If they try to they wipe themselves out. I was in the army in my country and we had lots of colored folks some chinks and whites. Not one of us gave a shit about melanin or MUH RASHIAL PURETI it was a great feeling everyone working together that's what is the norm now excluding impoverished areas. But we will fix that we will make America Blue Again.
OP is a massive cocksucking faggot
>oh no we don't live in a perfect traditionalist society anymore we should definitely blame people for making mistakes when they were young they didn't even know were mistakes because our society doesn't tell them it's wrong even though they are doing everything they can now for our people we should definitely kill them because we shouldn't even be redpilling normies this is our private club REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>asuka to rei
hello LARping redditor
shitlin flag. may trey gowdy rape you in your sleep
a real 4chad can only be 1488
Pills? where? blue green red. Shit I am trying to see some colors and trails fuck what they look like.
I hate you. Catherine is great.
Cant really do that because youre always a subjective, biased, observer and can only see the world with your own point of view however hard you try.
Get on my level noob, these new age crapisms are literally baby's first steps
whoever claims to be red pilled, but refuses to acknowledge the legitimacy of Hitlers struggle, is no better than Sargon. do you want to be a sargon?
>TFW you live in central Canada and all of your friends are white and openly are racist and sexist
I feel like Sup Forums has no idea how Canada is past the memes on here it really can be extremely comfy here even on the redpill
Also no shitskin immigrants will come here and even our public servants openly hate natives and minorities
Manitoba: the Sup Forums of Canada
is it true she gets blue and yellowed sometimes?
Southern is disgusting. Once a nigger fucker, always a nigger fucker. Every white man should shame her and make sure that the only man she can get is a nogg. The majority of right leaning e celebs are shills. Especially the women. There are some good ones, but just look at the likes of the southern sisters and shoeonhead. Supposedly right leaning "trad" type girls, who get exposed to be nigger fuckers. I especially like southerns explanation when called out for her coal burning, "but he is half black and half irish and a Christian who voted trump". DAMAGE CONTROL
Drugged out of my mind sucking of a gipsy.
I live in a country that is unaffected by blue pill
I never really had a chance to regret being redpilled.
Who cares I hope she's happy. Why all the hate? Are you jealous?
Poland from what I hear is a shithole on EU lifesupport I hope it gets better.
yeah, I have heard more than once that Canadians, under all these layers of stereotypes, are deeply racist and tired of immigrants. They are just too afraid to vote against current system
I am no new fag
Not gonna fall for this old bait anytime soon
Commie thinks that if he makes his flag a swastika, we’ll think he is a real Nazi!
Come take a ride with me.
I hope you go and be happy OP. Make sure to post in a few months about how you are going to kill yourself.
That doesn’t trigger me because I’m 100% white. How does it feel to have skin that is the color of shit?
There we go
Shill ran out of arguments so now he will start uploading "mutt" memes
You're a man. Your job isn't to be comfortable, it's to fucking put in the work. Kids and women can afford to be complacent and comfortable, if you think that way you're effeminate and a faggot. Women and children are for your respite, then you get back into the fray and you battle on. You're a man, do your job.
Happiness is not always utilitarian. Civilization requires people who put honor, loyalty and utility above their own personal, selfish happiness.
Jewing hard in the paint nigga. Gas yourself
Life is suffering. Harden the fuck up.
nigger you are so fucking bad att this
Shariablue hire me, goddamn it these kikes cant even fuckin bait
You cant un-see the truth once you know it.
Its a meme for a reason.
I am doing my job turning America Blue one person at a time we have large aspirations for this place. The blue pill is truly the best pill.
That's the view of the impoverished if you have anything above 6 digit savings then life really isn't anything more than a slightly boring grind while you make your money work for itself once you hit that point just chillax. No one benefits from this push push push lifestyle only those masochists addicted to it do the rest of us don't, sorry.
I can't unsee it but I just ignore it life is so much better than the spergs here want you to believe.
Bluepill will never fix anything, that's just giving up. In past people had it much harder, constantly wars and hunger. What's there hard to swallow? I eat red pills easier than candy. You are just horny, go masturbate. There's nothing redpilled or bluepilled about whores, they are blackpilled. No future with black pill is like anarchy and as we know anarchy has to always be stopped by somebody, since anarchy doesn't builds anything. Ultimate red pill is to live healthy, mentally and physically.
it is copypasta i've seen it a dozen times now
Life goes on but willfully ignoring a problem in the mindset of a child not wanting to get into trouble.
Sargon doesn't even call out the Jew, so don't go there bro. And honestly, he's fine where he's at. Eviscerating Sarkeesian and the Young Turks, that's fine for me. You don't have to go full "1488, solve the JQ problem" in order to be useful. The right wing can be a spectrum; smaller redpills leading to bigger redpills like breadcrumbs.
As for Hitler, the goy went for broke with Western Civilization for muh Lebensraum. The Sudetenland and half of Poland wasn't enough Slavic clay for him. His fanatic militarism led to half of Europe falling to Bolshevism and a devastating blow to white identity and nationalism. He was overconfident and just went way too far. His plans for the Slavs were just too cruel, with Generalplan Ost and the Hunger Plan and whatnot.
Hitler having been right on many things doesn't excuse the enormity of his folly. He should have just consolidated his gains in Europe and left the USSR to deal with another time. He wanted to be emperor of the world, and white identity and the JQ went circling down the toilet with him.
The warning against the retaking of the blue pill is in the Bible.
>All manner of sin will be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Holy Ghost will not be forgiven.
Once you know the truth, if you forsake it and go back to your old ways and deny it, that's worse than somebody that never knew the truth at all.
You're a woman.
The most unrealistic part of that painting is the left handed rider. I've never met a south paw slav.
>little sister was born lefty
>mom took spoon out of left hand and shoved into right whenever she ate
>years of training from birth to overcome evil, unlucky left hand dominance
>grandma happy grandaughter was not left handed devil anymore
What would have happened if all your ancestors had been so inmature and weak to only want to 'live'? Answer:Europe would be Africa 2
same guy same flag same copy pasta
Aaah, I see the issue you are having. You see, the red pill has an adverse reaction to pre-existing nigger. That is the source of your discomfort.
show your flag
There are no more problems this is utopia.
I'm friends with someone who grew up with Lauren's older sister, Jess.
Ask me whatever you want.
Is pic related real?
Good. This made me collect pasta now.
Can you contact her for more? I'd like at least 12 to trigger these nazis.
>wars are still raging
> terrorist kill innocent people
>niggers are still creeping the streets
> globalists want to enslave the world
>we are one step away from the nuclear war
what is a nice utopia
She did lots of cosplay photos in her youth, maybe contact the photographers?
Wrong. There is absolute truth for man. There is Law to follow. If you deny that, you will not only not reach your full potential, you will die.
G-G-G-Guys lauren southern is a coalburner Sup Forums btfo
damn not like we knew that already , there are shit ton of photos about your cuck fetish on the internet
So melodramatic maybe 1 or 2 things out of that big gloomy list affects you stop crying about it and live your life famalam.
I'm on it.
Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?
You can't "retook" the bluepill, retard
I just did, Sup Forums BTFO.
I wasn’t very soothed under the blue pill. Now I know what I know I am angry, but anger is healthy. Never let them take your emotions from you
>wars are still raging
that is where all shitskins come from and EU cucks want to infest my country with them
> terrorist kill innocent people
show you flag cunt and tell me , do you want to take in terrorist who want kill your people , rape your women ?
>niggers are still creeping the streets
they are not creeping in my country yet , but once they are done destroying france and UK
they will get here , niggers kill everything they touch.
> globalists want to enslave the world
EU is just another Soviet Union , fact , it actually killed our economy and filled our government with corrupted jews
>we are one step away from the nuclear war
this will effect everyone , despite of the location you are living in
You do understand that ignoring the problems is not going to help , maybe you "retook the blue pill" very recently but later, then those problems i mentioned will come to you ,you will regret giving up and i hope you will kill yourself after you realise that
You're either lying or were never close to red pilled to begin with
kill yourself alive you effeminate faggot
Obviously, if you're able to un-redpill yourself and somehow live in ignorance then good for you. How the fuck is that possible though? Unless you get some electroshock therapy for your brain or something like that, you're pretty much fucked for life.
just take it goyboy , stop worrying about your country and your people and just go to work , go home , binge watch some tv shows or something .
the only thing this 'redpill' will do to you is increase your chances of all kinds of diseases because of the stress.
and thats no way to live a good life.
No pain, no gain
It's about having morals and principles. Not your shallow happiness.
The blue pill is the only way to happiness.
The Red pill will fundamentally change your perceptions of the world that we live in, you'd come to realize that there's forces much more powerful working against us and eventually you'll come to the conclusion that no matter what you do, you will have little to no effect on the outcome.
Come join the Blue Re-pill Club, friendo.
more like 56% amirite
Shitskins came long before that refugees are the ones coming now. Stop throwing a fit. Terrorists are screened the majority of the time if even 50% of muslims were terrorists we'd all already be dead. MUH GLOBALIST JOOZ boring theory. Nuclear war will never happen. Why? Mutually assured destruction. Git gud m8 *tips fedora*.
I was red pilled hard cunt I just found the way out now I'm free. You'll get their too.
You zoom out if that makes sense. You take everything in your life and distance yourself from it and think objectively and honestly. Its amazing user.
Shlomo knows what's right. BASED.
You can have both.
Absolutely BASED PAJEET.
what the fuck are you even talking about
>Shitskins came long before that refugees are the ones coming now.
you do realize that before refugee crisis there little to no muslim minorities , and even if there were they were not raping and driving trucks into people
> Terrorists are screened the majority of the time if even 50% of muslims were terrorists we'd all already be dead
they are not terrorist , true, but a lot of them support shit ISIS is doing
> Nuclear war will never happen. Why? Mutually assured destruction
do you think globalist care that you , i , and others will get nuked , cities will be destroyed , life eradicated ? no , they are now sitting in their top class bunkers , rubbing their hands and waiting until they goy destroys itself
>Git gud m8 *tips fedora*.
go to reddit fag
hi justin