What a surprise, it was Aladdin again...

What a surprise, it was Aladdin again. Media reports this as "mental illness" as he rants and raves about Allah the mistreatment of muslims.

What end does it serve for the media to protect these shitskins?


Sauce? Did I miss a happening?

>What end does it serve for the media to protect these shitskins?
They know the race war is about to blow up. Hell, it already started. They just think they can contain it a little bit more.

>a-any minute now
It's never gonna happen and you know it, Pierre.

Eradication of whites and their culture as they've been told to propagate by their marxist masters.

>Media reports this as "mental illness" as he rants and raves about Allah the mistreatment of muslims.
I see nothing wrong with this,


>it's an urban war you retard...ffs.

Mohammad ibn Vitara rode his magic carpet through the streets of Melbourne and granted wishes to everyone who wanted to fly

Sounds like another lovely day enjoying the company of the "religion of peace."

Should politely inform them that referring to Islam as "mental illness" is incredibly bigoted and quite frankly just fucked up and dehumanizing.

>Sup Forums still thinks islam causes terror attacks in melbourne

every one of these attackers has been high on meth, last time i checked meth is haram.

How can you dehumanize that which is not human?

Homosexuality is haram too but they still fuck little boys.

>complains about mistreatment of muslims
>runs people over to prove his point

almonds = activated

>sudden surges of mentally ill people all over the western world
>most of them are muslims
Really makes you ponder

there has been ZERO islamic terror attacks in victoria, (besides one attack on a police station by a teenage boy)..
this incident should make it crystal clear.

just like the last attack in melbourne CBD it was an insane meth head who had made terror threats and was ignored by the police and repeatedly released on bail for serious crimes.

the victorian judicial system, and police to an extent are entirely responsible.

sooner or later they will have to admit that 'meth head terrorism' exists, and is a much greater problem than islamic terrorism, thanks to our corrupt judges, and 'anonymously funded' criminal lawyers..

Are they wrong, though? Can you prove to me Islam is not a mental illness?

>just like the last attack in melbourne CBD it was an insane meth head who had made terror threats and was ignored by the police and repeatedly released on bail for serious crimes.

"Your honour, I wanted to tell you something," he said.

"I just want to say that Aboriginal law is identical to Muslim law."

His lawyer asked him to stop.

"All law is illegal according to the Bible and the Koran," he also said.

"Your honour, did you know Muslim faith is the correct faith?

"And that I'm not guilty? I am the saviour."

Back into the oven with you m8


Didn't Turnbull say he was a refugee?

well, well.. so the leftists finally admit it. islamic fundamentalists are fucking nuts.

the great thing about anglos is they're disgusting
disgusting language, disgusting faces
so you must understand how much WORSE it is, when you see some type of shitskin telling you
and the best part is, that at least a half of the posters on this board are "australians" of this type
non-white mirgant-vermin with no identity whatsoever to speak of
lmfao, can't wait until we start shovelling you chimps into work camps

>What end does it serve for the media to protect these shitskins
So you drunk fucks don’t decide to lynch a few for justice.

They all deal drugs. Isis was just a gang. Nothing is real faggot.

>What end does it serve for the media to protect these shitskins?
Ignorant whites like you only remember crimes by poc and not by whites. Because of this ignorance, whites are more likely to discriminate against poc. The media tries to counteract this ignorance by giving the benefit of the doubt whenever possible. If you dummies didn't love lynch mobs so much, it wouldn't happen.