German race > ALL
German race > ALL
Anglos are the true masterrace, Amerimutts post 1800 don't count
Anglos destroyed the white race and are responsible for all the cuckery and kikes running amok in todays "white" societies
Literal subhumans who should go live with the niggers they so desperately love
Do it again, Bomber Harris.
Ugly women tho
Jews > White Goyim
>Anglos are the true MasterCard
>not even including the only decent Anglophone country
Anglos would be the best part of whites. Except anglos are actually not white, they are so amazing they are superior to the white race. They created the industrial revolution, free trade, the toilet, chemistry, evolution (basis for race realism) RADAR, etc.
The best of the inferior white race is the Celtic race, and that's because of chad Anglo cocks mixing them. The best 0% Anglo part of the white race, is the Portugese race.
>Anglos are the true MasterCard
Is American education really that bad that they can only think in brand names?
>Anglos are the true MasterCard, Walmart McDonald's post Burger King Home Depot Coca Cola don't count
Anglos created the biggest empire in world history almost by accident. Not to mention they were responsible for a hugely outsize number of technological innovations. Plus probably the world's best literary tradition. They have literally more master race credentials than anyone else
The problem is their Christian piety and moralfaggotry gradually morphed into Progressivist piety and leftist moralfaggotry
I have a very love hate relationship with them but you can't deny they were one of the greatest if not the greatest civilizations of all time until quite recently
autocorrect probably doesn't have "masterrace" programmed into it leaf
the masterrace
weez gon be rich
Anglos and Jews are the master races, get over it
implying fatty pol is pure
>german people
i don't like niggers
>mfw autocorrect only exists because Americans are too dumb to spell words right.
Waiting for someone to post that meme pic of how the Germans started every devastating war in history
Hey Memeflaggot.
>confirmed for dainty girl fingers which can find a letter on a tiny keyboard with laser guided precision
Hol up. Found it